Date Sun, Apr 04, 2021


Elite Path – Definition and Features of Elite Path

Elite Path Definition – When It Started – and Where It Has Reached

The Elite Track is one of the four educational tracks in the Emirati School. The Elite Track aims to provide distinguished educational opportunities for outstanding Emirati male and female students at the best local and international universities.

The Elite Track was implemented in the academic year 2016-2017 in cooperation with the American College Broad, where the Elite System began targeting 1,000 male and female students from the seventh grade only. In 2020-2021, the Elite System was expanded to include students in the second and third stages from the fifth grade to the twelfth grade for boys and girls.

The Elite System has been implemented in 89 schools across the seven emirates, with a total of more than 11,000 male and female students from various schools in the country.

Elite Track Features

  •    Qualifying outstanding Emirati students to join the best local and international universities according to academic requirements
  •     Providing electronic platforms containing educational materials in the English language equipped with the best modern technology means, including smart boards - audio and visual means
  • Providing laptops so that students can complete all their assignments with ease. 

Elite Track Curriculum

The Elite Track curriculum focuses on mathematics and science and supports them with various scientific questions and experiments that aim to develop analytical skills - logical thinking - solving problems in a scientific way.

Elite track students study science subjects in English.

The curriculum for the Elite Track follows the International Program.

Advanced AP

It is an advanced academic curriculum, so students study the subjects intensively and deeply.

Advanced Placement Test - AP

In order for students to be able to study the curriculum for the elite track, the student must take the advanced placement test, which is a test that measures the student’s mastery of the curriculum at an advanced level in the subjects of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology.

The Elite Track curriculum prepares students for the Foundation Year as well as undergraduate and postgraduate studies.

   Terms of electronic registration in the elite track

  • The student must be a citizen of the UAE or the son of an Emirati citizen.
  • The student must take the consecutive tests in the subjects of Arabic, English, Mathematics and Science.
  • The student's grade point average in each of mathematics, science and English language must not be less than 80% for students in grades four to seven.
  • Grade 8 students must have a minimum score of 90% in math, science and English.
  • The student must pass the admission test and personal interview.
  • The competent committee accepts students after reviewing the records and results of students applying for the elite track in previous academic years and studying each case individually.

    How to register students electronically in the elite track

    Electronic registration for the Elite Track is done according to the application form to join the Elite Track for the year 2021 - 2022 at the following link

    Application form to join the Elite Track for the academic year 2021 - 2022

    Sequential touch test

    It is one of the conditions for progress in the elite track - it is a standard electronic test that aims to assess the extent of the student’s possession of the skills and concepts of specific academic subjects. It is conducted at the beginning of the academic year for grades four, six, eight and ten.

    The test is conducted in the following subjects: Arabic, English, Mathematics, and Science.

    What is the general track and advanced track in the UAE?

    In the UAE, secondary education is divided into different tracks that meet the academic and professional needs and orientations of students. Among these tracks are the general track and the advanced track:

    General path:

    • Orientation : Suitable for students wishing to pursue their studies in various specializations, including literary or administrative specializations.

    • Academic subjects : It includes a balanced curriculum of scientific and literary subjects, with less emphasis on advanced scientific subjects.

    • Objective : To prepare students to enter universities in the fields of humanities and management, or even enter the labor market after high school.

    Advanced Track:

    • Direction : Dedicated to students interested in scientific, engineering and medical specializations.

    • Academic subjects : Includes more in-depth scientific subjects such as physics, chemistry and advanced mathematics, which qualifies students to pursue advanced scientific specializations.

    • Objective : It aims to prepare students to join scientific colleges in universities such as engineering and medical colleges, and is considered more challenging in terms of the scientific curriculum.

    Both the General Track and the Advanced Track are designed to meet students’ different educational needs, and the choice of track is based on students’ interests and future goals in higher education or the job market.

    What are the types of tracks?

    In the UAE education system, several tracks are offered at the secondary level, which are designed to meet the different needs of students and guide them towards their academic and career goals. The basic types of tracks include:

    General track

    • Dedicated to students who seek to develop their general skills and wish to enroll in multiple specializations at the university such as management and humanities.

    • It includes a balanced curriculum of scientific and literary subjects, and is suitable for students who have not specified a specific scientific path.

    Advanced Track

    • It focuses on advanced science subjects such as mathematics, physics and chemistry, making it suitable for students who want to pursue more specific science disciplines such as engineering or medicine.

    • Students are required to have an advanced level of science and mathematics.

    Elite Path

    • Designed for academically outstanding students who have ambitions to enter advanced fields such as medicine or advanced sciences.

    • It features a more complex and challenging curriculum with a strong emphasis on scientific research and critical thinking.

    Career Path (Applied)

    • It focuses on providing students with the professional and practical skills necessary to enter the labor market immediately after graduation.

    • It includes practical and technical subjects that prepare students for technical and artistic careers in sectors such as mechanical engineering, technology and business administration.

    Specialization Track

    • It aims to develop advanced skills in a specific field such as health sciences, technology or business administration.

    • Allows students to delve into the study of subjects relevant to their future field.

    These tracks help guide students towards choosing fields of study that suit their skills and interests, and facilitate the transition to higher education or the job market.

    How is the path chosen?

    The educational path in the UAE is chosen based on several factors related to the student’s inclinations, academic abilities, and future goals. Here are the basic steps that help students determine the appropriate path:

    Academic Guidance and Advising

    • UAE schools offer academic guidance programmes that help students and their parents understand the nature and requirements of each track.

    • Students typically receive advice from academic advisors or teachers based on their academic performance and interests, such as choosing an advanced track for students who excel in science subjects.

    Academic Tests and Performance Evaluation

    • The choice of track depends on the student's results in assessment tests conducted by the school or the Ministry of Education.

    • A student's results in subjects such as mathematics and science are considered to determine whether they are suitable for an elite or advanced pathway, while balanced scores may be suitable for a general pathway.

    Personal interests and future goals

    • It is important for students to consider their interests and future goals. If they have ambitions in scientific disciplines such as engineering or medicine, an advanced or elite track may be more appropriate.

    • Students who are interested in professional or practical paths may be suitable for the applied path, which prepares them to enter the labor market.

    Parent participation

    • The family plays a role in supporting students in choosing the path that suits their abilities and future goals, as parents are advised to guide their children based on their potential and aspirations.

    Additional interviews or tests may be conducted at some schools.

    • Some schools may require students to take additional interviews or tests to determine the most appropriate path, especially if their educational programs require special abilities or skills.

    Flexibility to change course

    • The Ministry of Education offers some flexibility to students who wish to change their study path if they find that the chosen path is not suitable for them after a trial period.

    In this way, the UAE Ministry of Education provides students with multiple opportunities to choose their educational path in line with their abilities and future ambitions.

    The role of in the elite path in the United Arab Emirates plays a major role in helping students in the elite path in the United Arab Emirates through:

    • Advanced Educational Content : offers advanced educational resources that meet the criteria of the Elite Track, such as interactive materials in mathematics, physics and chemistry, which helps students achieve excellence in scientific subjects.
    • Specialized Private Lessons : The platform provides customized private lessons to meet the needs of students in the elite track, whether through live courses or educational videos, allowing students to gain a deeper understanding of difficult concepts.
    • Advanced assessment tools : The platform provides assessment tools that help students measure their academic progress in the elite track , such as electronic tests and frequent assessments that enable them to identify strengths and weaknesses.
    • Academic Guidance : provides specialized academic advice in line with the requirements of the elite track, helping students identify the best ways to achieve success in their studies and plan for university.
    • Developing scientific research skills : The platform helps students develop the scientific research skills required by the Elite Track materials by providing materials on how to prepare research and presenting practical solutions to excel in academic projects.
    • Critical Thinking Skills Training : The platform focuses on developing the critical thinking and data analysis skills that characterize the elite path, giving students additional capabilities that help them excel academically.
    • Supporting an interactive learning environment : encourages an interactive learning environment that allows students to communicate with their peers and teachers, exchange ideas and solve challenges, which enhances excellence in the elite track.

    Through these specialized services, contributes to enabling elite track students to achieve the highest educational levels in the UAE, which helps them prepare well for their academic and professional future.

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