التاريخ Tue, Sep 06, 2022

UAE's efforts to implement the Montessori approach in education

Today's education systems are moving towards making the educational process as easy as possible, to attract students to science and development, to make the world a better place. If you are a teacher, and you seek to develop your method with your students to strengthen your relationship with them, you may have heard one day about the Montessori method. Do you know what it is?

The Montessori method is an educational method whose rules were set by Maria Montessori, to be applied with all children of different abilities, as she saw that knowledge is not spread except through humanity and peace. Therefore, she adopted this method in education, and gained wide fame through it. Schools and nurseries in the Emirates hold introductory meetings about the Montessori method with parents, so that they can apply it correctly with their child, and the environment is suitable for the child's proper growth .

What is the Montessori method?

The Montessori method is a method developed by the Italian physician Maria Montessori for dealing with children from the time they are a small child until the age of 18 or more.

  • This approach depends on the child's personality and the way he deals with some situations, as he must have the freedom to choose to do some things.
  • Maria used this method with children with physical and mental disabilities, and she succeeded in dealing with them, and the children became able to deal with others and understand what was going on around them better.
  • Now some schools and kindergartens follow this approach in dealing with students, as this method helps in forming the child’s personality and developing his communication skills.
  • This method differs from the traditional teaching method, as each child is treated according to his mental ability and a special space is left for him to express himself and his opinion, without imposing control over him or restricting his movement, as this approach takes into account the individual differences between children.

Find out how to help your child in the pre-school stage .

Montessori in the Emirates.. How did you apply it and what are the benefits of Montessori for your child? | Al-Madrasa.com

UAE and the application of the Montessori method

Community institutions seek to spread the correct methods of teaching children, through awareness campaigns launched by these institutions.

One of the most famous educational methods that helps in raising a good child is the Montessori method, as this method depends on the child himself, and on his mental and physical abilities.

Therefore, most schools and nurseries in the Emirates follow this approach in teaching children, and ensure that the teacher is able to apply the Montessori approach with them correctly.

Learn about the UAE's efforts to prepare schools for the new academic year and the return to school

Montessori nurseries

There are many nurseries that follow the Montessori approach to education and are interested in applying it in the correct way, including:

  • Sweet baby nursery.
  • Great Minds Nursery.
  • Ichiban Kindergarten.
  • Global Indian International School.

Sweet Baby Nursery

Sweet Baby Nursery is one of the most famous nurseries that apply the Montessori method. The nursery was established in 2014, and after that it had other branches.

  • The nursery receives children from the age of two months until they reach school age, and begins the first stages of education with this curriculum.
  • Children graduate from this nursery with a mastery of the basics they should know, without facing any difficulty in learning, and this is clearly evident when they meet others who have not been taught this curriculum.
  • The nursery has won many local and international awards for its adherence to the Montessori approach and its efforts to care for its children.

Learn about the UAE's efforts in developing kindergartens by reading KG1 kindergarten in the UAE

Great Minds Nursery

This nursery is interested in combining fun and education together, as it gives children the freedom to act and make decisions, while at the same time adding new information, by following the Montessori method.

Many batches graduated from this nursery who have good communication skills, and were able to take responsibility and carry out their tasks without facing any difficulties or obstacles from learning disabilities.

Ichiban Kindergarten

Ichiban Nursery provides a suitable environment for the child, where he can play all the time while learning as well. There is a team of highly qualified teachers, all of whom are proficient in using the Montessori method with children.

The nursery receives children from 6 months to 4 years old, and provides them with full care throughout their stay there, in addition to organizing educational and recreational trips for them from time to time.

Global Indian International School

This school is one of the most famous international schools that follow the Montessori curriculum in the Emirates, as it provides all the supplies that students and teachers may need during their studies.

This school has been admired by many parents, as the school performs its role perfectly and helps students develop their skills significantly.

The school year is approaching. Find out how to prepare your child to return to school. Passion

Elements of the Montessori method

The Montessori method has three main pillars that are interconnected, which are:

  • the environment.
  • The teacher and the school.
  • The child.

The Montessori method helps in treating children who suffer from learning difficulties. Learn with us about the most important types when reading the types of learning difficulties.

the environment

The closest person to a child is his mother, so she has the biggest role in raising her son in a correct and sound manner, so that he is able to coexist with society, and for this reason she must provide a suitable and healthy environment for him.

These days, mothers are introduced to the Montessori method, so that they can practice it at home with the child all the time, so that it can be a helpful factor for the school and each of them does not have a different direction for the child, which may cause him problems and mental distraction.

The mother applies this method by sharing household activities with the child, such as collecting toys in boxes, or moving some tools from one place to another.

Providing him with the appropriate environment for this, such as providing him with designated places to play and places to sleep, knowing where his personal things are, and learning to depend on himself in some small matters such as taking off his clothes.

Share with him the activities he likes, such as coloring, drawing, and playing thinking games such as puzzles.

The mother can also take him shopping with her, let him choose the things he wants, or take his opinion on two things and leave him the freedom to choose.

This method develops the way of communication between the mother and her child, and helps her raise him in a way that makes him able to do anything or make decisions in the right way, so even after completing 18 years there are people who use this method in their daily lives.

With these things, the mother can create a suitable and healthy environment for her child, and help him grow in a healthy way.

Explore the best Tips for teaching children from the experts of the school.com and the strongest Methods of teaching languages ​​to children .

Montessori in the Emirates.. How did you apply it and what are the benefits of Montessori for your child? | Al-Madrasa.com

teacher and school

School administrations in the UAE direct teachers to this system, unlike the traditional system that does not take into account any differences between children’s abilities, and does not provide them with sufficient freedom during their education.

  • The Montessori method is based on bringing together children with similar ideas and skills without regard to age differences between them.
  • The school provides all the tools a child might need, such as colors, small toys, and tools used in small handicrafts, such as clay.
  • This method helps in understanding the child's mentality and knowing his way of thinking, and helping him develop it and build his personality freely.
  • When using this approach, the teacher creates a spirit of cooperation and assistance among the children, such as asking them to draw a group picture or decorate their own table.
  • This helps reduce the competitive principle that is common in the traditional education system, and develops a greater spirit of solidarity and brotherhood where each one is keen on the interest of the other.
  • This approach also develops the child’s behavior, improves his beliefs, and gives him the skill of communicating with others with confidence and without fear.

The child

The child is the third part of this cycle, as he is the one who will be affected in this way, as he must be monitored and the extent of his response to the instructions must be known.

  • Children from 1 to 7 years old are ready to learn everything, as their minds pick up everything they are told, and they imitate the actions they see. Learn more about ways to teach children - School Tips.com
  • Therefore, it is very easy to shape their mentality in a way that suits their personalities, and teach them important things, so that they do them themselves, such as eating, drinking, and bathing, without the mother’s help, but under her supervision and without her interference.
  • This method develops the child psychologically and physically, and forms a correct way of thinking for him to make his own decisions, and increases his desire to learn, as he is not forced to do anything, but rather chooses for himself whatever he wants as long as it is correct.
  • He knows how to use his senses, and his cognitive abilities develop, as he knows which things are dangerous and which are not, and he knows how to use some tools carefully.

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