![Chemistry Evenings [100% comprehensive review + study]](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0330/1874/0876/files/Artboard_30_2x-100_1.jpg?v=1664002420)
One of the electronic tests of the evening, it aims to measure students’ ability in the subject of chemistry and to ensure their understanding of the basics, principles and information to complete their studies in one of the colleges that require or stipulate certain grades in the subject of chemistry.
Chemistry between ease and difficulty
There are some students who see chemistry as an easy subject and love studying it, while others see it as a difficult subject and cause problems for them. They always have questions about the best ways to study chemistry and are always looking for external courses to help them study.
In this article, you will go through different stages to learn how to study chemistry, and each stage will add a set of information that you can apply until you reach the answer to your question about what are the best ways to study - review - prepare for the AMSAT chemistry exam.
But before you start learning about the best study methods, you must first change your beliefs about the subjects that you hate studying because they are difficult, so that you can achieve success in them. This is done through the following:
1- Stop repeating the phrase “I hate such and such a subject.”
So that your mind can absorb the study material , the mind always remembers important subjects easily, but when it is imprinted in your mind that chemistry is a difficult subject and you will not understand it, your mind will treat it as if it is really unimportant and will not remember the study information or answers to questions, and you will find it difficult to recall information to answer test questions or final exams.
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2- Identify the problem and deal with it intelligently.
What do you think about bringing a pen and paper and asking yourself ( Why do I hate chemistry ) and why do I find it difficult to study it and start writing down the reasons so that you can treat them, perhaps the problem is
- Due to some negligence on your part, you did not study the lessons first and foremost - and identify the points that you did not understand in the lesson, which led to the accumulation of lessons, one lesson after another, and you found yourself in front of many lessons that were not understood by you.
- Maybe your mind is distracted while the teacher is explaining the lessons...etc.
At the end of the paper you will find a set of reasons that represent the problem that you must deal with intelligently so that you can accomplish things, study and prepare for chemistry exams easily.
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3- Learn that everything you study has a benefit, such as chemistry.
It is used in many areas of life, such as medical fields, medicine, analysis , food preservation, and also in industries, waste conversion, cleaning materials, etc. It is a substance that is used in many areas of work.
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4- Choose a suitable method to study and prepare for chemistry exams easily.
Always strive to choose a method that helps you make the preparation and readiness for the chemistry touches easy, and this can be done through the preparatory course for the chemistry touches with the school.com website, because it is characterized by the following:
- Online training course via Zoom, individual, not group.
- You can choose the time that suits you, as there is the possibility of choosing morning and evening times.
- Direct contact with the lecturer, you can determine what you want to focus on and develop a training plan with the lecturer to implement it to reach your goal directly.
- Using the AMSAT Chemistry exam model, you can practice the different sections of AMSAT Chemistry according to the AMSAT Chemistry exam questions.
You can learn more about the details of the preparatory course for the Chemistry AMSAT exam through the link Chemistry AMSAT exam preparation course.
Madrasa.com also offers AMSAT reviews, which you can view through the following link: Book an AMSAT Chemistry course [Register now with a 40% discount].
5- Know the 9 most important tips to excel in chemistry exams
- Make sure not to postpone today's work until tomorrow. Try to study the lessons first hand so that you can identify the information that has been understood and absorbed and the parts that need further clarification or application.
- The best way to study is by linking or sequencing. It is an organized way to study and recall information. Always link the topics of one unit so that you can remember them easily.
- Focus as much as you can while the teacher is explaining so that you can absorb and understand the information.
- Application through exercises and questions from the textbook and previous exams - Chemistry exams
- Try to make summaries of lessons or study units such as equations and you must understand the symbols of equations and the purpose of using the equation - this helps you in a correct way to remember the equations and recall them in a correct way.
- Make sure to choose the right time to study - choose a time when your mind is active and able to absorb information that contains multiple details, laws and reviews, and make sure to follow organized and sequential steps in studying it. It is preferable for your study time to be during the daytime .
Learn in detail about the steps required to register for AMSAT .
7- Avoid the following 4 study wastes
- Moving between lessons and subjects without specifying your goal for studying or studying
- Taking long breaks between each subject, which wastes a lot of time.
- Indulging in distractions such as watching a program or series during break time, playing games on a mobile phone, or talking to friends via social media or the phone, etc.
- Having more than one subject and more than one note or worksheet for different subjects on the desk exposes you to distraction between the subjects . You may want to quickly review a part of another subject.
8- Always identify the difficult parts.
This method is the best way to simplify the study material for you - you should write down the notes that need more clarification and more time to read them from the beginning in a slower, more focused way - and work on dividing or segmenting the information so that you can understand and memorize it correctly.
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9- Use new methods in studying.

- Make yourself flashcards and use colors to write the equations, the purpose of using the equation, when to use it, etc.
- Try to be the teacher: Try to explain the lesson to yourself using pen and paper.
- Try to link the units using the storytelling method : When such and such element combines with such and such, it may produce such and such. There is no doubt that this method may contain some creativity that will make you remember the equations easily.
- Convert your notes into a drawing: Use an illustration or diagram to explain something. Using shapes helps greatly in consolidating information in the mind.
- Change your study place: Choose a well-ventilated, quiet place away from distractions such as the sound of the TV, etc.
With the ninth piece of advice, you have reached the last piece of advice in the study and review phase. Here are the best review tips before the chemistry evening exam.
Learn about the conditions and details of retaking the AMSAT exam .
Chemistry Evening Review Tips
- First, you must choose a suitable place to study. You are reviewing for the exam, so you must try to make sure that the place you sit in is well-lit, ventilated, comfortable to sit in, and free of any distractions such as a computer, television, etc.
- Make sure you have all the tools you need for studying, the tools you use like pens, papers, etc.
- Make sure to start your review early in the morning, by organizing a review schedule and using the summaries, notes, and cards that you prepared during the study and review phase. The morning is a special time when the mind is active and absorbs a sufficient amount of information, and the body has had enough rest during the night.
- Read the lesson summary out loud to yourself, preferably in writing, as this helps your mind think about what you are writing and absorb it well.
- Apply, solve the questions and test yourself on the parts you have finished reviewing. Test yourself through the questions of yesterday ’s test , the previous evenings of chemistry , as this will familiarize you with the form of the exam.
- Make sure to eat healthy foods that boost your activity, such as natural fruits and natural juices. Stay away from soft drinks and caffeine and drink enough water.
- Make sure to take a break between each task you complete, but do not let the break be too long. During the break, do some exercise, such as walking around the room or some light exercise, until you regain your energy again.
- Plan your revision time properly and avoid staying up late and studying the night before the exam, as this does not help the mind to be fully active. Make sure to finish at an appropriate time so that you have enough time to wake up early and go to the exam with full energy and confidence.
- Beware of predictions or hearing a friend say that these parts are more important than the others. Make sure to review all the material through the summaries that you have prepared so that you do not lose a point from the test. Remember that you have a goal that is a specific study or a specific college that you want to join. The score makes a big difference in university admission.
- Avoid negative thoughts or any thoughts that cause anxiety and fear in you. Always seek help from God and pray, not only during exam time.
- Always seek God’s help in all matters of your life. Also, go to the exam on time, without going early and meeting friends before the exam, as this can expose you to distraction.
- Finally, in the exam, read the question, identify what is required, and answer in sequence, as you are accustomed to and trained during your studies.
There is no doubt that Al-Madrasa.com wishes you success and good grades and achieving what you wish for, as Al-Madrasa.com is always behind every distinguished person.
You can now start learning with a private chemistry teacher .
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