Date Thu, Apr 01, 2021


Ramadan is a month with a special nature that differs in the nature of studying and preparing for exams from normal days, as you must study and prepare for exams in Ramadan. Therefore, in this article, we present to you the best 10 tips that will help you spend an easy study day in Ramadan.

1-  Make sure to have healthy snacks during Iftar and Suhoor.

Eating healthy, light, non-fatty meals helps increase concentration, activity, and nourishes the brain. You can learn about these meals through the article Learn about the most important foods that help strengthen memory and mental focus in Ramadan.

2- Make sure to do light exercise.

Sports help stimulate blood circulation in the body, which has a significant impact on concentration and the brain. In addition, they reduce stress and study pressure and give you a boost of energy and continuity. You can set aside some time after breakfast in Ramadan to practice light exercises, such as walking after Tarawih prayers. It is a simple form of exercise.

3- Make sure to drink water and juices.

They are factors that help maintain the body’s hydration and provide it with energy, activity and focus in studying, and help you avoid dehydration, headaches and fatigue. You can learn about the best drinks that help you focus and be active through our article.

The best drinks that help with energy and focus in Ramadan

4- Be sure to take a light break.

You can take a light break between lessons as a break between lessons and be sure to choose the appropriate times for studying and organize and manage your time. You can learn about the best times to study and how to organize time and prepare for studying through our article.

The most important study methods in Ramadan to pass exams - Through this article you can learn about

  • Preparing for studying in Ramadan
  • Best times to study in Ramadan
  • How to create your own world for studying during Ramadan
  • The stage of arranging studying in Ramadan - a study schedule in Ramadan
  • The best study methods in Ramadan to pass exams

5- Make sure you get good sleep.

Try to plan your time while fasting and make sure to sleep well so that you get some energy and focus while studying.

6- Choose Ramadan drinks carefully.

Make sure to drink beverages that help you focus and stay active. You can learn about these beverages through our article.

The best drinks that help with energy and focus in Ramadan - this article will help you learn about them

Hot drinks that help you focus and juices that strengthen memory because they contain vitamin Omega 3. Don't forget to drink water, but without exaggeration. Water has the ability to moisturize the body and stimulate blood circulation, which helps improve brain function and memorization.

7- Make sure to review in a different way.

Use different study methods so that you can memorize and recall information easily. You can learn about the most important study methods, which are:

  • Classic study style
  • Verbal study method
  • Visual study method
  • Linking style
  • Practice style

From our article: The most important study methods in Ramadan to pass exams

You can also read our article :

How to make Ramadan an opportunity to study - focus - excel - excel in yesterday's exams

8-  Be sure to check the final exam date.

You should be aware of the exam schedule before Ramadan and prepare a study schedule according to the times that suit you and when you have a degree of activity and focus.

9-  Make sure to take advantage of the spiritual benefits of Ramadan by planning time for prayer and reading the Quran.

10- Do not forget to pray while fasting and studying - Make sure to say the prayer for studying and understanding things before studying.

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