Academic learning difficulties are one of the problems that many students face in the educational process, as they affect the student's ability to absorb, understand and apply information correctly. These difficulties usually occur as a result of many factors, including genetic and environmental factors. In this part of the article, we will talk about the definition of academic learning difficulties, their types and how to treat them.
Academic learning difficulties
The causes of academic learning difficulties refer to the difficulties that students face in reading, writing, arithmetic, comprehension skills, concentration, organization, planning, memory, auditory and visual learning, mathematical and scientific learning, and social learning, and these difficulties affect their academic performance and level of school achievement .
There are many types of academic learning difficulties that students can suffer from, including:
Reading difficulties (dyslexia)
Dyslexia is a common type of academic learning disability. People with dyslexia have difficulty recognizing letters, words, and sentences. They may be slower to read and have difficulty understanding meaning and remembering.
Writing difficulties (dysgraphia)
Writing difficulties are another common academic learning disability. People with dysgraphia may have difficulty writing letters and words correctly and clearly. Writing may be incomprehensible and disjointed and need correction and improvement.
Dyscalculia is another type of academic learning disability. People with dyscalculia have difficulty performing basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and may be unable to solve mathematical equations correctly.
Difficulty in comprehension and concentration
Difficulties with comprehension and concentration are one of the common types of academic learning difficulties . People with the disorder have difficulty absorbing and concentrating on information, and may have difficulty understanding academic content, listening to lectures, and achieving academically.
In order to treat academic learning difficulties, the type of difficulty the student is experiencing must be identified and the problem targeted individually.
Treatment may require a collaborative effort between teachers, parents, and learning disabilityspecialists .
Different teaching strategies and special techniques can also be used to help students overcome their difficulties and achieve academic success.
Causes of academic learning difficulties
Academic learning difficulties are complex and multidimensional.
There may be several factors causing these difficulties, including:
Genetic factors
Genetic factors play an important role in the formation of academic learning difficulties.
You may have a genetic inheritance that affects the way your brain learns and works.
You may inherit some difficulties with concentration and memory or with processing sensory and motor information.
Although genetic factors are not always the sole cause of academic learning difficulties, they play an important role in determining the extent of their potential influence.
Environmental factorsEnvironmental factors include many factors that can contribute to academic learning difficulties. For example:
- If there is a bias towards inappropriate educational values and expectations at home, it may be difficult for students to overcome them and affect their academic progress.
- Some students may experience a lack of motivation and support in the educational environment , leading to difficulties in learning and academic achievement.
- Students may be affected by academic learning difficulties due to psychological stress and social pressure, which affects their comprehension and learning abilities.
Educational factors play an important role in academic learning difficulties. These factors can include:
- If teaching methods do not fit the individual learning needs and styles of students, it may be difficult for them to understand and apply the material effectively.
- If students are assessed unfairly and not based on their actual competencies, their motivation and self-confidence may diminish.
- If students do not receive the necessary support from teachers and school, they may feel unable to cope with academic challenges.
With these genetic, environmental and educational factors, academic learning difficulties can result. It is important that these difficulties are diagnosed and treated correctly, by providing appropriate support and motivation and applying learning strategies appropriate to the students' needs.
Treatment of academic learning difficulties
When academic learning difficulties are diagnosed, there are several steps that can be taken to provide appropriate treatment and intervention for students experiencing these difficulties.
Accurate assessment and diagnosisA comprehensive assessment of students with academic learning difficulties should be conducted by a specialized team that includes teachers, educational specialists, and psychologists.
The assessment includes examination of academic and language abilities, sensory development, and behavioral problems that may affect the student's performance in school.
An accurate diagnosis helps determine the type of learning difficulties a student has, making it easier to determine the strategies and measures that should be taken to help him.
appropriate educational supportSpecial educational support should be provided for students with academic learning difficulties, including providing additional educational resources, different educational strategies, and individual support for each student according to his or her special needs.
Innovative educational techniques such as the use of technology in education and distance learning applications can be used to enable students to access educational materials in different ways that are appropriate for them.
Collaborating with parents and educational communities
Close collaboration with parents is important to ensure the academic success of students with learning disabilities.
Information and advice should also be provided to parents on how to support their students at home and contribute to personal learning plans.
Collaboration with other educational communities can also be enhanced to exchange and adopt ideas and experiences in supporting students with academic learning difficulties .
By using these appropriate strategies and measures, appropriate treatment and intervention can be provided to students with academic learning difficulties and their chances of success in obtaining a good education that is appropriate to their abilities and needs can be enhanced.
School platform dot com
The Madrasa.com platform provides comprehensive solutions for students who suffer from academic learning difficulties, as follows:
Custom programs
The platform provides educational programs tailored to each type of academic learning difficulty, helping to develop necessary academic skills and enhance understanding of academic subjects.
Various learning techniques
The Madrasa.com platform provides various learning technologies, such as educational videos, interactive games, and diagnostic tests, to make the learning process more fun and effective.
Ongoing guidance and support
Teachers and academic advisors provide ongoing support and guidance to students with academic learning difficulties through ongoing communication and providing educational advice and guidance.
Continuous monitoring and evaluation
Students' progress is assessed and their development is monitored throughout the academic year through ongoing assessment reports.
It is also based on a customized educational plan to help students achieve academic success.
Through these ongoing efforts and innovative programs, Almadrasah.com platform works to improve the learning experience for students with academic learning difficulties and enable them to achieve sustainable academic success.
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