Date Thu, Dec 28, 2023


The IELTS test is one of the most prominent international language tests recognized worldwide; to assess the level of English for people who wish to enroll in universities, immigrate or work in English-speaking countries. The IELTS test is conducted in the United Arab Emirates and follows the same internationally approved structure.

The IELTS test consists of four main sections: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Among these sections, the reading section is one of the sections that requires a large amount of background and prior vocabulary, which makes it challenging for students; this is due to the difficulty of understanding unknown words and structures, which constitutes an obstacle in understanding the text.

Here are the top 3 steps to improve your language comprehension skills:

Good performance in the reading section of the IELTS test depends on a good understanding of the basic aspects of the language. Therefore, applicants should be familiar with language comprehension skills, language structures, different vocabulary and common contexts, by:

  •       Understanding linguistic structures:

You need to be able to recognize different language structures and understand how they are used in sentences; analyze phrases, discover relationships between words, and have a good understanding of context.

  •       Expanding vocabulary:

You should have a large vocabulary by practicing vocabulary regularly, reading continuously, and listening to various sources in English, such as films, books, articles, and daily conversations, in order to improve your language comprehension skills .

  •       Speed ​​reading practice:

By reading many books and listening to the language regularly, andpracticing speed reading to improve your speed and understanding of texts, so try to read short articles regularly and acquire new vocabulary to expand your vocabulary.

 Some other mechanisms you can follow to understand unknown words:

In the IELTS test, you will encounter unknown and unfamiliar words. This is normal if you are not experienced in the language, especially if they are difficult, technical, or uncommon words in daily use. Focus on understanding the unknown words by:

  •       Understanding the context:

If you don't understand some of the words in front of you or you come across them for the first time, the context surrounding the unknown word may be the key to understanding its meaning. You will try to infer the meaning of the word or sentence from the context, and using it may help you solve the mystery of the unknown word easily.

  •       Use the dictionary:

You can refer to language dictionaries or glossaries to improve your language comprehension skills if you are unable to deduce the meaning of a word from the context or roots. You can resort to the dictionary, but resort to well-known and constantly updated dictionaries to search for the correct meaning and benefit from them to the greatest extent.

Expand your vocabulary to improve your understanding of words:

  •       Expanding vocabulary:

Expand your vocabulary by reading and practicing English regularly. The more vocabulary you know, the better your chances of understanding unknown words on the test. Use reliable dictionaries and vocabulary resources to strengthen your language skills.

  •       Understanding the words before and after:

By understanding the words that precede and follow unknown words, you can form a picture that may contain additional information about the meaning. So analyze them and use your prior knowledge to predict the possible meaning. Remember, these mechanisms depend on constant practice and patience. Apply them regularly and try to apply them in your daily reading to improve your ability to understand difficult words.

5 Tips to Improve Your Language Comprehension Skills for Unknown Words!

  •       Continuous reading and practice:

Practice reading and challenge yourself by choosing reading materials that contain a variety of vocabulary that is unfamiliar to you. The more you read, the more you will be able to understand unknown words and your overall vocabulary will improve.

  •       Pay attention to keywords:

Pay attention to the key words in the sentence or paragraph that contains the unknown word. These key words may be clues to understanding the overall meaning of the text and the unknown word in context.

  •       patience :

Because with practice and patience you will notice a gradual improvement in your ability to understand unfamiliar words in reading; so continue to expand your vocabulary and practice reading regularly, and you will see a great improvement in your understanding of texts and interpretation of unknown words. 

This list of passive words will also help:

  •       Make a list of unknown words:

Write down the unknown words you come across while reading and try to look up their meanings and learn them later. This will help you build your vocabulary, improve your ability to understand unknown words and serve as a reference for you.

  •       Find the linguistic origin:

Find the root of a word that you sometimes have difficulty understanding. It may be easier for you to deduce the meaning of an unknown word by knowing its linguistic roots. Find the linguistic origin of the word or similar words. You may be able to deduce the meaning from that.

Understanding texts in the IELTS test is difficult!!

No, it is not difficult if you try to improve your language skills ; to avoid any unknown words that hinder your understanding of the text being read.. if you follow the following steps:

  •       Linking grammar rules :

Through some linguistic strategies that can be used to understand unfamiliar words, such as linking grammatical rules together and analyzing structures to determine the role of the word in the sentence, you can also, through your background, predict from the context of the passage about the possible meaning of the sentence based on the information available to you.

  •       Practice reading unknown words:

Train yourself and try to identify the unknown meaning of the words you encounter by reading various texts. And by solving the questions related to them in previous tests, which improves your language comprehension skills . Training may take time, but after that you will see a noticeable improvement in understanding any noticeable word and with practice as well.

Improving language comprehension skills in a simplified way:

  •       Various educational resources:

There are many educational resources available online that you can use to understand and analyze unknown words. You can search for these resources and e-books or

Sites, applications, and application of various exercises and examples to solve the problem of dealing with unknown words.

  •       Actual practice:

Through the exercises and past tests you solve and the reading exercises in the IELTS practice tests . This will help you improve your ability to understand unfamiliar words.

You can use ( ) to get preparatory training for the IELTS test; this will greatly help you develop your skills and pass the test with distinction.

Wondering what makes unknown words important in a general reading test ?!

Understanding unknown words in the IELTS Reading section is very important. Here are some reasons why understanding them is important in the test:

  •       Understanding the general meaning of the text :

Because any lack of understanding of some words or sentences in the text will constitute a defect in understanding the general meaning; therefore, unknown words may be an essential part of the text, and understanding them correctly helps you understand the general meaning of the text better; because they may include important basic concepts that affect the interpretation of the text clearly and completely.

  •       Confidence in reading:

When you read the text smoothly without any obstacles that hinder reading the text, this gives you more confidence in reading, and you become able to deal with complex texts better. Unlike stopping every second at unknown words and wondering what this word means!; which hinders understanding and reading the text faster.

Follow the importance of understanding unknown words:

  •       Answering questions about unknown words:

The IELTS reading section includes questions that ask you to understand unknown words based on context. By not knowing these words, you are handicapping yourself, but by improving your language comprehension skills, you can answer these questions with confidence.

  •       Develop your vocabulary:

Through the vocabulary that you will add to your linguistic stock after knowing its meaning, when you encounter unknown words, trying and looking for them in dictionaries will contribute to broadening your horizons. And every time you will get to know new vocabulary and you will benefit from it in the future when reading other texts and communicating in English will be easy.

  •       Good communication:

The research and effort you will put into understanding the unknown vocabulary will help you communicate more accurately, and thus understand the texts in the IELTS test better and the conversations quickly . Understanding the unknown words in the IELTS reading section enhances your ability to understand texts in general, and contributes to improving your language comprehension skills. Therefore, it is recommended to pay attention to developing and practicing this skill.

IELTS Topics:

The IELTS test is structured around four main sections:

  1.       Hearing test :

Applicants listen to audio clips and then answer questions about the audio content, including: newspaper and magazine articles, academic and historical texts, scientific and cultural research, everyday conversations and dialogues, academic lectures, advertisements, and personal conversations.

  1.       Reading test :

Candidates read different texts in English and then answer questions about the text they read.

  1.       Written test :

Applicants write a short piece in English on a given topic, including: writing an essay, for example, comparing different points of view, writing a report or data, or writing about personal experiences or personal opinions.

  1.       Oral test :

Candidates will speak to a dedicated teacher one-on-one to discuss a range of topics including: general topics such as self-identification, family, work, education or social and cultural topics, arts, health, science, technology and discussions on general topics. These are examples of some of the general topics for the IELTS test in the UAE , and other topics may be covered.

Techniques to improve rapid reading comprehension:

  •       Read carefully:

By reading texts carefully, you can easily understand them and extract the main meanings, important details, and relationships between ideas.

  •       Diverse and comprehensive reading:

Read a wide range of written materials in English, such as articles, books, newspapers, and magazines. In addition to different topics to increase the diversity of your vocabulary and broaden your horizons and understanding of different writing styles, and increase the practice of comprehensive reading; because the more you read, the more vocabulary you will know and the better your ability to understand unknown words will be.

  •       Improve reading speed :

Practice techniques to improve your listening and reading skills in the IELTS test .

  •       Understanding the context:

Use the sentences and paragraphs surrounding the unknown words to understand their meaning and thus read smoothly and quickly. Try to infer the meaning based on the context and other surrounding information.

  •       Keywords:

As an explanation of the text, pay attention to the words surrounding the unknown word, especially the key words in the sentence or paragraph. These words may be important for understanding the overall meaning of the text and pointing you to the appropriate meaning of the unknown word.

Techniques to improve listening skills:

  •       Listen carefully:

Listen carefully to the text being read to you and pay attention when listening to audio texts in practice and during study. Identify the main ideas and important details related to the topic and start analyzing them for ease of understanding.

  •       Listen to multiple sources :

Listen to a variety of English audio sources, such as conversations, interviews, lectures, podcasts, audiobooks, and movies in English, so that you get used to hearing correct pronunciation, different pronunciations, different pronunciation speeds, and different sounds.

  •       Practice different types of questions:

By solving different exercises on the types of questions that may be asked in the listening section of the IELTS test ; this will help you to recognize and prepare for common questions and prepare appropriate solutions to answer different questions.

  •       Actual exercises:

Do lots of listening exercises in the IELTS practice tests . This will help you improve your language comprehension skills, absorb information and respond quickly to questions in a short time.

  •       Take notes:

While listening, try to make quick notes and take personal notes. To record key information and important details.

Can I hire a coach to help me improve my language comprehension skills?

You can seek the help of a teacher or coach to help you improve your ability to understand unknown words in reading, through some options:

  •       Reading courses:

Look for reliable places that offer IELTS preparation courses that are designed to improve your reading and vocabulary skills. These courses may help you improve your ability to understand unknown words.

You can consider private lessons with a specialized online coach like those available to help you at ( to improve your reading skills and help you pass the IELTS test . We have a group of specialized teachers who will assess your level and guide you towards the appropriate strategies to improve your understanding of unknown words and make a plan for this.


  •       Study groups:

Shared to spread the spirit of interaction between people who share the same goal with you. Where you can exchange experiences and practices and enhance your common abilities in understanding unknown words. This will provide you with the necessary guidance for you, to benefit from the experiences and knowledge of trainers and teachers to achieve great progress in your reading skills.

The importance of mobile applications in language improvement:

  •       Mobile Apps and Online Resources:

There are many free apps and online resources that aim to improve your reading and vocabulary comprehension skills; you can use them as additional learning tools to enhance your abilities. But the real result comes from practice, as there are many ways to improve abilities, but regardless of the method you choose to improve your ability to understand unknown words, practice and continued reading are the most important to get the result you want. Regularly read texts that contain new and unknown vocabulary to enhance your skills. 

References play an important role in your IELTS preparation:

References and learning sites can be used online to improve reading skills, language comprehension, and expand vocabulary, in addition to free online resources such as interactive learning sites and platforms. Here are some reasons why references are important:

Improve language skills:

References are a valuable resource for improving your four language skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking, which are the skills you need to develop to pass the IELTS test .

Appropriate resources:

Using the IELTS references will help you prepare for the test. These references cover all sections of the test in detail.

Understanding test requirements :

Before the test, you need to be familiar with all the information about it beforehand and to know the requirements of each section and how to best prepare for it.

Educational references are a source of information acquisition:

Which helps you get used to the question pattern and improve your performance.

Tips before the test:

The references provide you with valuable tips for dealing with each section of the IELTS test effectively. Tips on how to allocate your time correctly, and how to answer questions in an organized and thoughtful manner, to improve your test score.

Test training:

The references provide you with exercises and activities that will help you develop your skills in all these areas, to prepare for the actual test. You will find questions similar to those you will face in the test, which will help you get used to the style of questions.

In short, the references provide you with the necessary support and appropriate resources to prepare for the IELTS test in the UAE . They help improve your language comprehension skills and increase your chances of success. Just start expanding your horizons and vocabulary now.

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