Your comprehensive guide to taking the IELTS exam in the UAE
The IELTS exam is your entry ticket to many countries in the world to complete your postgraduate university studies. It is one of the most popular English language proficiency tests in the world and is recognized in more than 9,000 universities. Some universities in the United Arab Emirates require passing the IELTS exam in order for the application to be accepted for admission to study seats. Some jobs also require the applicant to obtain an IELTS certificate as evidence of the competence and ability of its employees in the English language. In this article, we will learn together about the IELTS test.
IELTS exam sections in the UAE:
The IELTS test is an international standardized test of English language proficiency among non-native speakers. The IELTS test was first conducted in 1989 and is now one of the world's leading English language tests. In 2018, more than three and a half million students around the world took the test, making it one of the most popular English language tests in the world.
The IELTS exam in the UAE is divided into 4 sections and its duration is 2:45:00 (two hours and forty-five minutes) distributed over a period of 3-8 hours. The examinee takes these sections consecutively on the same day.
- Reading one hour
- Writing one hour
- Listen 30 minutes
- Conversation 15 minutes
The exam is corrected out of 9, i.e. the highest possible mark is 9 out of 9. The final mark is the average of the four exams, as each exam is corrected out of 9, and the exam result is given in a final manner in addition to the mark for each part of the exam.
Learn the best strategies to get the highest scores in the IELTS writing test
What are the types of IELTS test in the UAE?
There are two types of IELTS test in the UAE:
Academic test :
It is intended for international students who wish to study at higher education institutions in an English-speaking country.
General Training Test:
It is the appropriate test for people who want to immigrate to an English-speaking country or for professional work.
IELTS Academic and IELTS UAE General are two completely separate tests for different purposes. While some individual institutions may accept an IELTS UAE Academic result as an alternative to an IELTS UAE General, this is a decision that is up to them. You will need to contact the institution you are applying to to find out more.
What is the difference between IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training?
If you are planning to study higher education or seek professional registration in an English-speaking country, you may need to take the IELTS test in the UAE Academic .
The IELTS test in the UAE General English tests your ability to use English in a work or social setting. If you are planning to study in secondary education, enrol in vocational training, move abroad for work, or immigrate to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom or the United States of America, you may need to take the IELTS test in the UAE General English.
What is the difference between IELTS and IELTS for UK Visas and Immigration?
The IELTS test in the UAE is no different from the IELTS test in the UAE for UK Visas and Immigration purposes in terms of format, content, scores and difficulty level. The only difference between them is that the IELTS test for UK Visas and Immigration purposes is approved by the UK Home Office for work, study and immigration purposes.
If you take the IELTS test in the UAE for UK Visas and Immigration purposes, your Test Results Certificate will be slightly different to show that you took the IELTS test for UK Visas and Immigration purposes at an approved test centre.
Where can you take the IELTS test:
The IELTS test can be taken either at a British Council branch, or at an IDP Education branch, which also has several branches in several places around the world.
The British Council is the most widespread and widely known, with branches in 140 countries. There are more than 40 centers accredited by the British Council to conduct the IELTS test in the United Arab Emirates. You can search for the branch closest to you through the official website and the dedicated page. The second entity (IDP Education) also has several branches in several countries and cities, including Arab cities. You can search for branches and centers from the official website.
IELTS test models in the UAE:
We show you part of the IELTS test model
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1–13, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.
Some consumers choose to purchase bottled drinking water, rather than relying on city tap water supplies. Bottled water has typically been extracted from underground sources. If water exists under-ground, but has no natural exit points, bottling companies may construct a water table well by drilling down to extract water from an unconfined aquifer. This is done when the Earth's natural water level
known as a water table – is much lower than the Earth's surface. In some cases, such as with a valley or gully on a mountain, the level of the water table may be higher than the Earth's surface, and a natural spring can emerge. Bottling companies are permitted to extract this water from a hole drilled into the underground spring, but the composition of the water must be identical to that of the naturally surfacing variety nearby.
Artesian water is drawn from a confined aquifer, a deep underground cavity of porous rock that holds water and bears pressure from a confining layer above it. This water can be accessed if companies drill a vertical channel down into the confined aquifer. Due to the pressurized nature of this aquifer, water will often rise up from within it and form a flowing artesian well, which appears as an explosive fountain at the earth's surface. However, this only occurs when the surface is lower than the natural water table. If the surface is not lower than the natural water table, it is still possible to draw artesian water by using an extraction pump.
Some bottled water is advertised as 'purified', which means it has been subjected to a variety of dif-ferent cleansing processes. A common filtering procedure, known as reverse osmosis, involves the water being pressed through microscopic membranes that prevent larger contaminants from passing through. The microscopic size of these holes is such that they can even obstruct germs, but they are most effective against undesirable materials such as salt, nitrates and lime scale. One disadvantage of reverse osmosis is that a lot of unusable water is generated as a by-product of the procedure; this must be thrown away.
For treating pathogens, an impressive newer option is ultraviolet (UV) light. Powerful UV light has nat-ural antibacterial qualities, so this process simply requires water to be subjected to a sufficient strength of UV light as it passes through a treatment chamber. The light neutralizes many harmful germs by removing their DNA, thereby impeding their ability to replicate. A particularly impressive quality of UV light is its ability to neutralize highly resistant viral agents such as hepatitis.
The overall effects of UV light treatment are variable, however, which leaves many municipal water treatment processes relying on chlorination. Its powerful and comprehensive antimicrobial effect not-withstanding, chlorination is also extremely inexpensive and remains the only antimicrobial treatment capable of ensuring water remains contaminant-free all the way through the pipes and to the taps of domestic homes. Many members of the public remain suspicious of water that has been treated with such a harsh chemical. Its ease of use and affordability has meant that chlorine often plays an import-ant role in making tainted water supplies safe for immediate consumption after natural disasters have occurred.
Some water also undergoes distillation. This involves water being boiled until it converts to steam, which then passes through a cooling tube and becomes water again. Toxic compounds and impurities such as heavy metal residue are left behind in this process, so the steamed water is typically cleaner than the pre-distilled version. Unfortunately, distillation equipment also removes up to fourteen types of beneficial minerals that naturally occur in water. Consequently, those who rely on distilled water may need to take mineral supplements.
In developed countries, all forms of drinking water are typically subject to stringent quality control pro-cesses, so there is little evidence to suggest importing bottled water at significant expense will be safer or healthier than regular tap water from a municipal drinking supply. Both tap water and bottled water are tested for pathogens and contaminants and, aside from isolated cases related to issues such as faulty plumbing or old pipes, tap water is harmless. Nevertheless, many purchasers of bottled water still justify their choice on the quite reasonable basis that tap water has a distinctly unpleasant aftertaste related to the chlorination process it has undergone.
Label the diagram below.
Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 1–5 on your answer sheet.
(provides access to trapped water)
(due to the lower ground level)
flowing artesian well (looks like)
It is necessary to access this water source
Classify the following statements as referring to A reverse osmosis
B UV light treatmentC chlorination
D distillation
Write the correct letter, A, B, C or D, in boxes 6–11 on your answer sheet. NB You may use any letter more than once.
It continues to protect water as it is being transported.It is particularly useful during emergencies.
It uses a physical barrier to separate unwanted matter from water.
It prevents bacteria from reproducing.
It removes all mineral particles.
It produces a lot of waste water.
Description of the IELTS test format in the UAE:
Test format : The test consists of four sections: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. When you book an IELTS test with the British Council, the test will be taken at an approved British Council IELTS test centre, whether you choose to take the test on paper or on computer.
Exam duration: 2 hours and 45 minutes
Listening is one of the most difficult sections of the IELTS in the UAE and the listening essay is one of the most important sections of the IELTS exam.. How to succeed in it? It will help you pass it successfully
IELTS test dates in UAE:
You can book and choose the most suitable date for you from this link
IELTS exam booking fees range from AED 775 to AED 1355.
Tips for preparing for the IELTS test:
If you want to get the score you want in the IELTS exam in the Emirates and prove your proficiency in the English language, you need to prepare well for the exam, so you should study as much English as possible, but at the same time you should know what you might encounter on the day of the test, here are some tips that can help you pass the IELTS test successfully:
Make sure you are well aware of the format and sections of the test so that you avoid surprises on test day.
Practice sample questions well and familiarise yourself with the assessment criteria used for the IELTS exam.
Record yourself speaking in English or taking IELTS practice tests and then listen to the recording to see when you stutter, repeat words, make grammatical mistakes or speak too quickly. These are the four main elements of your speaking assessment.
Underline key words in questions during the Listening, Reading and Writing tests, and make sure you know what you are asked to answer. Make a plan for answering the questions before you start.
Learn and recognise synonyms. Often in listening and reading tests you will notice a key word in a question and then you will read/listen to a different word with the same meaning in the text and you will need to recognise these links. Using synonyms is also useful in speaking and writing tests to show how rich your vocabulary is.
Check your answers carefully during the Listening and Reading tests, and make sure you follow the instructions or you may lose some marks.
Get plenty of rest the night before the exam, and make sure to arrive well in advance of the exam. Arriving late will prevent you from giving your best.
Mock exams are the most important step in your IELTS preparation journey, not just the mock exams but also attending training courses that will qualify you for the IELTS exam. Al-Madrasa.com offers you comprehensive courses that will help you and qualify you to take this test. These courses are divided into several sections: Learn more tips on how to pass the IELTS test with Al-Madrasa.com
IELTS Preparation Course:
It is a training course that qualifies you to pass the IELTS exam the first time, by obtaining the required scores for success. The IELTS teacher will help you achieve your goals from the IELTS exam.
The course is divided into two parts:
IELTS Test Review:
The course is concerned with reviewing the most important topics that the test focuses on. The course targets students who have been able to pass the preparatory course for the IELTS exam and want to learn about the exam sections, in addition to those who want to know and treat their weak points through practice and practical training. The course lasts for 4 sessions.
IELTS Test Review:
The IELTS test sections are explained in the same way as the previous course, with greater detail, in terms of explanations and clarification with more examples, as well as detailing the test sections in greater detail. The course lasts 6 sessions.
IELTS Mock Test:
Taking IELTS practice tests is particularly useful for developing your ability to respond quickly when taking the test, because one of the main difficulties in the IELTS test is the issue of time. Time is tight and the questions are many, and if you do not have the ability to read, write and think quickly, you may run out of time before you complete it.
The IELTS test in the Emirates is one of the most important test tests that enables the learner to understand and learn about the IELTS test sections, learn about the different question patterns, and how to write answers to them in a way that allows the student to pass the test successfully.
The school.com aims in the IELTS mock test to measure the student’s skills and knowledge in the English language, and how to manage and distribute time in the different sections of the IELTS test.
Final tips:
Read and review the experiences of others and the advice of those who have previously taken the test, as you will find a lot of content provided by people who have taken this test and reached practical results. You will find content in Arabic and other content in English. I advise you to review some experiences here and there.
Watch the IELTS lessons and tips on YouTube in English instead of Arabic. This has a double benefit: the first is in the content itself, and the second is in listening to the English language, which will develop your language.
You have to be patient and not rush, as you may have to take the test several times to get the required score. This may take some time, so do not despair.
Organizing, planning and sticking to your plan. You may think that you are improving over time, but in reality, you have not moved a finger. Therefore, you must have a plan or schedule and a mechanism for monitoring and accountability. For example, you determine for yourself the activities that you will perform every day, then hold yourself accountable before you go to sleep.
In the end, the IELTS test may be for some a gateway to a new life. It may be the only obstacle to traveling to an advanced country, or obtaining a distinguished scholarship. You may feel that you are facing a high, towering mountain that you cannot climb and cross, but it is certain that with some practice, training and good preparation you can pass the toughest tests, especially since we are in the age of the Internet where you can easily obtain the information you need. All you need is a lot of discipline and commitment.
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