Exams are one of the most stressful experiences in a person’s life. A large percentage of students suffer from anxiety, panic and fear attacks during exams.
Because fear is always a product of ignorance, a person’s ignorance of his purpose, in this article we try to shed light on some of the common questions that occupy the minds of many students about the AMSAT test and the answers to these questions.
1- How do I see the results of the AMSAT test?
- The results of the EMSAT test for twelfth grade students will be announced fifteen working days after taking the test, and ten working days for graduates of previous years. Applicants will be notified via email of the results appearing during the mentioned period, noting that the results will only be published on the EMSAT test platform .
2- When will the evening exam grades be released in the Emirates?
- Three weeks after the test date , you will receive a text message confirming that it has been issued.
3- When does school start in the evenings?
- In the first and second semesters
4- When does the study end in the evenings?
- In the second semester
5- When does the first semester start in the Emirates?
On August 29, it lasts for 186 school days.
6- When does the second semester start in the Emirates?
- First day of the second semester January 2, 2022
7- When does the third semester start in the Emirates?
- First day of third semester April 10, 2022
8- How many points does the AMSAT exam have?
- In the English test, the test score range is: 300 to 2000.
- In the mathematics test, the score range is: 500 points ≤ 2000.
- In Physics test Score range: 500 points ≤ 1500+
- In Chemistry test score range: 500 points ≤ 1500+
- In Biology test, score range: 500 points ≤ 1500+
- In the Computer Science test, the score range is: 500 points + 1500 points.
- In Computer Science – Python test Score range: 500 points + 1500 points
9- How do I register for the EMSAT test?
10- How do I get the results of the AMSAT test?
- This is done through the yesterday's test platform .
11- What are the preventive measures followed after the spread of the Corona pandemic in the EMSAT exam?
The student must wear a mask and gloves before entering the examination center.
- The examinee's temperature will be checked, all examinees will be subjected to a thermal camera and anyone showing symptoms similar to those of Corona will be prevented from entering the exam.
No one is allowed to enter the examination center with the examinee, and they are also not allowed to be present in the waiting areas.
- Follow the rules of social distancing and the necessity of having 2 meters between each examinee.
- Each examinee must leave immediately after the end of the examination, noting that no one will be allowed to remain after they have finished the examination.
It is necessary for each examinee to bring his/her own calculator, on the date of the mathematics and physics exams, or to use the calculator provided in the system, because the center will not provide the calculator to the examinees.
- Each examinee should bring only the things he will need, so as not to be exposed to the question.
12- How do we avoid the Corona virus so that we do not get infected during exams?
Clean your hands regularly with soap and water or alcohol to kill viruses.
- Adhere to social distancing , keep a space of at least one meter between you and people, especially those suffering from colds.
- Always wear a mask , and if it is not available, you can cover your mouth and nose with clean tissues, and you must change them when you sneeze.
- Try to avoid touching your face, especially if your hands are not sanitized.
- Give up the handshake, and just say hello. Don't worry, everyone will understand your concern for your health and theirs.
- Avoid nose-to-nose greetings, hugs, kisses, and dealing with animals.
- Rest as much as possible and drink fluids.
13- Is it required to take a swab or coronavirus test when applying for the AMSAT exams?
Yes, you must do a swab test and it must be negative in order for you, dear student, to be able to take the exam. The swab result is provided through the Seha app. However, if the result is positive, you must do two consecutive swabs and the result must be negative in both of them in order for you to be able to take the exam.
14- How do twelfth grade students register for the achievement exam this year?
Please review the registration page for the AMSAT exam for twelfth grade students and follow the required steps.
15- What is the method that enables twelfth grade students who were unable to succeed to activate their account?
The school coordinator must send proof that the student is continuing his studies, a certificate from the school stating this in addition to being certified by the school principal. The student must also fill out the request to activate the student’s account repeating the study, which is available on the official website of the test ( Contact Us page ).
When the student account is updated and activated, all previous test scores will be deleted.
16- Can twelfth grade students who are expected to be recruited take the EMSAT Injaz test?
- Yes, students expected to be recruited must take the EMSAT test in the following subjects ( Arabic , English, Physics , Mathematics) and adhere to all procedures related to the test.
- Yes, a current or former student has the right to retake the exam every 60 days, and if the student does not attend for an acceptable reason, he does not have the right to a refund of the fees he paid.
18- What is the method that enables the student to retake the exam?
- First, the student must register through the student account and his page on the official website , where he can register and pay the cost of the test. However, in general, dear student, you must be sure to attend the test on time to ensure that you reserve your seat at the university you want.
19- Do non-Arabic speaking twelfth grade students have to take the AMSAT exam for the Arabic language branch?
- Of course not, the AMSAT Arabic Language Achievement Test is not mandatory for foreign students, but if the student wants to join a university that considers this test essential for admission, he must take it, so please review the university admission rules in advance.
20- I am an Emirati student studying outside the UAE. How can I take the AMSAT Achievement Test?
- The applicant submits an application to the National and International Testing Administration to apply for the test through the official website of the EMSAT test via the ( Contact Us ) page.
- You must also contact the Student Registration Department to register in the Nabu system.
21- Every time I try to register, it says “fully booked” on my page and there are no available dates to take the test?
When the exam reservation reaches the maximum number for the session and the number is complete, the student will no longer be able to apply for the exam on the same day. The student must be careful to follow his account on the platform until he receives a notification that exam sessions are opened again, or a text message on the phone or registered email. Students should also check in advance to find out the exam dates via the website link here.
22- When can a student stop or change the exam date?
If the student registers early for the exam , he can then modify or cancel
Exam date and location if necessary, but must be before the scheduled exam date:
- 10 days for 12th grade students
- 6 days for previous batch students
After that, the student cannot modify or cancel the exam application, but is obligated to attend. If the student does not come to the exam, he will be recorded as absent, and the policy followed in cases of absence will apply to him. You can view the official website . The student also has no right to demand the fee.
23- What is the best time for the student to attend the examination venue?
- Candidates must be present at least a quarter of an hour before the exam to complete the registration and identity verification procedures.
- If the examinee exceeds the specified time for taking the exam, he will not be allowed to take the exam and will be recorded as absent.
24- How long does a student need to take the AMSAT achievement test?
The time required for the student to take the exam depends on the subject:
- The Arabic language exam takes 120 minutes.
- The English language test may take up to 125 minutes.
- Math, Physics , Biology , Chemistry and Computer Science each require 90 minutes.
25- What language are the exams in?
- The exam is available in both Arabic and English, and the examinee can choose the language that best suits him.
26- Is it permissible to move between different parts of the exam while solving? Is there a time allocated for each section of the exam?
EMSAT exams vary in the ability to navigate between questions depending on the test subject:
- In the Arabic and English language exams, the examinee can move between questions in the same section if the time limit for that section has not expired.
- In the Arabic and English language exams, the examinee is not allowed to return to the questions after the end of the time period specified for each section of the exam.
- As for the other branches’ AMSAT exams, examinees are given the right to move between questions until the end of the time period specified for all questions, because these subjects do not have sections like the AMSAT language exams.
27- Do 12th grade students have to finish the AMSAT exams in one day?
- Students can take the AMSAT exams on one day, and they can also take each exam at a different time and place depending on the student’s ability and the available dates.
28- What documents does the student need to attend the exam?
- Original Emirates ID or original passport.
- Hard copy of exam ticket for 12th grade students only.
- A negative swab result for the Coronavirus must be obtained within a maximum period of 48 hours from the date of performing the nasal swab test (PCR), provided that the result is available through the Al Hosn/Seha application. However, if the result is positive, two consecutive negative test results must be provided before performing the test.
29- Can a student use a calculator during mathematics, physics and chemistry exams?
- The examinee may use a calculator during the exam, and the student must bring it himself, as the center will not provide it. An electronic calculator is also available in the exam system.
30- Is it possible to use drafts when the student is taking the exam?
- Yes, if the examinee needs additional papers, the test center will provide them, but the student is not allowed to take those papers when leaving the examination hall.
31- Where are the centers where the yesterday’s test is conducted?
You can find out about the EMSAT test centers.
32- How can graduates of previous batches register themselves to take the AMSAT Injaz exam?
- Graduates of previous batches can register on the Emsat platform by visiting the Emirates Standardized Tests registration page on the Emirates Standardized Test website and clicking on the registration button. Please click on the test registration link ( moe.gov.ae )
33- How can graduates of previous batches obtain the results of the AMSAT achievement test?
- Results will be announced via the Emirates Standardized Testing platform within 10 working days.
34- Do Emirati students and children of Emirati mothers have to register in the NABU system before applying for the EMSAT Injaz exam?
- Yes, Emirati students and children of citizens must register in the National Admissions and Registration Office (NAPO) system.
- Because passing the AMSAT exam is a basic requirement for admission to universities in the UAE.
35- Do twelfth grade students in foreign schools have to take the EMSAT test to have their certificates equated?
- They must review the Certificate Equivalency Department regarding this matter or visit the link .
36- What is the required score in the AMSAT exams for admission to universities?
Each student should check the university or college he wishes to join , because the required grades differ from one university/college to another.
37- What is the passing score for the EMSAT test?
There are no pass or fail grades for the EMSAT , but some universities have minimum scores to admit students.
38- When will the results of the AMSAT achievement test be disclosed?
Test results will be disclosed at least fifteen working days after applying for the test for twelfth grade students.
- 10 working days for previous years' payments
Note that the student will receive an email informing him of the results in his account on the test platform, noting that the results will not be published or shared on any other platform, and the student must log in to his account on the test platform only.
39- How long are the results of the EMSAT test valid?
18 months from the date of taking the test.
Read more here about: How to achieve high results in the AMSAT exam with examples of the most important questions
40- If an Emirati student achieves a high score on the TOEFL or IELTS test, is he still required to take the AMSAT English language test ?
Yes, all twelfth grade Emirati students must take the EMSAT exam in the four main subjects (Arabic, English , Mathematics , Physics). This excludes non-national students in a private international school or those who wish to complete their studies outside the Emirates and do not need to have their certificates recognized.
41- What happens if the coordinator responsible for registering and following up on twelfth grade students for the AMSAT exams is changed?
If the coordinator changes (either during the current year or the new year), students must continue registering with the new coordinator, as the platform’s authority is specific to the school as an entity and not to a specific employee.
42- How do I add the name of a third-cycle school that does not exist in the system?
The school coordinator must submit a request through the official website of the Emirates Standardized Test - ( Contact Us ) page - Service to add a school name to the platform. Contact_Us_ar.aspx
43- How are students with disabilities registered for the AMSAT exams?
- Through the ID reader device on the testing platform, people with disabilities from the twelfth grade students for the current academic year are registered . The school coordinator clicks on the people with disabilities icon.
- The school coordinator must include all necessary documents and medical reports, in addition to the student’s academic abilities report, psychological report, and disability card.
- Appropriate action is taken for each case through a technical committee specialized in evaluating cases from the Special Education Department. Accordingly, no reports or registration of students are received via e-mail.
- Registering for the EMSAT test as a person of determination does not necessarily mean that the student is exempted from the test, but the appropriate decision is made based on his condition according to the opinion of the technical committee in the Special Education Department.
- Students from previous batches are not registered through the Emirates Standardized Testing Platform as people of determination to obtain an exemption from taking the test, but any previous student is directed to communicate directly with the Special Education Department via email: POD@MOE.GOV.AE to take the appropriate action for the student’s case.
- The study of exemption cases was limited to students with disabilities, and does not apply to those with chronic diseases, according to the approval of the previous medical committee.
At the end of the article, we hope that we have removed some of the burden from your shoulders, and that we have enlightened you and healed your hearts from any anxiety or fear resulting from yesterday’s test, with our wishes for your success and prosperity.
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