As is known, the AMSAT tests in the UAE are among the most important tests that accurately measure students’ levels, qualify them for university admission, and prepare them to enter the job market by possessing the basic knowledge for that. Therefore, those in charge of the education process pay clear attention to it, and students also seek to achieve good results in it; in order to qualify them for higher levels in the coming years.
Given the fears many of our students face regarding the EMSAT tests in different subjects, many of them have started looking for quick ways to understand and know the format of the tests, how to answer their questions, and also to understand the different sections of the tests, in order to remove the fear and practice solving them.
Undoubtedly, many e-learning strategies have achieved remarkable success with students, especially with what the school.com website has provided in terms of review courses for the past exams in various subjects, which are characterized by flexibility and detail in the scientific material, as well as focusing on the most common problems that students complain about in the past exams, and treating them in a simple way.
Yesterday's reviews
It is a set of individual educational lessons that focus on reviewing the EMSAT tests, through previous models, explaining the test questions, and clarifying how to choose and write the model answers in them.
Read also: Evening reinforcement lessons from Al-Madrasa.com
The review of the evenings in all subjects is provided by our website, Al-Madrasa.com, via the Internet, and is presented in the form of live online lectures via the Zoom educational website, through registration and reservation within the Al-Madrasa.com website, and direct communication with the best teachers specialized in the targeted educational subject, with prior determination of the date and time of the classes in a manner that suits the student.
Yesterday's reviews in all subjects
The EMSAT review from Madrasa.com is distinguished by covering all the subjects presented in the standard EMSAT test , and these subjects can be limited to:
Arabic - English - Mathematics - Physics - Chemistry - Biology - Computer Science.
Taking into account the diversity of needs and different demands among students and different families wishing to obtain a review of the evenings, the school.com has divided the evenings review in all subjects into four sections, according to the student’s need in terms of the number of classes, as well as the student’s time, and these reviews can be divided as follows:
Yesterday's reviews: Two sessions:
These are two-session reviews for twelfth-grade high school students, which focus on training students to understand strategies for solving AMSAT test questions in the targeted subjects through previous models.
Yesterday's reviews four sessions:
These are reviews that consist of four educational lessons for twelfth grade students, which aim to train students to understand the strategies for solving EmSAT test questions in a more comprehensive manner, through practical training on questions from previous EmSAT exam model sites.
Yesterdays Reviews 6 lessons:
These are educational reviews divided into 6 sessions, in which the specialized teacher explains the forms and sections of the EmSAT test in the targeted subject, and how to answer it in a typical way. Our competent teachers also provide the best advice for conducting and passing the test successfully.
Yesterday's reviews 8 online lessons Practical application of yesterday's tests:
It is a set of reviews in 8 sessions that practically train students on previous and recent exams, to help them in a distinctive way to understand all the matters that each student needs to inquire about.
Advantages of evening reviews with school.com
The school.com website gives students many advantages while reviewing exams, making it the best in e-learning over the Internet. These advantages are varied and include:
- Design reviews based on the student’s need to address his weaknesses.
- Unifying the student’s focus on absorbing the scientific material through individual courses.
- The ability to follow up with parents and students during reviews.
- Allowing the student the freedom to choose the training times that suit him between morning and evening.
- Helping students overcome the problems they face in the exams.
- The student’s ability to ask questions and find out the answer by communicating directly with the lecturer.
- Providing notes and educational materials for the student to refer to in case he forgets any information, and also to review them outside of course time.
- Providing comprehensive explanations on how to understand the test questions by relying on the best specialists and lecturers.
- Holding courses via the Internet (online), to save physical effort in absorbing the scientific material.
The importance of yesterday's reviews from school.com
The importance of reviewing the AMSAT from Almadrasah.com lies in its positive results with students, and in helping them reach the best educational levels; to get used to the AMSAT exam format and pass it with distinction.
Reviewing the past gives students several advantages and educational capabilities, including:
By helping the student understand the scientific material easily and smoothly, by presenting sample questions and how to understand them, and providing answers to them.
Which the student gains in EMSAT reviews with qualified and experienced teachers in various subjects, who give the student the full opportunity to expand his horizons and learn all the necessary information to become the best among his peers, and thus be able to pass the EMSAT exams the first time, without retaking or failing.
This is done by allowing the student to choose the times flexibly between morning and evening, in a manner that suits his circumstances and needs.
Time management:
This is one of the most important advantages that the site offers to the student, as it teaches him how to divide the test time into questions, so that he does not give the question more than the time allotted for it, and answers the largest number of questions correctly in the time allotted for them.
Details of yesterday's reviews from the school.com and registration steps
The duration of the review session is one hour, and it covers all the details of the test and how to answer it. In order for students to be able to obtain the reviews, whether they are two, four, six, or eight sessions, they must book on our website by following The following steps:
- Access the website link:
- Click on the Courses title in the menu at the top of the site.
- After that, a vertical list appears with many sub-headings, so you click on the title “EMSAT Courses”.
- A full page opens with a variety of training courses, and you can search for courses for EMSAT reviews within the page, or you can enter the page directly by clicking on the following link:
- The student then determines the number of packages required to book the review.
- Then click on the “Book Now” address located inside a green rectangle.
- Then click on the mark next to the title “I agree to the terms and conditions”.
- Finally, the student clicks on the payment word inside the green rectangle.
- Then a new page opens in which the student fills in the empty boxes that represent the student’s details and information, in the event that the student does not have a personal account on the website, in addition to recording the payment details in the personal bank account.
From the above, we have explained to you the importance of yesterday's reviews from the school.com in all subjects, which contribute greatly to the students' level, their knowledge of the test sections, and explaining the strategies for solving each question, in addition to the great flexibility in reserving reviews in a way that suits the student's time and need, with an explanation of the importance of reviews, and the advantages they provide to students, making them the best-selling and most popular among their counterparts in the educational field in the Emirates.
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