EMSAT training courses are preparatory courses that qualify you to prepare for the EMSAT exam in its various stages and subjects. They are necessary for the EMSAT exam, because the EMSAT exam qualifies you to prepare for university admission tests for twelfth grade students.
Our website, Almadrasah.com, provides you with the necessary support to help you achieve outstanding performance in all sections of the EMSAT exam, as we provide you with EMSAT exam training through individual online training courses during which work is done to determine the training needs of each student through level placement tests with a specialized teacher who works with you to implement a training strategy just for you.
How much does the EMSAT exam cost ? In addition to the things needed to register for EMSAT .
What is the importance of EMSAT training courses?
The importance of obtaining EMSAT training courses lies within the importance of the EMSAT exam, which aims to evaluate twelfth grade students, and this is to measure their knowledge and skills acquired during the general education path.
This test plays a major role when moving to higher education, as it provides useful information to decision makers at the university registration stage.
What is the Emirates Standardized Test? ?
What are the AMSAT training courses offered by Al-Madrasa.com?
- Arab .
- English.
- mathematics .
- chemistry.
- Biology .
- Physics.
- Computer science .
What is the target group for AMSAT training courses?
Madrasat.com targets the same students targeted by the AMSAT exam in its AMSAT training courses, namely fourth-grade students , sixth-grade students, eighth-grade students, tenth-grade students, and finally twelfth-grade students for university entrance.
The training courses take into account that the test is divided into first-grade students, followed by fourth, sixth, eighth and tenth-grade students in what is known as the sequential AMSAT , and twelfth-grade students in the AMSAT achievement stage to enroll in public and private universities.
You must choose a suitable date from the AMSAT exam dates. 2022/2023.
Materials of the training courses of the evening on the school website.com
Our EMSAT training courses are divided into several subjects such as:
Arabic Evening Training:
It provides training on the Arabic AMSAT exam, which aims to prepare students for the Arabic language skills measurement exam for twelfth grade students in the AMSAT achievement stage and AMSAT sequential students, by focusing on three sections:
- The first section of texts.
- The second section deals with the structure of the Arabic language and its vocabulary .
- While the third section is about writing.
It is worth noting that the AMSAT Arabic Language Exam is an electronic exam conducted via computer, and the exam duration is 120 minutes.
Subscribe now to the Arabic AMSAT course [Benefit from the discount].
Evening English training:
The aim of the English Amsat training is to prepare students in the English language so that students can prepare for the English language proficiency test and prepare twelfth grade students in high school to join universities and colleges in which the education system is in English .
It is worth noting that the EmSAT English test is an electronic test conducted via computer and its duration is 125 minutes. The number of questions is 110 questions covering the different sections of the test.
In the EMSAT English training provided by the Madrasa.com website, training is provided on all the following sections of the EMSAT English exam:
- Section One : English Grammar , Vocabulary and Sentence Structure
- Section Two : Reading, which includes:
- Intermittent reading : which aims to complete the correct blanks and word segments to measure the student’s ability to understand the vocabulary within the paragraph.
- Reading and Writing : The purpose is to measure students' reading, writing and oral skills .
- Section Three: Writing Skills.
Of course, we should not neglect training in English grammar, which includes many very important aspects:
- We train students on the nature of the AMSAT English grammar test questions, and not only that, but we also provide them with an evaluation of their answers so that they can reach the best answer.
- Practice questions from the AMSAT English exam models in the English Grammar and How to Solve section, which includes a variety of full-length questions, multiple choice and rewriting of the appropriate words for the sentence.
- Training on the use of English vocabulary in the educational and academic context based on the AMSAT English language tests.
- Training on constructing sentences in a correct and sound manner, free of English grammatical errors and rhetoric, based on the questions of the AMSAT English language test.
- Practice finding out if a sentence is true or false, which helps you choose the correct answer in multiple choice questions in the AMSAT English test .
- Training in writing and constructing paragraphs in English by identifying the basics of writing and paragraphs in English.
- Training in writing daily conversations based on the questions of the AMSAT exam forms in English. Training is conducted to write paragraphs and short phrases in English, and correction and review are carried out to ensure the integrity of the sentences.
- Training on guessing missing syllables or words in paragraphs from the English language exam model questions in the AMSAT exam.
- Training in reading written texts and paragraphs and pronouncing them correctly, and determining during training what are the consonants and vowels and how to pronounce them, in addition to organizing your thoughts while reading.
Join now for the English AMSAT course from the school.com website.
Training for the AMSAT Physics exam
It provides training for the AMSAT Physics exam , which aims to measure the skills of twelfth grade students in the achievement phase and their readiness to study in colleges.
In the training for the AMSAT Physics exam, you will also be trained on the sections of the Physics exam, which consists of 5 sections:
- Part One: Mechanics
- Part Two: Waves and Optics
- Part III: Thermal Physics and Thermodynamics
- Part Four: Electricity and Magnetism
- Part Five: Modern Physics.
You can subscribe and benefit from the discount on the AMSAT Physics course .
AMSAT Maths Exam Training
The AMSAT Math test is designed to prepare students to take the AMSAT Math test, which measures the readiness of 12th grade students to study mathematics at the college or university level.
The AMSAT Math exam training covers the components of the Math exam from the following sections:
Section 1: Algebra section covers 60 to 70%.
Section Two: Engineering Section covers 15 to 25%.
Section Three: Statistics Section covers 5 to 15%.
Book a math course from the school.com website.
What is special about EMSAT training with Almadrasah.com?
- Online courses - individual classes - via Zoom .
- The ability to choose the times that suit you - morning appointments - evening appointments.
- A dedicated teacher provides you with guidance and ongoing assessment throughout the course.
- Providing an evening book to help you study outside the training course.
- Training on solving questions from previous AMSAT test models on the different test sections and providing AMSAT training that includes a number of training courses - the training session lasts one hour.
- In this article, we discussed the training courses of AMSAT in AMSAT Arabic, Mathematics Touches, AMSAT English, AMSAT Physics, and what the Madrasa.com website offers you in each course.
- Join Madrasa.com now and start your own course.
Start your journey to excellence with Amsat School Dot Com teachers [at the best prices].
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