Stay in touch with us

Elmadrasah has flexible, world-class live chat support, and we guarantee by email that you will be able to solve any problem within 24 hours.


Chat with us

A feature for current members and teachers

  • For current students

    Chat with us via WhatsApp or Live Chat:

    From 9 am to 9 pm from Monday to Friday and from 9 am to 6 pm on weekends.

    Talk with Customer Support experts:

    To get help on any problem or questions you may have..

    Start Live Chat
  • image

    A new student?

    Try individual tutoring:

    Are you interested in trying Elmadrasah school lessons Leave your details and one of our education consultants will get in touch with you to choose the right courses and teachers for you.

    Book your lesson now
  • For teachers

    Do you want to join the Global Teacher community?

    Fill out the application form and one of our representatives from Elmadrasah will contact you to discuss the next steps.

    Join us

Help Center and FAQs

How will communication be?

Communication will be via the zoom or botem program.

How long is the class?

The duration of the class is a full 60 Minutes.

Are there any female teachers?

Yes, our entire team consists of teachers, and teachers too.

Will the school be switched if you want?

Yes, if the student does not respond to the school, we replace it with another one.

Will the communication be voice and image or only voice?

Sound and image so that we ensure the student's interaction with the school, where all types of communication are available.