The United Arab Emirates University is one of the most famous universities in the Arabian Gulf. It ranked fifth among Arab universities. It includes about 9 colleges in addition to the College of Graduate Studies and the University College, which includes many specializations. It is a comprehensive university for scientific research and provides the best professors.
About the educational institution
United Arab Emirates University - The first comprehensive national university in the United Arab Emirates. Founded in 1976 by the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the United Arab Emirates University aspires to be a comprehensive research university. The university currently enrolls approximately 15,000 Emirati and international students.
As the leading university in the UAE, it offers a diverse range of accredited, high-quality undergraduate and graduate programs across nine colleges: Business and Economics, Education, Engineering, Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine, Humanities and Social Sciences, Information Technology, Law, Medicine and Health Sciences, and Science. With a distinguished international faculty, a new, state-of-the-art campus, and a full range of student support services, the university provides an unparalleled learning environment in the UAE.
In its quest to achieve an international research status, the United Arab Emirates University works with its industrial partners to provide research solutions to the challenges facing the local, regional and international community. The university has established a number of research centers of strategic importance to the country and the region, which deal with topics related to important issues in the UAE and the countries of the region, such as water resources and cancer treatment. The United Arab Emirates University is ranked fifth in the Arab world.
The academic programmes at UAEU are designed in partnership with employers, ensuring that a larger segment of the university’s graduates are employed. Many UAEU graduates hold senior positions in industry, commerce and government in the region.
Our continuous investment in the quality of facilities, services and staff competence keeps us a role model for excellence and innovation.
( Leadership and innovation in higher education, scientific research and community service at the local and international levels).
(The UAE University will continue its positive contribution to the progress of the United Arab Emirates by providing high-quality academic programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels, developing research capabilities in the country, and effective partnerships locally and internationally to enhance the production and dissemination of knowledge and support national development).
Website: https://www.uaeu.ac.ae
Email address: UG@uaeu.ac.ae
Social Media Accounts
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UAEUNews
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/uaeu_news
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/uaeunews/
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheUAEUMedia
- Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@uaeu_news
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/school/united-arab-emirates-university
Nature of the study
One campus with 9 colleges with some courses shared between male and female students.
Main campus number :
Registration Office :800-8238
Frequently Asked Questions about United Arab Emirates University
Does the academy provide scholarships: N/A
Does the academy provide internal housing: Yes
Does the academy provide transportation: Yes
Type of educational institution: Government
Nationality: Citizen students and children of citizen women
Services for people with disabilities:
The Student Services Center for People of Determination works to ensure that all students with disabilities studying at the United Arab Emirates University have equal educational opportunities with their peers. Students with any type of disability are encouraged to contact the center to assess their conditions and then provide them with the relevant services and technologies.
Academic Facilities
Life at UAEU
/ https://www.uaeu.ac.ae/ar/experience
Academic Support Centers
The Learning Centers, part of the Student Success Unit (SSU) at the University College, provide support and services to UAEU students to help them improve their academic performance, develop effective communication skills and gain practical experience with new technology. The centers, which include the Writing and Speaking Centers, Tutorials and Technology Centers, support UAEU students at the university level and at all academic levels. All members of the academic community are welcome to use our services, available both face-to-face and online.
Campus Life
Virtual Tour https://www.uaeu.ac.ae/ar/campus_life
Academic programs:
College of Humanities and Social SciencesBachelor of Arts in Arabic Language and Literature
Bachelor of Arts in English Literature
Bachelor of Arts in Translation Studies
Bachelor of Arts in Geography
- Environmental Geography Track
- GIS Track
- Urban Planning Path
Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication
- Journalism Path
- Public Relations and Advertising Track
- radio track
- TV Track
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
Bachelor of Social Work
College of Science
Bachelor of Science in Biology- Environmental and Organic Biology Track
- Cellular and Molecular Biology Track
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
Bachelor of Science in Earth Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
Bachelor of Science in Physics
- General Physics Track
- Space Science Track
College of Education
- Bachelor of Early Childhood Education
- Bachelor of Education in Special Education
- Talent and Excellence Path
- Mild and moderate disabilities track
- Sensory Impairment Pathway
- Severe Disabilities Pathway
Bachelor of Health and Physical Education
College of Management and Economics Bachelor of Accounting
Bachelor of Finance and BankingBachelor of Business Administration
- Marketing path
- Human Resources Management and Development Track
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management Track
- Entrepreneurship Path
Bachelor of Science in Statistics and Data Analysis
Faculty of Law
- Bachelor of Laws
College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Business Administration
Bachelor of Science in Horticulture
- Environmental Gardening Path
- Crop Production and Organic Agriculture Path
- marine fisheries track
- Zoology track
Bachelor of Science in Food Science
Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine
College of Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Architecture
- Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Communications Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Engineering
College of Information Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Information Security
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
- Doctor of Medicine
- Bachelor of Science in Nutrition
- Bachelor of Science in Nutrition Regulation
- Bachelor of Speech and Language Therapy
University Programs Guide: Click here
Rewards & Benefits N/A
Admission Criteria
Admission requirements for all colleges except the College of Medicine and Health Sciences .
- Elite Track - GPA of at least 75%
- Advanced Track - GPA of at least 80%
- General track - GPA of no less than 80. The College of Law requires a minimum GPA of 85% .
- Technical High Schools (ATHS) ASP- GPA not less than 75%
- Advanced Technical High Schools (ATHS) - GPA of at least 80%
- Technical High Schools (ATHS) General - GPA of no less than 80%, except for the faculties of engineering and information technology, which require a minimum GPA of 90%.
- The Faculty of Law requires a minimum GPA of 85%.
- SABIS System - General average of not less than 75%
- International Baccalaureate (IB) – minimum score of 24 points excluding additional points
- American system - a rate of not less than 80% or a rate of 3 (on a scale of) 4
- British System (GCE/IGCSE) - Eight subjects (five at O level and three at AS/S level) with a minimum grade of C in all subjects, Arabic Language and Islamic Education are not counted.
Admission requirements to the College of Medicine and Health Sciences
(Doctor of Medicine)
- Elite Track - GPA of at least 85%.
- Advanced Track - GPA of at least 90%.
- General Track - Not Applicable
- Technical High Schools (ATHS) ASP- GPA not less than 80%
- Technical High Schools (ATHS) – GPA of at least 90%
- Technical Secondary Schools (STS) - Not applicable
- SABIS System - General average not less than 85%
- International Baccalaureate (IB) – minimum score of 28 points, excluding additional points.
- American system – GPA of at least 90% or 3.5 (on a scale of 4)
- British System (GCE/IGCSE) - Eight subjects (five at O level and three at AS/S level) with a minimum grade of B in all subjects, three science subjects with a grade of no less than B and A in any four subjects. Arabic and Islamic Education are not counted.
Admission Requirements
- Obtaining a UAE Grade 12 certificate or its equivalent, while meeting the following minimum requirements for educational regulations and certificates.
- Obtaining a minimum score of 1250 on the Emirates Standardized Test ( EMSAT) in English or a minimum score of (5.5) on the English Language Proficiency Test (IELTS – Academic) or equivalent.
- Conditional Admission Applicants who have obtained a score of (1100 to 1225) in the Emirates Standardized Test (Emirates EmSAT) are accepted. (In English or equivalent, conditional acceptance
- Conditionally, students will not be able to register for courses with credit hours unless they meet the required score in the English language.
- Students who are graduates of private schools that do not follow the government curriculum, and students who have obtained high school certificates issued by institutions outside the country, are required to have their high school certificates equated by the Ministry of Education in the country.
Important dates and activities during the school year:
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