Students often get confused about the EmSAT tests and their results, and what are the best and most correct steps to take the test smoothly? Is it possible to retake the EmSAT test? What is required for this to happen? All of these questions and more need clear answers to make the student’s steps in passing the EmSAT tests in all subjects easier. Therefore, we decided to answer some of these questions to open the doors of excellence for you and facilitate the educational process for you.
Is it possible to retake the EMSAT test?
Yes, retake is available, as the Ministry of Education announced that it will provide retake exams for students who missed the Emirates Standardized Test . It said that all Emirates Standardized Test scores will be deleted for students who failed the test last year, and they will not be entitled to claim them when they take the test again in the current academic year .
If a student is absent from the EmSAT test after registering for the course and choosing the date specified for the first university admission test in EmSAT without an approved and acceptable excuse recorded in the absence box, he will not be able to register for the missed courses again until the retake is opened . However, if there is an approved and acceptable excuse such as illness or a family emergency, the student must submit a request for inability to attend the test through the test website, and click on the “ Inability to Attend ” request, explaining the reason for the absence, and attaching reports proving this such as a medical report or a medical certificate issued by a government hospital and certified by the Ministry of Health and Community Protection or the Health Authority, provided that his request is reviewed and he is informed of the decision taken .
As for the EmSAT test score , it is not included in the student’s certificate, noting that the high school certificate will not be issued without the student studying the Ministry of Education curriculum taking the EmSAT tests .
How long is the EMSAT test valid?
She explained in her message that the validity of the results of the “ EMSAT ” tests is 18 months from the date of taking the test, while the validity period for students of the academic year 2016-2017 is only one year .
How to pass the EmSAT test easily?
In order to pass the EMSAT test, you must practice the different types of questions that make up the test, and this is what the courses provided by Almadrasah.com provide. The school offers courses in all EMSAT subjects : ( EMSAT Arabic Language - EMSAT English Language - EMSAT Physics - Mathematical Emsat
Each course in EMSAT consists of 12 lectures; each lecture is one hour long. The course is broadcast live via Zoom. Our courses are individual, not group.
Contact us and book your EMSAT courses and pass the exam easily
How to rebook an AMSAT exam?
If a student wants to re-book the Emsat exam for university admission, scholarship application or any other purpose, he/she should send an email to emsat.register@moe.gov.ae
- Specify the material
- Identify the emirate
- Identity photos
- Phone number
- The nearest date for retaking the exam will be determined .
MSAT Exam Entry Procedures
It is strictly forbidden to bring any family member to the testing centers, and no family member is allowed to be present in the waiting rooms .
Adherence to precautionary measures and social distancing between the student and any other person at a distance of no less than two meters .
Upon completion of the test, leave the centre immediately and no student is allowed to be in the halls after the test is completed .
Students are allowed to use a calculator and must bring their own .
The student must bring only his basic tools with him .
Bring a copy of a valid, unexpired ID card .
The student's temperature will be measured in front of the thermal camera, and any student who shows symptoms similar to those of the Corona virus will be prevented from entering the examination hall .
Tests are conducted at approved and designated test centers distributed throughout the United Arab Emirates .
You will receive a text message indicating the availability of the test results, noting that the test results appear after fifteen days for twelfth grade students and ten days for graduates of previous years, from the date of the test .
Entrance fees for the AMSAT exam
There is a fee to take the AMSAT exam for 12th grade students, free of charge for the first time, and 100 dirhams per subject for repetition .
Non-citizen students: 300 dirhams for the first time and 100 dirhams for one subject when repeating .
As for students nominated for other than the twelfth grade, 250 for the first time, and repeating the subject
Yesterday's exam method
The EMSAT exam method depends on measuring the levels of students in different educational stages in some academic subjects with the aim of knowing the general level of the student for specific purposes. The study topics are:
- Arab .
- English .
- Physics .
The educational stages of the AMSAT exam are:
- First grade
- Fourth grade
- Sixth grade .
- Eighth grade .
- Tenth grade .
- 12th grade
Read more: Everything about the AMSAT test in the UAE
How to succeed in the AMSAT exam?
It is a mistake to start preparing for the exam a week or two before the exams . Since this is not the right time to start, whether you are preparing for EmSAT or any competitive exams, it is better to start preparing at least a month or two before the exams to achieve a better result so that you have enough time to study and review important concepts as per the exam specifications .
While studying for the first time, make sure to prepare separate notes or a summary of the topic, which will really help you in last minute revision as it is not possible to revise the entire topic in a short period of time .
Here are some notes to increase your success rate in AMSAT
- It is important to understand the topics by reviewing the contents, sample questions, appendices / datasheets etc., which are provided in the test specifications for each topic .
- Once you are done with the analysis, you can collect the necessary notes, textbooks, printouts, etc. from previous years of study. The EmSAT Achieve test focuses on the fundamentals and basics required to enter a university or college;
- So it is better to have previous year test books and notes to achieve a great score which EmSAT preparation course on our website provides you .
- EMSAT courses help you prepare for the Emsat test by getting enough information about the Emsat test in all its sections and the specific subject you want to pass, as well as by training on Emsat test samples.
What is the success rate in the AMSAT exam?
It is not difficult to pass the AMSAT exams , but it only requires good preparation and knowledge of all the strategies and skills that enable you to pass them . Therefore, elmadrasah.com provides specialized online training courses to achieve this . You can learn more about elmadrasah.com through the following article .
Therefore, the success rate that you can achieve in the EMSAT exam depends on the extent of your preparation and good preparation for the EMSAT exam .
In this article, we discussed the details of re-booking the EMSAT exam, how to prepare for the EMSAT exam, and the requirements for entering the EMSAT exam .
Join us now in the preparation courses for the training of Lamasat .
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