IELTS exam - IELTS You usually look for the IELTS exam when you want to enroll in a foreign university or study abroad and before starting your studies, as a basic condition is to obtain the IELTS, whatever your academic specialization.
Therefore, you are always interested in knowing all the information related to the IELTS exam so that you can apply for admission in this article, Madrasa.com website. We provide you with everything you want to know about the IELTS exam - the English language exam. Follow us so that you can learn all the details of the IELTS exam.
Register for the IELTS exam
To register for the IELTS exam, we must first know what the IELTS exam is? So the IELTS exam - or the International English language testing test - is the international system for measuring proficiency in the four English language skills: listening skills - speaking skills - reading skills - writing skills. The IELTS exam is one of the most famous English language tests in the world for the purposes of study and immigration abroad.
There are two types of IELTS tests - the first type is IELTS General and the second type is IELTS Academic . The type of exam is determined by the required goal or what you want to achieve.
What are the sections of the IELTS exam? How many hours is the IELTS exam?
In the following lines, we will learn together about the different sections of the IELTS exam, how long it takes to pass each section of the IELTS exam, and what is the time to answer each section of the exam:
IELTS Listening Test
The aim ofthe IELTS Listening test is to:
- Measures the ability to understand main ideas and detailed factual information.
- Measuring the ability to understand the opinions and positions of the interlocutors
- Measures the ability to understand the purpose of a conversation.
- Measuring the ability to track the development of ideas
The IELTS listening skills test is based on four recorded conversations in English. Each conversation is listened to once, after which the IELTS student or candidate answers the questions related to these conversations on the question paper. These conversations vary between social - academic - discussion - and the duration of the IELTS listening skills test is 30 minutes. There is one listening skills test in both the IELTS Academic test and the IELTS General Test.
IELTS Test - Reading Section
Test duration 60 minutes
IELTS Academic Reading Section - 40 questions
The purpose of the IELTS test is to measure the test taker’s reading skills in order to understand the basic ideas - sight reading - understanding the writer’s point of view, direction and purpose of the writing - understanding logical arguments. The IELTS test taker is presented with three long, varied texts to test the skills of anyone applying to study at the university - for postgraduate studies...etc. - The duration of the IELTS academic test in reading skills .
IELTS General Reading Skills
It aims to measure reading skills by measuring a person’s ability to interact in daily life in the English language, such as reading excerpts from books, newspapers, shops, advertisements, etc.
IELTS Exam - Writing Section - Test Duration
(IELTS Academic Writing Skills Test
It aims to measure writing skills in general subjects that are appropriate for a person who wishes to obtain a university qualification - postgraduate studies - professional registration in international bodies so that the applicant
1- Describing, summarizing, or explaining information in his own way. It could be an explanation of data - stages of a process - how something works - or an event.
2- Write an article responding to a point of view - problem - specific argument - provided that this is done in points 1 and 2 in a formal manner.
IELTS General Training Writing Skills Test
1- It aims to measure writing skills with the aim of writing a letter requesting information, explaining a situation, or a letter.
personal, formal or semi-formal
2- Writing an article to respond to a specific point of view or problem.
IELTS Exam: Speaking Section
Exam duration is from 11 to 14 minutes.
The Speaking test is one in both the Academic and General Training IELTS tests.
The speaking skills in the IELTS test aim to measure a person’s ability to use the English language as a language of communication by:
1- Answer some general questions about himself - some information such as work - study - family - interests
2- Talking about a specific topic
3- Answer several questions related to the same topic discussed in point 2 in order to provide an opportunity for discussion.
IELTS Mock Test
You can prepare yourself for the IELTS Academic test or the IELTS General Test through the IELTS Preparatory Course from the Madrasa.com website, as the IELTS Preparatory Course provides you with the following:
The IELTS preparation course is available to adults aged 18 and over as well as teenagers aged 15 to 17.
IELTS Exam Sections
- Reading skills
- listening skills
- Writing skills
- Conversation skills
The focus is on developing the previous skills through:
1- IELTS exam model tests and special notes
2- The ability to anticipate types of questions and answer them confidently.
3- Providing electronic support materials for the IELTS exam online so that you can review them at any time convenient for you.
You can get more details and learn about the content of the training course by clicking on the link IELTS Preparation Course . You can also subscribe to it by completing the form and sending it to us or contacting us.
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