Memorizing the Holy Quran has a great impact on the lives of children. It is the lamp that illuminates their path and helps them see what is right, adhere to the truth, and stay away from falsehood. It is the way to understand the true Islamic religion and preserve the Islamic identity. The impact of distance learning Quran programs on social development is great. The Quranic curriculum works to treat the human being as a whole because it includes moral, mental, psychological, social, sexual, ideological, and spiritual education, which makes the person’s nature sound, as God said in His Noble Book (The nature of God upon which He has created mankind. There is no change in the creation of God. That is the right religion, but most people do not know). The impact of distance learning Quran programs on social development is great because it works to comprehensively treat the mind, soul, and body, and everything related to human life and activities in general. the earth.
The role of the Holy Quran in social development and education
The impact of teaching the Qur’an remotely on social development is great and diverse because memorizing the Holy Qur’an helps treat the human soul and educates people to modify their behavior, thus elevating and elevating themselves. The Holy Qur’an has a great role in education through lessons and admonition. God Almighty said in His Noble Book (O mankind, there has come to you instruction from your Lord and healing for what is in the hearts and guidance and mercy for the believers). This matter indicates the education of the human soul to adhere to the faith and good morals. The Qur’an also educates through stories, as God said (We relate to you the best of stories in what We have revealed to you of this Qur’an). Stories have an interesting and effective role in modifying behavior, especially when the story has purposes. Moral, so it benefits the society as a whole. One of the effects of distance learning Quran programs on social development is education by good example. The Quran raises the Muslim to follow the example of other prophets and messengers, so it teaches the child to disavow polytheism and polytheists, as the Prophet of God, our master Abraham, peace be upon him, did, and many of the prophets, and God mentioned them in the Holy Quran when He said (Those are the ones whom God has guided, so follow their guidance). Therefore, memorizing the Holy Quran at home teaches the Muslim to commit to calling to the truth and not to follow the followers of Satan and his temptations.
One of the effects of distance learning Quran programs on social development is the encouragement and intimidation with which the Holy Quran deals. We find that teaching and memorizing the Quran works to correct the human soul and refine it, which affects its dealings with others, such as respecting the young and honoring the elderly. Thus, the Muslim walks on steps that please God until he wins Paradise and is saved from Hell.
We always advise learning and memorizing the Quran in the most comfortable way, which is through distance learning , because memorizing the Quran plays a role in Islamic education through lessons and examples. Here we see the impact of distance learning Quran programs on social development, as lessons and examples affect human sense and call people to contemplate and think. This is one of the Quranic methods that a child learns, such as the saying of Allah Almighty: (O mankind, an example has been made, so listen to it. Indeed, those you invoke besides Allah could not create a fly, even if they banded together for that purpose. And if a fly should steal something from them, they could not recover it from it. Weak are the seeker and the sought.) Here, the example is made for the sake of lesson, contemplation, and learning from the words of Allah Almighty.
Tips for parents in the age of the Internet
With the spread of technology and the expansion of the Internet, temptations and dangers to children’s lives, upbringing and proper upbringing have increased. Therefore, parents must protect their children from this danger that is spreading among people like wildfire. Here comes the impact of distance learning Quran programs on social development. The Holy Quran has a major role in refining, correcting and properly raising the human soul. Parents must teach their children the Holy Quran from a young age to ensure their protection and preservation. Among the most important tips that parents must follow when teaching their children the Holy Quran are:
- Be sure to encourage children and give them gifts and rewards when they complete memorizing a desired part of the Holy Quran.
- Start teaching children the Qur’an before school age, i.e. approximately when they reach 3 years of age, because they are more qualified to memorize and are not preoccupied with anything else, which increases their ability to memorize a large number of surahs.
- Good role models: Children imitate their parents, and through parents reading the Holy Quran, children will be keen to read and memorize it.
- Reading and memorization competitions contribute to creating a good spirit of competition and are one of the best ways to motivate children to memorize and review.
- Listening to the Holy Quran frequently at home, especially the verses that the child has memorized, helps to fix them in the child’s mind, make them easier to remember and memorize.
- Choose the right time to memorize the Holy Quran when the child is free and not busy with anything like playing or eating.
- Preparing a suitable place for the child to memorize the Holy Quran. It is preferable for it to be a quiet, clean place, far from all sources of distraction, and clean to help him feel psychological comfort while studying and memorizing.
- Memorizing the Qur’an for children remotely contributes to saving time and effort because it can be memorized at any time and any place connected to the Internet.
- The impact of distance learning Quran programs on social development, the child’s life, morals and polite behavior is evident.
- Make sure that the child has his own copy of the Qur’an and does not change it, because this helps him memorize it faster.
The merit of learning the Holy Quran for children
We always see the impact of distance learning Quran programs on social development, as the Quran has a great advantage in raising and refining the souls of children from a young age. Among the advantages of teaching the Quran to children:
- Improving the child's linguistic ability and his ability and skills to memorize and retrieve, which increases his memorization and recall skills.
- The impact of distance learning Quran programs on social development appears in the child’s upbringing because he is raised on Islamic education and is brought up on the teachings of the true Islamic religion.
- The Holy Quran is considered the most important means of healing from many psychological and social diseases, as it is a healing for the soul before the body.
- One of the effects of distance learning Quran programs on social development is spreading reassurance and tranquility in the hearts of children. The child grows up with this tranquility that accompanies him throughout his life whenever he is accompanied by the Holy Quran.
- We find the effect of distance learning Quran programs on social development in the rest of the acts of worship that a child performs from an early age and even in the rest of the stages of his life. Memorizing the Quran brings a person closer to acts of worship and makes him perform them with ease and comfort.
- Memorizing the Holy Quran plays a major role in enabling the child to control his desires even before he reaches adolescence.
- Memorizing the Holy Quran and educational programs help introduce the child to the stories of the prophets and messengers and follow their example.
- The child who memorizes the Book of God is considered one of the distinguished and intelligent children, unlike his peers in the same age group.
- We find the impact of distance learning Quran programs on social development appears in the child’s relationship with his relatives and his keenness to maintain family ties and treat his friends and neighbors well.
- Memorizing the Holy Quran at a young age helps increase the child’s academic achievement.
- Knowledge of reward and punishment, right and wrong.
- Memorizing the Holy Quran helps children stay away from lies and illusions because the Holy Quran enlightens the mind and heart and purifies the soul.
- Memorizing the Holy Quran makes the child’s life positive and distracts him from negative thoughts.
- The child who memorizes the Holy Quran will wear the crown of dignity for his parents on the Day of Resurrection.
School.com and remote Quran memorization courses
After we have presented to you many of the benefits and virtues that the memorizer of the Holy Quran obtains and we have informed you of the impact of distance learning Quran programs on social development, we also present to you the Madrasa.com platform, which is considered one of the best and most popular and widespread manufacturers in teaching and memorizing the Holy Quran. The Madrasa.com platform offers courses according to the Gulf curriculum for memorizing the Holy Quran remotely. It saves you time and effort because it works around the clock, meaning you can choose the times to teach your child the Holy Quran at any time of the day. It also contains an elite group of the best and most efficient teachers and memorizers of the Holy Quran, graduates of Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, who are proficient in reciting and memorizing the Holy Quran. It is also one of the safe and reliable platforms. With the Madrasa.com platform, your child is safe.
The Madrasa.com platform is not limited to memorizing the Holy Quran, but rather it qualifies the student with everything related to the Quran, Tajweed, and the pronunciation of letters. Among the topics that the Madrasa.com platform is interested in in parallel with memorizing the Holy Quran:
- Introducing the child to many Quranic stories of the prophets and messengers.
- Teaching the child the correct pronunciation of the letters of the Arabic language.
- Teaching the child the different ways of reading the Qur’an.
- Teaching the child the rules of Tajweed .
- Start memorizing with short surahs to facilitate memorization.
- The teacher made sure that the child understood the meanings and implications of the verses.
- Simplifying the hadiths and memorizing some of them.
The impact of distance learning Quran programs on social development, children, relatives and friends is evident, as good behavior and good morals make a person spread them among people, and all these virtues only come from memorizing the Holy Quran, as it is the basis for success and excellence in life, and it is a lifeline in light of the spread of temptations and sins, as memorizing the Quran is guidance for the heart, light for the soul and healing for the chest.
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