The best courses you can get from the largest training institutes in Ajman
Many students and those wishing to obtain training courses are looking for the most important and reliable educational centers and electronic platforms through which they can obtain the full benefit of information and experiences that help them pass all tests to obtain the most important certificates.
Electronic education platforms have become one of the most important sources of education at the present time, due to the flexibility of time in obtaining educational lessons, the low costs of preparing courses in advance, in addition to the guaranteed benefit resulting from attending courses individually away from distractions.
Therefore, the school.com website, as the best training institute in Ajman and one of the most important electronic platforms in the Emirate of Ajman in the United Arab Emirates, has offered most of the training courses needed by students and employees in the UAE, under the supervision of the best teachers, taking into account the use of the latest modern learning strategies and methods.
Our website is also characterised by flexibility in booking courses, and determining booking packages according to the student’s needs, and thus the number of training sessions, in addition to individual attendance, and periodic follow-up with the student to ensure that the trainee reaches the desired goal of the course, as well as obtaining worksheets to refer to for review.
EMSAT Institute in Ajman
- The EmSAT test is an electronic standardized test that targets the extent to which students in the UAE possess basic skills and abilities. The test was established based on national standards and criteria.
- The EmSAT test has been applied to most grades, starting from the first grade, through the fourth, sixth, eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades, with the aim of measuring their skills independently of the curricula.
- Many students face problems in passing the EmSAT tests, either due to not understanding the nature of the test structure, or due to ignorance of the nature of the questions and their types. This is due to the lack of continuous training on EmSAT test models.
- The school.com website, as the Emsat Institute in Ajman, offers the most important Emsat training courses for all targeted subjects, which vary to suit the objectives of each class and each category, as the preparatory courses for the Emsat test have been classified, in which the teacher explains in detail the parts of the test, and how to put the answers to the questions appropriately.
- As for the Emsat courses for high school, which were offered by the Emsat Institute in Ajman, they are for the twelfth grade, and are based on explaining the most important Emsat test questions, and how to put the correct answers to them.
- In addition to this, there are EmSAT courses for employment, which some employees need to join some companies that require the employee to pass the EmSAT test for job acceptance, as well as EmSAT courses for masters and doctorates for those wishing to complete their education for higher academic degrees.
- In all courses, the class time must be set to suit the trainee’s time, as well as individual attendance and periodic follow-up to ensure the trainee’s understanding of the scientific material and achievement of the training objectives.
TOEFL Institute in Ajman
- The TOEFL certificate is one of the important certificates that many universities, institutions and companies require from students and employees as a condition for their acceptance into American universities or foreign jobs. It is a scientific certificate that confirms that those who obtain it are proficient in the English language, spoken and written.
- The TOEFL test is divided into the TOEFL Internet-Based Test (IBT), which is taken on a computer, and the TOEFL Paper-Based Test (BPT), which is taken in some countries on a paper basis. Many students suffer from the lack of training courses for either type.
- Many TOEFL test takers make mistakes when preparing for the test, starting with hiring unqualified people to train for the test, not understanding the test sections, and even failing to provide the correct answers to the test questions.
- Therefore, the school.com website, as a TOEFL institute in Ajman, was able to offer its training courses in preparing for the TOEFL test in both types of the (IBT) test and the (BPT) test, through a number of training courses that vary in their objectives; to ensure that the needs of each trainee are met.
- Through the TOEFL online exam preparation course offered by the TOEFL Institute in Ajman, the trainee is able to understand the nature of the test and its different sections, and acquires the ability to learn the appropriate solution strategies for each question in the exam.
- The TOEFL review course aims to help the trainee understand the TOEFL exam sections, know the criteria for each section of the TOEFL exam, with a simplified explanation of the questions, and fully prepare for the exam without fear of taking it by solving models of questions and tests similar to previous TOEFL exams, in addition to treating the trainee’s weaknesses in the English language before taking the original exam.
Learn about mistakes not to make when studying for the TOEFL
IELTS Institute in Ajman
Many students and employees seek to obtain the IELTS certificate due to its importance in facilitating enrollment in British universities, as well as facilitating immigration procedures for study or work in countries where English is the primary language, which indicates its great importance in being adopted as a document confirming that its holder possesses the skill of mastering the English language .
Those wishing to take the IELTS test need to possess the skills that qualify them to pass the test, which requires intensive training in the English language with specialists and those with educational experience; to develop these skills represented in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, in addition to focusing on practicing the language, taking into account the rules and structure of sentences.
The contribution of Almadrasah.com as an IELTS institute in Ajman is evident through the IELTS training courses it provides, which include developing all the required language skills, through online educational classes via the Zoom educational website. These courses include:
IELTS Preparation Course
It is one of the most popular IELTS courses in Ajman, due to its importance in explaining the test sections , teaching the trainee how to pass the IELTS test the first time, and knowing how to obtain the required scores to pass the test.
The course also develops the trainee’s skills in writing correctly, teaches him to read texts and understand words through the surrounding context, as well as developing listening and speaking skills.
IELTS Test Review
It is an important review course offered by the IELTS Institute in Ajman. It helps the student to become more familiar with the IELTS test sections and improve his/her efficiency in understanding the questions in the test. It also aims to uncover the trainee’s most common mistakes and treat them through practical training. The course develops the trainee’s language skills and makes him/her speak English fluently, observing the correct grammar rules.
IELTS Mock Test
It is a model that is completely similar to the real IELTS test, and aims to measure the trainee’s level in all English language skills. It also reveals the student’s level and skills in the English language , and his weak points that require more training and practice.
Language Institute in Ajman
- Learning languages has become one of the most sought-after demands in our time, especially after the increase in trade activity between countries, the ease of exchanging different cultures, and the spread of new jobs that require speakers and translators of different languages, such as book translations by publishing houses, simultaneous translation jobs, and working as a freelance translator over the Internet.
- Therefore, many students in different educational stages have begun to develop this cognitive aspect acquired through training courses and practicing different languages periodically, but many practitioners lack the correct grammar of languages, as well as the structure of sentences in general, in addition to speaking automatically without thinking or translation.
- Many people who want to learn other languages complain about the problem of learning grammar only without using the language in speaking and practicing it, with the class time not being suitable for the trainee’s circumstances, and the large number of attendees, which causes a lack of focus and poor achievement.
- Therefore, Almadrasah.com, as a language institute in Ajman, is keen to offer its training courses in most of the languages that students and citizens need, such as English , French , Chinese , German, Japanese , Turkish , Korean , and Arabic for non-native speakers.
- The school.com also relies on the best teachers specialized in different languages who are experienced and native speakers of the language in its courses. In addition, its courses as a language institute in Ajman are distinguished by flexibility in booking and registration, as well as individual attendance, and periodic follow-up of the trainee by the teacher throughout the time; to ensure that he achieves the course objectives and acquires the language.
Children Skills Development Institute in Ajman
We learned from our ancestors that education at a young age is like engraving on stone, and we have become certain of this over the centuries, as education does not only include learning to read and write, but rather the education of children and young people extends to instilling values that contribute to building their personalities, and speaking politely with others by putting the correct article in the appropriate place for it.
The child also needs to build a strong personality capable of making the right decisions at the right time, in addition to the ability to persuade and influence others, acquire communication skills with others, and know the most important factors for success at work.
Hence, the contributions of the school.com website appeared as a means of developing children’s skills in Ajman through its uniqueness in the most important training courses that have contributed and continue to contribute to building your child’s personality in an integrated manner, as the courses varied according to the required objectives to include the Little Leader course , which helps the child acquire communication skills and make decisions at the right time.
The Good Speaker course also helps teach your child to use appropriate words for all times, acquire the skill of responding intelligently at the right time, and how to win over and attract others through speaking.
The Children’s Skills Development Institute in Ajman is unique in its Strategic Planner course , which develops the child’s skill in planning his goals in an organized manner, and how to achieve each goal within the framework of proper time management, in addition to the Little Millionaire course , which teaches the child how to save and invest money in a beneficial way, with an explanation of the most important economic terms, and knowledge of the basics of trade.
Therefore, it is clear to you from what has been presented the importance of establishing and building any specialization or test to reach the goal and succeed in it to a great extent, which requires taking into account choosing the appropriate place that guarantees obtaining the appropriate service in return for what was spent. The importance of developing skills and acquiring new capabilities, sciences and knowledge in ensuring a better future for the Emirati citizen in particular and the country in general has also been revealed.
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