Exams are the word that is repeated in the homes of most families today who have children in secondary education. They are currently
Yesterday's exams are about to start - the word exams usually occupies the family - the father - the mother, as well as the children. Usually, the father, mother and children have ambition and think about one goal, which is to succeed with distinction. In addition to this goal, the son wants to succeed with distinction in order to enter a specific college or university.
Exams are not a difficult word if they are prepared for in a distinctive way, with confident study steps and serious work. The stage of preparing for exams usually comes in the last stage after students have gone through many stages, including:
- Study stage and review of lessons in various subjects
- Training phase to solve questions and applications on the lessons
- The stage of errors, weaknesses, and effort to know the correct answers and determine training needs
- The stage of joining online courses at Almadrasah.com to prepare for exams
- Finally, reach the ultimate goal, which is to prepare for tests or exams.
In order to be well prepared for the exams, we will review together in this article the stages of good preparation for the exam, which are:
First: Psychological preparation for exams
Second: Healthy preparation for exams
Third: Academic preparation for exams
Before learning about these different stages, what do you think about us first learning together what the exam is so that you do not have fear and dread of it?
You must realize that exams are simply: a process of evaluating and measuring special abilities in specific academic subjects with the aim of moving from the current academic stage to the next academic stage, meaning that you are qualified to study in the next stage, and exams are of an official nature - so always pay attention to developing and improving your skills so that you are Ready for exams
There is a difference between exams and tests ... We have explained to you what exams are, and below you can learn about what tests are.
Tests: are a measure that assesses the student’s comprehension and understanding of the information he learned during his studies. They help the teacher develop a plan on how to help the student in the event of academic needs or weaknesses in the student’s academic achievement process. We can say that the test is a standard criterion for the student and the teacher until the student reaches the right path and overcomes his weaknesses.
We will review together how to prepare for the exam.
A frequently asked question
How to prepare for exams - How do I prepare myself for the exam - How to prepare for final exams The first stage of preparation
Preparation is the psychological readiness for the exam.
One of the most important steps that help students focus and excel in the exam is psychological preparation. In order to achieve psychological preparation for exams, you must follow the following tips:
Psychological preparation and rehabilitation have very important steps in reducing the severity of stress as well as anxiety and dealing with the problems that you encounter in a smart and sound way. Also, physical preparation for the exam makes a big difference. Always healthy thinking and mind in a healthy body. If you have health or physical problems, this affects remembering information and your effort in studying, so be sure to
Physical preparation for the exam
First: Make sure to eat healthy food, as a healthy mind is always in a healthy body. Avoid drinking stimulants such as tea, coffee, Nescafe, energy drinks, etc., as all of these increase your caffeine levels. Replace all of these with natural drinks and fresh juices. You should also eat ready-made meals and make sure to eat healthy food at home.
Second: Make sure to do some light exercise, such as walking in the open air, as it reduces stress and anxiety.
Finally, we come to the last and third point in our article - which is mental preparation for the exam - and among the most important tips for mental preparation for the exam are the following:
Mental preparation for the exam - Study preparation - How to motivate yourself to study.
First: Choose the right place to study: Away from noise and distractions such as the sound of the television. Make sure that the place has a table or desk that allows you to sit upright and comfortably to prepare for studying. The room should have comfortable lighting and good ventilation. Feeling comfortable in the study place is the first way to productivity.
Second: Make sure to study intelligently: Studying does not mean spending all day in front of a book and personal notebooks. You must set a goal for studying or studying. Before studying, you must have a study plan through a schedule. This will help you more in accomplishing things and reaching goals.
Third: Be sure to think positively and not negatively : Avoid some habits that lead you to negative thinking, such as:
- Not having enough confidence in your abilities and skills
- Stop comparing yourself to others.
- Avoid skimming through the study material quickly, as it is a discontinuous skimming that exposes you to fear of the material.
- Avoid looking at test questions without studying them well, as this exposes you to fear and lack of self-confidence.
Fourth: Avoid distractions and wasting study time: such as mobile phones or personal phones - social media - avoid staying away from these distractions during study time. You can turn off your mobile phone during study time - do not enter social media pages and accounts.
Fifth: Make sure that you have all the study supplies in the study place so that you avoid interrupting your study by going to get something you need, as this exposes you to losing focus in studying. Also, avoid placing a lot of books, summaries, and papers on the desk or study table, as this exposes you to distraction, as it is possible to think about another subject while studying a specific subject.
Sixth: Make sure to outline and write down notes that help you store information and link it together so that it is easy for you to retrieve information.
Seventh: Make sure to test yourself before the final exam. Make sure to solve multiple test questions of different formats on all parts of the study material.
Eighth: Be sure to diversify your review and study methods, such as relying on the notes and summaries that you wrote down during your daily study.
Ninth: Make sure to prioritize in an organized manner - so you can study and cover the material completely.
Finally, the school website.com wishes all students success, excellence and continued success.
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