Date Wed, Feb 16, 2022


All you need to know to pass the AMSAT Injaz exam successfully?

The AMSAT Achievement Exam for University Admission is a major requirement for students to pass the twelfth grade educational stage, and the AMSAT Achievement Exam for University Admission is called AMSAT Achievement.

The EmSAT Injaz exam is an electronic test developed by the UAE Ministry of Education to measure the skills of students, especially twelfth grade students, and to know the extent of their cumulative acquisition of information over the past years, which confirms their passing of this grade and their ability to advance to the higher education stage and acceptance into universities. 

In this article, we will learn together what the AMSAT achievement exam is and what subjects this exam includes. I will also briefly tell you about the sections of each subject discussed in the AMSAT exam.

So that you do not worry and occupy your mind too much, we will discuss everything you need to know about the AMSAT Injaz exam and how to register for it. Also, at the end of the article, I will tell you many tips and strategies that will help you succeed and excel in the AMSAT Injaz exam.

First, how to register for the AMSAT Injaz exam for university admission?

Registration for the AMSAT Injaz exam for university admission is done by the student successfully following the registration steps, which are:

        • The student can contact the school coordinator to register the student’s Emirates ID, or the student can register individually by clicking on the registration button.
        • The student activates his account through a link sent to him via his email registered on the site.
        • The student registers for the available tests through the student platform for the Emirates Standardized Test.

In the registration process for the AMSAT achievement exam, the following is determined:

        1. Determine the twelfth grade.
        2. Select the exam date.
        3. Determine the examination center.
        4. Determine the exam time (test date).

After completing the registration, the student clicks on the word (Submit), then selects the appropriate payment method for him, in exchange for passing the AMSAT achievement test .

Secondly, what are the target groups in the AMSAT achievement test ?

This test targets many applicants and researchers with various other goals such as:

        • Students moving from the first year to the higher education stage must pass the AMSAT achievement exam.
        • Students’ desire to complete postgraduate studies, master’s and doctoral degrees, which requires passing the AMSAT achievement exam.
        • A graduate requested to work in an institution according to the institution’s conditions of passing the AMSAT achievement exam to be accepted for the job.
        • Some employees in government or private entities need to be promoted according to the conditions of their employers, including passing the AMSAT achievement exam.
        • Some students who have completed their national service and wish to apply and enroll in a university must pass the AMSAT achievement test in order to be accepted into the university.

Thirdly, what are the subjects included in the AMSAT Injaz exam…?

The AMSAT achievement exam for the twelfth grade includes seven subjects, which are as follows:

    • Arabic
    • english language
    • mathematics
    • Chemistry
    • Physics
    • Neighborhoods
    • Computer Science (Java-Python-C++)

    Each subject has a specific time for the test, and the test is to measure the skills of twelfth grade students in each subject.

    Now I will talk to you in detail about each subject, the duration of the exam for it, and the sections of the AMSAT achievement exam in each of those seven subjects. Follow us.

    First, the Arabic language subject :

    The AMSAT Achievement Test in Arabic aims to measure students’ skills in reading comprehension and writing in Arabic upon completion of general education and before enrolling in university education.

    The AMSAT Achievement Test in Arabic consists of three sections:

    Reading texts :

          • Includes reading long and short texts that deal with cultural, scientific, economic and social topics.
          • The time limit for this section is 35 minutes and it measures students' reading skills.

    Language structure and vocabulary

          • Measures students' skills in grammar, morphology and spelling.
          • It also measures their knowledge of common vocabulary.
          • The questions in this section are multiple choice and the time limit is 35 minutes.


          • Students are required to complete one writing assignment on a persuasive text on one of the topics.
          • The time allotted for this section is 50 minutes, which is 30% of the total test score.

    The test questions are multiple choice questions and one essay question. The time limit for the Arabic language subject is 120 minutes and the test is conducted in one test session.

    Secondly, English language subject :

          • The AMSAT English Achievement Test aims to measure students' language skills in the English language.

    The exam consists of four main sections, which are:

          • The test includes 110 questions and one essay writing task in which the student must write 200-250 words.
          • Most of the questions are multiple choice drag and drop.
          • The time limit for the test is 135 minutes for each section.
          • You are assessed on the CEFR Achievement Test in English.

    Thirdly, mathematics :

          • The AMSAT Mathematics Achievement Test assesses students' readiness to study mathematics at the university or college level.
          • The test is electronic, with the test parts and questions distributed randomly.
          • The questions are in mathematics on algebra, geometry and statistics.
          • The test is adaptive, where the questions and their difficulty are customized for each test taker independently, and the use of a calculator is allowed.
          • The number of questions in the AMSAT achievement test for mathematics is 50 questions, and they are multiple choice or fill in the blank.
          • The time limit for the test is 120 minutes.

    Fourth, physics :

    This test aims to measure the level of students studying physics at the university or college level.

    The AMSAT Achievement Test in Physics contains five basic areas:

      • Mechanics
      • Electricity and magnetism
      • Waves and optics
      • Modern Physics
      • Thermal Physics and Thermodynamics

      This test is also adaptive, where the questions and their difficulty are customized for each test taker independently, and the use of a calculator is allowed.

      The number of questions in the AMSAT Physics Achievement Test is 50 questions and is in the form of multiple choice.

      The time limit for the test is 120 minutes.

      Fifth: Chemistry :

            • The AMSAT Chemistry Achievement Test measures the applicant's proficiency in chemistry and also determines his or her readiness to enter college or university.
            • The test is computer-based and features random questions, sections and choices.
            • The test is adaptive, where the questions and their difficulty are customized for each test taker independently.
            • The test content areas are matter, bonding, elemental calculations, chemical reactions, thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium, and organic chemistry.
            • The exam consists of 50 questions, which are multiple choice, fill in the blank, and drag and drop.
            • The time limit for the test is 120 minutes.

      Sixth: Biology :

            • The AMSAT Biology Achievement Test measures 12th grade students' proficiency in biology and also determines their readiness to enter college or university.
            • The test is computer-based and features random questions, sections and choices.
            • The test is adaptive, where the questions and their difficulty are customized for each test taker independently.
            • The exam consists of 50 questions, which are multiple choice, fill in the blank, and drag and drop.
            • The time limit for the test is 120 minutes.

      The test field axes are four axes.

        • From Molecules to Organisms - Structure and Function
        • Genetics and Genetic Technology
        • Biodiversity similarities and differences
        • Ecosystems, interactions, energy and dynamics

        Seventh: Computer Science

              • The AMSAT Computer Science Achievement Test measures students' progress in using computers and their knowledge of programming languages.
              • The test covers three programming languages: C++, Java, and Python.
              • The time limit for the test is 150 minutes.

        After we have learned about all the sections of the AMSAT Injaz exam and how to register for it, I will provide you with some tips and strategies that will help you pass the exam easily.

        Tips and strategies for passing the AMSAT Injaz exam :

        Before the student takes the AMSAT Injaz exam, he must be aware of all the details related to the exam that will enable him to remove the fear of it, in addition to the necessity of his keenness to possess all the skills that will enable him to pass it properly, to achieve advanced results that will improve his chances in his next steps.

        There are several tips recommended by many education experts, which are important points that the student must be aware of before taking the AMSAT Achievement exam, and they are:

              • Register your exam date so you don't miss it.
              • Know the exam time to go on time.
              • Knowing the number of exam questions.
              • Know the exact time of the exam.
              • Knowing the types of questions in terms of their diversity among the basic skills (speaking - listening - reading - writing).
              • The student realizes that the validity of the EMSAT certificate is only 18 months from the date of the exam.
              • It is preferable for the student to prepare himself for the EMSAT exam a period of up to one or two months before taking it.
              • The AMSAT achievement exam is a test to measure the student’s abilities and skills without looking at a specific curriculum or a specific book.
              • The cumulative AMSAT exam measures the amount of information and knowledge that the student has acquired over a number of years to determine his educational level in general.
              • The student should practice previous exams, taking into account the time so that he can get used to finishing each question in the time allotted for it.
              • Sleep early the day before the AMSAT exam.
              • Avoid excessive focus on screens, mobile phones and cell phones.
              • Eat a light meal such as fruit or vegetables before taking the exam, so that blood does not go to the stomach, and the student does not lose concentration and feel sleepy during the exam period.
              • Relying on the cumulative information collected from previous years, and not paying attention to the expectations put forward by some for personal purposes aimed at financial gain and exploiting time, due to the change in the exam from one center to another and from one emirate to another.
              • The student is trained to use the computer professionally, starting with how to operate it, using the keyboard for typing, knowing punctuation marks, hamzas and diacritics, and how to write capital and small letters.
              • Using the mouse to direct the arrow to the thing you want to open or move, and even dealing with programs and searching the Internet, because the exam is performed on the computer.

        Regarding registration for the AMSAT Injaz exam , the student must be careful to follow these important instructions.

          • It is necessary to ensure that the registration process for the EMSAT exam has been completed.
          • The student must print the exam ticket before the scheduled date and review the instructions written on it.
          • Follow up with the student's school official to ensure the registration process is completed.
          • View the AMSAT exam model for the subjects included in the exam, which can be found on the Ministry’s website.
          • Arrive at the designated test center approximately 15 minutes or more before the test starts.
          • The student must bring his/her Emirates ID and exam ticket.
          • The student reviews all exam answers to ensure that all questions are answered.
          • The student should seek help from the officials if his computer suffers any technical malfunction.

          Now I will tell you about the role of the, the Emsat Institute, and the advantages of the training courses for the Emsat exam. Achievement with the

          The role of the Amsat Institute:

          The School provides many advantages for the Emsat Injaz courses, which are as follows:

                • offers a variety of courses designed to prepare students to pass the AMSAT Achievement exam in various academic fields.
                • Provides specialized training for students that focuses on understanding the requirements of the AMSAT Achievement exam and developing the skills needed to succeed in it.
                • provides comprehensive and integrated study content that covers all aspects of the EmSAT exam, including language skills, reading, writing, reasoning skills, and critical thinking.
                • The Institute as an EmSAT Institute has a team of qualified and experienced trainers in teaching the EmSAT achievement exam , providing the necessary guidance and support to students throughout the training period.
                • It provides regular assessment and individual monitoring of students' progress and development, helping them identify strengths and weaknesses and work to improve them.
                • It sets a flexible schedule that suits students' needs, allowing them to book lessons according to their convenient times.
                • A technical support team is available to students to answer their queries and help them solve any technical problem they may encounter during the course.
                • Taking the EMSAT test provides you with experience in solving and managing time on actual EMSAT test questions.

          Indeed, the Institute helps you prepare for the EmSAT exam to pass it easily and provides you with all the means that guarantee you pass all exams in all specializations. Therefore, do not hesitate to register for the training courses for the EmSAT Injaz exam.


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