It is worth noting that the UAE government has taken a number of measures to improve the educational level of all educational institutions, including nursing homes, schools and universities, in line with the stage of development of education in the UAE and while maintaining the role of technology in education with the aim of reaching a high level of the education system and thus adopting the best educational programs in the United Arab Emirates. In addition to the educational stages approved by the Ministry of Education in the United Arab Emirates, four educational tracks have been identified for government schools, which we will elaborate on in this article, in addition to the role of the Madrasa.com platform as an important success partner for students in choosing their educational path and improving their academic level.
Education Pathways in the UAE for Government Schools
The secondary stage is considered the most important stage in general education, as it is the final stage that qualifies the student to join higher education. Therefore, the student must choose the appropriate educational path for him in the secondary stage; so that he can obtain the results that qualify him for the division and university category that he wishes to join and build his future on it.
Before 2015, secondary education tracks were In the public schools in the United Arab Emirates, it is divided into two main tracks: the literary track and the scientific track. However, with the changing requirements of society and the needs of the knowledge economy, the Ministry of Education decided to make fundamental reforms to achieve the goals of schools in the UAE. As a result, the educational track in Emirati schools was divided into four tracks, which are:
- General track
All students in public schools are enrolled in the general education track from the first grade, after which the educational track is determined based on the student’s desires, inclinations, and performance at that stage. Regardless of the track students choose, the school prepares them to achieve the goals of the country’s educational policy, in addition to the needs of higher education , the requirements of the labor market, and sustainable development for a better future.
- Career path (specialization)
The professional track known as the applied or specialized track begins from the ninth grade to the twelfth grade. Upon successful completion of secondary school, you will be awarded an applied secondary school certificate equivalent to a technical secondary school certificate.
The professional track (applied track) is based on applying a scientific approach to teaching and learning, aiming to apply the basics of knowledge and develop students’ skills.
- Advanced Track
In the tenth grade, students can choose to join the advanced track or remain in the general track, according to a set of special controls and conditions, the most important of which is the student’s competence and academic performance.
Students enrolled in the advanced track study intensive scientific subjects, while students enrolled in the general track study a small number of scientific subjects. Thus, students have the opportunity to decide on their career path and choose the applied specialization that suits their desires at the university level.
As mentioned earlier, the main difference between the two tracks is the number of science subjects because students in the advanced track learn more in mathematics, physics and chemistry.
- Elite Track (Advanced Science and Mathematics Program)
When students reach sixth grade, they can be accepted into the Advanced Science Elite Track program if they achieve good grades and excel academically from sixth grade to twelfth grade.
This track focuses on academic subjects such as mathematics and science but takes an approach that aims to enhance and develop analytical and logical thinking and problem solving skills in a practical way.
Reasons for introducing the track system (general and advanced)
Previously, secondary school students in the UAE had to choose between the literary and scientific streams, but the UAE Ministry of Education has decided to change the stream system to educational tracks , for several reasons:
- Attempting to develop the outcomes of general education to suit students’ orientations and the skills required by universities that must be available in new students.
- He developed a single solution to the problem of most students choosing to join the literary department and neglecting the scientific department, which weakens their skills and their chances of joining many jobs that require the availability of those skills.
- The increase in demand for the literary department has led to a scarcity of much knowledge among students, which has forced them, in the higher education stage, to study additional subjects to fill the gap in scientific subjects.
Objectives of establishing the two tracks (general and advanced)
Changing the literary and scientific branching systems in secondary school to the general and private tracks was done to achieve several goals, which benefit the student as well as the state and provide progress. These goals can be summarized as follows:
- Achieving equal opportunities to deliver students to high levels in the educational process in general.
- Qualifying secondary school students in terms of skills, knowledge and science for admission to higher education , while meeting university requirements.
- Facilitating students’ direct enrollment in the university stage without passing the preparatory year.
- Direct admission without prior tests in some colleges such as science and engineering, as well as in some specializations such as humanities and administrative sciences, health and legal specializations.
Principles for distributing students between the two tracks (general and advanced)
Students are distributed between the two tracks (general and advanced) according to several considerations, which are:
- The student's desire to choose the appropriate path for each of them.
- The student’s score on the achievement test in mathematics and science in the ninth grade for students transferred to the tenth grade, and in the tenth grade for students transferred to the eleventh grade.
- The percentage on which students are distributed at the educational district level between the two tracks ranges between:
60% for general track students.
40% for advanced track students.
Conditions for transferring from the general track to the advanced track and vice versa:
There are many students who wish to change their educational path and switch to another path, but this change is governed by conditions that must be met by the male or female student if they wish to change their educational path. There are 3 patterns for switching from one path to another, which are:
Optional transformation:
Students are allowed to voluntarily transfer from the advanced track to the general track within 30 days of the start of the academic year, due to the possibility of an error in the student’s determination of his desire to choose the appropriate track, with the necessity of the approval of the parents.
Mandatory conversion:
The student is transferred directly and compulsorily at the end of the year from the advanced track to the general track, in the event that the student does not achieve a success rate of 70% or more in the subjects of mathematics and physics.
Conditional transfer based on passing test:
Tenth grade students have the right to transfer from the general track to the advanced track, by taking a test in mathematics and physics. If the student passes them, he/she will be transferred to the advanced track. This test is applied in September of each year.
There are also two additional tracks that have been created by the UAE Ministry of Education, which are:
- Elite Track (Advanced Science and Mathematics Program).
- Career path (specialization).
Each path has a reason for its creation, and they will be discussed separately in the article.
General path:
It is the general track for the student from the beginning of the first year until the tenth grade, and the student has the right to choose between continuing in it or moving to the advanced track. The general track is distinguished by the fact that students receive less intensive scientific subjects than the same subjects in the advanced track, by preparing them in general in these subjects in a way that qualifies them to enter applied scientific and human specializations in higher education and the university stage.
This preparation is done by studying a group of subjects that are added to the basic subjects, such as (Arabic language, Islamic education, English language, social studies, mathematics, science, and computer science), and these additional subjects are:
Mathematics : It is applied from the ninth grade to the twelfth grade.
Physics : It is applied from the ninth grade to the twelfth grade.
Chemistry : It is applied from the eleventh grade, and as an optional subject in the twelfth grade.
Biology : It is applied from the tenth grade, and optionally in the twelfth grade.
Students in the general track are entitled to direct admission to the legal and health specializations, engineering, applied sciences, administrative sciences, and humanities. In addition, they may be admitted to the faculties of engineering, medicine, and natural sciences, provided that they enroll in courses in the first university year.
Read also: Learn the difference between the general and advanced track
Advanced Track:
It is a track that the student has the right to choose to join in the tenth grade, but on condition that the required standards for joining are met. This track is characterised by the density of the scientific material for a number of additional study subjects, which are added to the basic subjects mentioned above in the general track. These additional subjects are:
Advanced Mathematics : It is applied from the ninth grade to the twelfth grade.
Advanced Physics : It is applied from the ninth grade to the twelfth grade.
Advanced Chemistry : It is applied from the tenth to the twelfth grade.
Advanced Biology : It is applied from the tenth to the eleventh grade.
Advanced track students are entitled to direct admission to the faculties of engineering, medicine, and natural sciences within the country, as well as to enroll in international universities outside it.
School Courses Offers.com
The school.com website provides you with full coverage of all basic and additional scientific subjects, in which students seek to achieve high results, through distinguished training courses under the supervision of experienced and qualified teachers and specialists. The most important of these courses are:
Online Physics Course from Grade 9 to 12:
This course provides you with:
- Physics worksheets by grade level.
- Review questions in physics according to the study units.
- Practice on official physics exam questions.
Biology Online Course from 9th to 12th Grade:
Targeting secondary grades according to the UAE education curricula, Almadrasah.com provides biology courses according to grade and semesters, as well as according to the general track and the advanced track.
Online Chemistry Course from 9th to 12th Grade:
In this course, we rely on explaining chemical elements and equations, using modern educational strategies, through:
- Give students chemistry worksheets according to the semesters.
- Solving review questions in chemistry according to the study units.
- Practice official chemistry exam questions.
Gulf Curriculum Courses
Elite Track (Advanced Science and Mathematics Program) :
It is a track that was created by the UAE Ministry of Education in cooperation with the American College Board Educational Foundation. Students are allowed to choose this track starting from the fifth grade until the twelfth grade, as this track targets students who excel academically at an early age. This track was also created for several reasons, which are:- The desire to create a competitive educational environment for creative and outstanding students.
- Providing modern and unique educational systems for academically outstanding students.
- Qualifying outstanding students to join the largest local and international universities.
- Qualifying academically outstanding students for postgraduate studies.
- Developing students’ skills in logical thinking, analysis and detail, through scientific questions and experiments, in addition to providing them with problem-solving skills using scientific methods.
Elite Track Enrollment Requirements
There are several conditions that must be met in order for students to be able to join the elite track, which are:
- The student must be a citizen of the United Arab Emirates and hold the nationality of the country, or the child of a female citizen.
- The student must pass the EmSAT test in Arabic, English, science and mathematics.
- The minimum grade for students from grades four to seven must not be less than 80% in science, mathematics and English.
- The student’s minimum grade in the eighth grade should not be less than 90% in science, mathematics and English.
- The student must pass the admission test and personal interview.
- Acceptance by the committee appointed for the elite track for students, by reviewing the records of each male and female student.
Career path (specialization):
This track is applied from the ninth grade and continues until the twelfth grade. This track is based on teaching students according to a cognitive educational system that aims to develop students’ various skills.
The United Arab Emirates has also created this educational track for several reasons:
- Some students drop out of the academic education system, due to their inability to keep up with and absorb scientific and cognitive curricula.
- Achieving justice and equality in education, and providing the appropriate path for some distinguished students in possessing professional skills and artistic creativity in practical applications.
- Creating alternatives for students with weak comprehension of scientific and cognitive materials, and helping them to achieve their potential through their practical abilities.
The role of career path in developing education in the Emirates
This track was also well received by many UAE citizens, and some described it as the ideal solution to the problems of school dropouts and the failure of some to achieve their future. The introduction of this track has helped many students acquire many skills and abilities, such as:
- Acquiring cultures, information, and technical and artistic skills.
- Gaining information theoretically and applying it practically.
- Raising the level of students in specialized work fields such as industry, trade and tourism.
- Preparing students to enter the job market with communication and proficiency skills.
- We, the school website.com, offer you the most important courses that help you excel in your professional career to be more deserving of your dream job and work in the most prestigious institutions and companies, through the (Professional Diploma) course, which enables you to:
- Discover and address your weaknesses.
- Discover and develop your skills.
- Qualify you for the job market.
You can find out more about the course.
This concludes this article, which highlights the educational path in the UAE, especially at the level of government schools, the importance of each path, the conditions for joining each path, and the effective role of Madrasa.com in helping students in various educational paths. Students must work hard and diligently to reach the educational path that suits them.
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