Classical Arabic is one of the most important languages in the world, as it is the language of the Holy Quran, in addition to being a fundamental axis in building our nation. It also constitutes an important factor in building the identity of peoples, so it is very important to master Classical Arabic, which is the language of the Holy Quran, and to work on knowing the challenges facing the Arabic language and how to confront these challenges with the means available to us.
How to master classical Arabic
The first step in mastering the classical Arabic language is to study its grammatical rules as well as its spelling rules. After that, the learner must pay attention to books on rhetoric, and after that, he must study the jurisprudence of the language. The learner must intensify his efforts in practicing the language and speaking and writing in classical Arabic. He must also try as much as possible to avoid speaking in the colloquial language. One of the most important things that develops the learner’s talent in mastering classical Arabic is memorizing the Holy Qur’an and paying attention to reading the Sunnah and studying it helps in strengthening the learner’s language in terms of pronunciation as well as writing.
After that, the learner must also read books of poetry and prose. After mastering the classical Arabic language, it is easy and difficult. Therefore, there are many ways through which one can master the classical Arabic language and facilitate the process of mastering it, including:
- Learn a new word daily:
It is necessary to learn at least one word of the classical Arabic language daily, so that it is easier to learn the classical Arabic language faster, and after learning a new word of the classical Arabic language, it is used directly in daily life. When conducting a study to determine the difficulty of learning a word daily, most people thought that this study was easy to implement but required little effort. To avoid feeling this fatigue or effort, this goal should be set as a challenge that must be implemented and effort should be made until this challenge is implemented and the best result is reached. Therefore, learning a new word daily is one of the important things to achieve mastery of the classical Arabic language.
- Reading daily:
Continuous and daily reading is one of the most important ways to develop and improve the Arabic language and general culture, as well as mastering the classical Arabic language. It is necessary to read daily for a period of no less than half an hour, because reading is very important for a person to become eloquent, as through daily reading, a person improves his skills in reading, pronunciation and writing and trains his memory on a daily basis. Therefore, one should read topics that a person enjoys and do not cause him boredom to persevere in them, such as sports magazines, fashion and beauty magazines, and novels. It is very important to diversify what is read, as knowledge expands through reading different types of reliable books and texts, which are important things to reach mastery of the classical Arabic language.
- Writing daily :
Writing continuously and daily is one of the most important ways to develop and improve the Arabic language and general culture, as well as mastering the classical Arabic language. It is very important to write a piece of literature every day, such as a poem, short story, novel, or anything else, because this method is one of the ways that improves writing and narration skills , in addition to the fact that it works to develop the classical Arabic terminology in a person, which is one of the important things to achieve mastery of the classical Arabic language.
- Listen to lectures, seminars and speeches
Continuously listening to lectures, seminars and speeches is one of the most important ways to develop and improve the Arabic language and general culture, as well as mastering the classical Arabic language. Therefore, it is important to resort to purposeful places and channels that work on pronouncing the Arabic language correctly. Channels that read the Arabic language correctly and properly can be accessed through the Internet, or you can also attend seminars on pronouncing the Arabic language in specialized places to teach the correct pronunciation of the classical Arabic language. In addition to that, those interested in learning the classical Arabic language correctly should consider themselves broadcasters or lecturers and speak in front of a group of people as training to ensure that the classical Arabic language has been mastered .
- Learn grammar and syntax
Learning grammar, syntax, and the art of morphology, which aims to formulate different words, is one of the most important ways to develop and improve the Arabic language and general culture, as well as mastering classical Arabic. It is very important for a person to be proficient in the science of rhetoric, because it benefits the person from a linguistic perspective.
Arabic language and culture
The Arabic language and culture are very important and common matters that occupy a large part of the thinking of specialists, experts, or even ordinary individuals, because their presence together is considered one of the matters that directly affects a person’s thinking and personality, which remains with him throughout his life.
The relationship between Arabic language and culture
Arabic is the primary means by which a person expresses his thoughts and ideas, and therefore language is the official spokesperson for culture. Language and culture are among the most important factors that determine the personality of individuals and groups and help guide the human mind. It is necessary to take care of them and pass them on to future generations that bear this responsibility, such as the family, country, school, experts, and others. However, the family plays a major role in shaping the personality of the individual, as it bears a great burden in this regard, which does not allow the father or mother to speak.
In order to develop and keep up with the times, speaking languages other than the mother tongue to children does not mean not teaching children other languages , but only after they have fully mastered their mother tongue. The state, thanks to its supreme authority, is able to direct the people to the destination they want, through the various state agencies and concerned bodies that handle the country's cultural affairs. From here it becomes clear that this heavy burden is all a shared responsibility between the peoples of language and culture.
Can we consider the Arabic language and culture as an integral part?
Yes, language and culture are two complementary parts that arise and develop simultaneously, which is reflected in the strength of the relationship between them and their strong interdependence in maintaining social cohesion within social groups. Culture is an ethical and educational phenomenon that arises in humans, language is its source and the fountainhead of its existence, created through the principles of documentation and oral communication , based on the media and intellectual products emphasized by the Enlightenment. Ideas, symbols and connotations are its basis, and symbols and connotations are indispensable means of expression in the process of exchanging human and humane knowledge.
This language contributes to the realization of the intellectual renaissance in all its aspects, and constitutes the phenomenon of acquiring new knowledge to build a noble personality characterized by a spirit of optimism in giving and taking. On the contrary, language and culture cannot be achieved overnight. Culture is the result of the accumulation of thousands of years, so interest in language is the beginning of cultural work, because language is an important pillar of culture, and any cultural work begins with language. Language is also part of the culture of the society in which it is spoken. Humans use language as a means of expressing cultural identity, so language and culture are considered an integral part.
The most important challenges facing the Arabic language in light of globalization and technology
Although Arabic ranks fifth among the major languages in the world, various challenges have affected the status of our language, and opinions differ among researchers and those interested about the reasons for the decline in the status of the Arabic language among new generations. Some believe that this is a linguistic crisis that cannot keep pace with global development, while others believe that it is a linguistic crisis that cannot keep pace with global development . There are those who assert that it is neither this nor that, but rather a crisis of a generation that is abandoning its culture for other cultures, or a crisis of a generation that has been swept away by globalization and technology.
Challenges of the Arabic language in light of globalization and technology:
The first challenge: curricula between consumption and production
Arabic language study programs continue to decline and are being replaced by foreign language programs. In the field of knowledge, they realize more than us the importance of the mother tongue in building a productive and innovative generation that leaves its scientific and productive mark on the global arena. This is because they are proud of their language. This pride was the incentive for the success of the global economic experiment, but anyone who consumes someone else's language or culture will continue to consume their own products. They do not create and do not find a place for themselves in the global development and production process.
The second challenge: between preparing for the job and preparing for life
Families are at the forefront of these issues, acting as educators and creators of language, awareness and culture for their children. Parents, unwittingly and with good intentions, try to speak a foreign language to their children, believing that it prepares them for a future open only to speakers of foreign languages. A big problem arises here. In other words, the parental preference for a foreign language arises in the context of job preparation, and the interest in the mother tongue arises in the context of life preparation and cultural understanding. It is a condition for healthy emotional and spiritual development so that the culture of the natives can be effective. As a tool for understanding, analyzing and benefiting from different cultures. Today, correct Arabic is in great demand in many workplaces, and Arabic is also an important part of emerging economic sectors such as media, publishing, translation and politics. Children should not be taught any foreign language. He added. It turns them into passive recipients of other cultures
The third challenge: distancing oneself from reading books is accompanied by distancing oneself from the language.
The lack of interest in reading books in Arabic is a particular problem at all levels, not just at the language level. This phenomenon is accompanied by an increased demand for foreign language books, especially English books, by young graduates of foreign universities. Far from being analytical or economic, under the influence of what (Badriya Al Ali) describes as a culture of reading for pleasure rather than profit, or a culture of reading for personal and immediate gains, it is also worth noting that these light foreign books lack social and societal aspects on a large scale.
She added that in the UAE, the relevant authorities have launched many initiatives and awards for readers and creators, and government departments are committed to providing libraries and enriching books to achieve positive political results. We are making a lot of effort. To encourage reading, influential organizations in the youth sector must implement guiding tasks and guidelines that help young people choose the books, topics and titles they read, with priority given to books in the Arabic language.
Challenge 4: Wrong Social Norms
Speaking a foreign language is an indicator of civilization and sophistication. This is one of the false standards prevalent in our society. However, according to Al Ali, these standards are far from the truth and lack the minimum scientific requirements. Speaking a foreign language is not a sign of development or politeness. These two qualities embody a person’s morals and behavior, and have nothing to do with pronunciation, language, or acquiring a foreign dialect.
Challenge 5: Electronic Media
Electronic media constitutes a large part of the challenges facing the Arabic language today. A huge number of websites from various sources and specializations occupy our computer screens and mobile phones, filling us with short and long news stories that do not meet the minimum standards of completeness of the language and accuracy of its delivery to us. As the general public gradually moves away from traditional and reliable media such as newspapers, magazines and television, these sites have become almost the only source of knowledge, study and learning about languages. Academic institutions, families and social organizations that host young people need to work together to develop a comprehensive awareness of how to choose sources of knowledge and how to build strong relationships with the language . This is a problem that requires extensive study to propose practical and effective solutions. Therefore, this challenge is one of the challenges of the Arabic language in light of globalization and technology.
Challenge 6: The impact of technology on the Arabic language
This era has made great strides in the field of modern technology, providing us with different types of useful and beautiful technology: audio-visual programs, television, satellite channel programs, computers, the Internet, educational games. We aim to reach the pinnacle of progress and development without being preoccupied with the progress of the era. In this advanced environment, coexistence with others is only possible through the use of new technologies and rapid education. The same applies to the Arabic language, as technological progress has made it an essential part of everyone’s life. Planet Earth shapes us and makes us think about preserving the Arabic language and its role in building modern civilization. The Americans say that we will do everything in our power to help preserve the Arabic language and its richness, because it is a symbol of identity, a vessel of culture, and a symbol of national progress. William Worrell said that the Arabic language has the flexibility necessary to adapt to the requirements of this era, outperforming other languages that it has come into contact with, and will retain its content in the future, just as it has preserved its essence in the past.
The Seventh Challenge: The Impact of Globalization on the Arabic Language
The Arabic language faces the challenges of globalization, which has dominated the language through the great progress in technology and economy, and has dominated entire cultures with their own languages. Spoken languages are widespread among the Arab people, and these spoken languages are diverse and threaten the mother tongue. Therefore, classical languages are placed at the second level of linguistic embodiment and have a lower status in linguistic expression. Life among the people of that language. We find those who demand the abandonment of this classical language and its replacement with the colloquial language. It is spoken under easy pretexts, mixed with colloquial languages, or relies on foreign languages as a language. And replacing it, as if development can only be achieved by separating from the Arabic language.
Far from competing with other languages and ultimately the intellectual invasion of other countries represented by globalization, it absorbs the culture of nations and peoples and seeks to eliminate this linguistic diversity from the world. The Arabic language also faces external challenges that can be overcome by adhering to cultural constants, religious values, national identity, and psychological and social characteristics. Developing the Arabic language is necessary for the development of life in the Arab world based on linguistic publications for the emergence of the language of the future. Activating its natural growth so that it changes, develops, and grows. When the tongue freezes and shrinks, it atrophies, weakens, and deteriorates. With the stagnation of the tongue comes corruption of the tongue, social corruption. The status of the Arabic language has become unstable in light of globalization, and despite its simplicity, lack of ambiguity, and ability to convey the intended meaning accurately and clearly, it has been suppressed in many places.
The role of the Madrasa.com platform in enhancing mastery of the classical Arabic language and providing various training courses to enhance the language:
Madrasa.com plays a very important role in enhancing the mastery of the Arabic language, as it provides many different courses and is one of the most famous platforms in the Arab world that provides many services and training courses to users. It also allows users the opportunity to develop their language skills, whether in writing or pronunciation, and increase their awareness of the importance of the classical Arabic language, as the Madrasa.com platform provides many means that help in mastering the Arabic language, including multimedia lessons, various educational resources, communication with teachers, providing tests, and time and space flexibility. Through these means, Madrasa.com works to provide a comprehensive and integrated educational environment.
Conclusion and recommendations
The problem of the Arabic language in the face of globalization is linked to the isolation and self-sufficiency that our Arab societies experience and the subordination of the authorities to political institutions that seek to perpetuate this isolation, which affects individuals and groups. We are facing a situation in which we control ways of thinking, practicing and reacting that are largely separate from the world and the standards to which it is subject. But the current openness that is occurring after decades of isolation is subject to pressures from external circumstances and forces, lacks long-term vision and social control, and works to disrupt existing local and other institutions, and works diligently to dismantle them, and even blow them up all together.
If globalization is not used correctly and civilized, all of this will lead to the decline and collapse of the mother tongue. Which will help to expand the horizons of this language and make it compatible with technological development and progress through the development of education. Program. New cases have been added to support social and cultural communication. To achieve this case, the following recommendations are needed:
- Increasing the use of Standard Arabic through visual, written and audio media in various Arab countries, and publishing everything in the media in Arabic instead of local dialects that have become more space in most Arab media programs. To achieve this goal, we need to develop qualified cadres who can deliver correct Arabic to all recipients.
- Arab organizations and academies develop comprehensive plans for teaching Arabic and providing curricula, books, Arabic literature, and research in the humanities and social sciences published by Arab publishing houses. Cooperation between the two countries is widespread throughout the Arab world. They have established principles, laws, regulations, and instructions regarding the books they publish, and observing these principles aims to preserve the integrity of the Arabic language.
- Providing financial and moral incentives to Arab publishers of books related to the Arabic language in general and the basics of teaching and publishing the Arabic language in particular.
- For systematic training based on scientific foundations for Arabic language teachers to improve their scientific personality so that they can carry out their duties in serving the Arabic language, its culture, values and civilization.
- Using modern audio-visual aids (language labs, listening devices, video tapes, video slides, computer disks, etc.) in teaching Arabic, as well as using satellite technology to spread Arabic language distance learning programs. We study educational strategies, methods and techniques, drawing on the experiences of others in all these fields.
- Focusing on Arabic language teaching programs such as readings, audios and videos for non-native speakers, exploring the interests and goals of non-native speakers in learning Arabic and Islamic culture, Arabic language teaching programs and reviewing cultural content. The book serves this segment in a way that meets their needs and achieves their goals.
- Educational institutions in Arab countries, whether schools or universities, are Arabizing education and translating various sciences to make them easier to understand and comprehend and accessible to students at all stages of their education. Arabizing sciences will encourage students to learn and master the Arabic language because you need to understand these modern Arabic sciences. If they are not available, Arabized scientific works force researchers to study other languages, such as English, in order to comprehend modern sciences and learn those languages. This happens when you learn Arabic.
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