Date Tue, Jul 26, 2022


The education system in Kuwait is highly centralized (controlled independently by the ministry) and regulated by the government. The Ministry of Education oversees all aspects of education in Kuwait, from early childhood education to universities and colleges. The government provides free education to all Kuwaiti citizens and supports many educational projects and initiatives. Kuwait has a very high literacy rate.

The government is also investing heavily in education, with a new, large-scale investment plan for 2016-26, including plans to build new schools, improve infrastructure and provide more opportunities for higher education.

In the following details, you can learn more about education in Kuwait, what are the educational stages in Kuwait, are private lessons a crime in Kuwait, and what is the educational loss compensation project in Kuwait.

Stages of development of education in Kuwait

The stages of development of education in Kuwait from the beginning until now have witnessed gradual and noticeable progress, starting from humble beginnings in the form of religious education and Quranic schools, until the education system expanded and diversified to meet the evolving needs of society.

The education system in Kuwait has been in place since its inception in the late 19th century, when only a handful of wealthy families could afford to send their children to school.

This began to change in the 1930s when the government began to invest more in education and made it free for all citizens.

During the 1950s and 1960s, Kuwait's education system underwent a major expansion as oil wealth allowed the country to build new schools and universities. Since then, education has remained a priority for successive governments.

After that, the development of education in Kuwait and the educational stages in Kuwait went through several stages:

  • The first stage was the establishment of traditional schools.
  • The second phase is the establishment of modern schools.
  • The third stage is the introduction of co-educational schools, which began in the early 1970s.
  • The fourth stage is the introduction of private schools, which began in the late 1980s.
  • The fifth phase was the establishment of international schools, which began in the early 2000s.

Until we reached Kuwait and e-learning became available in many stages of education and in both public and private universities, in addition to an increasing number of specialized institutes that meet specific fields such as engineering, medicine and business, some of which operate with a distance education system.

The state supports education through many initiatives, projects, and curriculum updates, such as the educational loss compensation project in Kuwait and other various educational projects.

Educational stages in Kuwait

After learning about the stages of education development in Kuwait

The academic year in Kuwait extends from September to June, and is divided into three semesters, each of which is approximately eleven weeks long, with a two-week break between each semester.

The education system in Kuwait, with the old and modern curriculum in Kuwait, is divided into three main stages:

  • Primary stage.
  • Intermediate stage.
  • Secondary stage.
  • Higher education stage.

Primary education: Free and compulsory for all children aged 6 years and extends from grades 1 to 5, during which students learn basic skills such as reading, writing , arithmetic and social studies.

Intermediate stage: extends from the sixth grade to the ninth grade, i.e. for three years, during which students consolidate and build on the knowledge and skills acquired during the primary stage.

Secondary stage: It is not compulsory, but most children choose to continue their studies. It lasts for four years, from the age of 14 to 18 years, i.e. from the ninth grade to the twelfth grade. Students focus on specific subjects that they study in greater depth later. There are three types of schools to choose from at this stage:

  • Public high schools offer a broad curriculum that prepares students for further study at the higher level.
  • Technical high schools: Focus on vocational and technical subjects, and students usually continue their studies at a technical institute or university.
  • Religious high schools: provide instruction in Islam and prepare students for Kuwaiti ministry exams.

Higher education: It is an optional stage. There are a number of universities and colleges in Kuwait. There are public and private institutions. Kuwait University is the largest and oldest institution of higher education in the country, and it offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs.

Learning difficulties in children and the most prominent solutions to overcome them.


Old and modern curriculum in Kuwait

The curriculum in all schools in Kuwait is set by the Ministry of Education , however, private schools often have more flexibility in how the curriculum is taught, and may offer additional subjects or activities not available in public schools.

The old curriculum in Kuwait was based on memorizing religious texts, and was gradually developed with a curriculum more compatible with the needs of Kuwaiti students. The new curriculum focuses on Arabic language and culture, as well as Islamic studies, and it also pays greater attention to science and mathematics. In addition, physical education and health are now compulsory subjects at all levels of education.

Developed by the Kuwaiti Ministry of Education, this curriculum was introduced in 2011 and is based on the National Curriculum Framework set by the Ministry. It focuses on preparing students for university and the workforce and integrating Islamic values ​​into the curriculum, in order to create a more holistic educational experience for students .

The modern curriculum also includes English, mathematics, science, social studies and Islamic studies. English is compulsory for all students up to grade 12. Kuwaiti students generally perform well on international standardized tests, such as PISA andTOEFL .

The education system in Kuwait and the stages of education development in Kuwait have been praised for their focus on developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills among students, introducing many modern curricula and technological development in various educational fields.

Kuwait and e-learning

E-learning is a fast-growing industry in education in Kuwait, with the government investing heavily in developing e-learning infrastructure and services, and the number of e-learning and course providers increasing dramatically.

Kuwait has invested heavily in e-learning in recent years, and private lessons in Kuwait

Online education offers a number of advantages over traditional classroom-based education:

  • It can be more flexible and convenient for students, as they can study at their own pace and at their own time.
  • Additionally, e-learning can be more cost-effective for schools, as they do not need to maintain classrooms and hire teachers.
  • Access course materials from anywhere with an Internet connection.
  • It is very flexible as students can choose from a wide range of subjects and courses.
  • It also provides a more personalized learning experience than group classes, as you will have the full attention of your teacher.

The government has set a goal of making online education available to all Kuwaiti citizens. To achieve this, the government is working with private sector companies to develop e-learning platforms and content, and is offering financial incentives for companies to invest in e-learning.

Read more about: The importance of distance learning for students and employees.


Private lessons in Kuwait

Private lessons are not criminal in Kuwait, however, they are heavily regulated by the government by:

  • Private lessons are only allowed to be given by certified teachers who have a license from the Ministry of Education.
  • Private tuition fees are also regulated by the government and must be approved by the Ministry of Education.
  • Private lessons are not allowed in homes or other private places, they must take place in a public place, such as a school or educational center.

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Private lessons in Kuwait are one of the educational methods in Kuwait that are very popular among students of all levels and at all educational stages in Kuwait. Students may use them in:

  • Students often hire tutors to help them prepare for exams.
  • Catch up on missed schoolwork.
  • To further their studies, for more support and information.
  • Private lessons are also popular among adults who want to learn a new skill or improve their job prospects.

Online private lessons are among the available methods of Kuwait and e-learning. It is a convenient way of learning. It has spread widely, especially with the emergence of the Corona pandemic. There are many private tutoring companies in Kuwait that provide:

  • A wide range of courses, from English and Maths to Driving and Cooking.
  • Many of these companies offer a flexible payment plan.
  • Discounts for group bookings, making private lessons affordable .

Educational Loss Compensation Project in Kuwait

One of the important projects adopted by the State of Kuwait to advance the country and education in Kuwait is the Educational Loss Compensation Project in Kuwait, which was established in 2011 in order to provide financial compensation to students who lost their education due to the Gulf War.

Then, a project was re-established to compensate for the educational loss caused by the Corona pandemic and the resulting closure of schools and universities for a not insignificant period. The State of Kuwait developed this project according to a well-studied methodological plan to train students in basic skills in the main subjects, which are:

This project is implemented on students in grades four to nine and is carried out in two stages to enable students to catch up on what they missed and maintain cumulative education without affecting them. This is done daily during the morning period. The first stage begins in July and continues until the end of the month, and the second stage begins in August until the end of it.

The government also supported the old and new curriculum in Kuwait to address learning difficulties , as the Kuwaiti Ministry of Education announced that it will introduce new educational curricula to address learning difficulties. The new curricula aim to improve the quality of education in Kuwait and address the problem of teacher shortage.

The new curricula will be implemented at all levels of education in Kuwait, from primary to secondary school. The curriculum will be based on the National Curriculum of England, with modifications to suit the needs of Kuwaiti students. The introduction of the new curricula is a positive step towards improving education in Kuwait and ensuring that all students receive a good education.

Are you looking to study abroad? Here is a guide for students on scholarships for university admission in the Emirates .


After learning about the status of education and the stages of development of education in Kuwait, Kuwait, e-learning , and the project to compensate for educational loss in Kuwait, which is considered a small country located in the Middle East, it is striving to develop its education and curricula and advance the country. It is proud of the high rates of reading and writing and the low rate of ignorance and is still striving to achieve more.

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