Date Tue, Feb 21, 2023


The TOEFL test is considered one of the most important tests that measure the proficiency of the English language for non-native speakers. It is also considered one of the most important requirements for applying to universities and for immigration, especially in the United States of America. In this topic, we will address the most important questions that students ask about the TOEFL certificate, such as the benefit of the TOEFL certificate and where it can be used, the duration of the TOEFL certificate and when it expires, and also how to renew the TOEFL certificate.

Issuance and duration of TOEFL certificate

The TOEFL certificate is issued by the Educational Testing Service, which is headquartered in the United States of America, represented by AMIDEAST, at whose headquarters TOEFL tests are conducted. The TOEFL certificate is valid for two years from the date of the test. After two years have passed from the test, the certificate is invalid and is rejected by various academic organizations, embassies, etc.

Can I renew my TOEFL certificate without retaking the test?

Many young people are circulating advertisements about the possibility of renewing the TOEFL certificate without taking tests. This type of advertisement is incorrect, as forgery in TOEFL certificates is easily detected through the Educational Testing Service website. Therefore, the only internationally approved way to renew the TOEFL certificate is to retake the test again. The matter is not complicated, as English language skills only need to be reactivated to return to their previous level. Also, forging the certificate exposes you to various penalties.

How to Prepare for TOEFL Renewal

As we mentioned earlier, renewing the TOEFL certificate after two years of the test is done by retaking the test again. This requires repeating the steps to prepare for the test and activate the memory of the language. This is done as follows:

  • Take a placement test to find out your English level and where you should start studying.
  • Searching for old papers and notes that you have helps you start where you left off last time, not starting from scratch.
  • Be sure to review English grammar rules and make sure you have mastered them well.
  • Be sure to practice speaking English for a long time, as speaking is one of the skills that can decrease with lack of practice.
  • Review vocabulary and increase it.
  • Practice writing extra time to get the skill back to good.
  • Be sure to solve test models to practice the skill of using time well.

TOEFL Retake and Renewal Registration Requirements

The registration requirements for retesting the TOEFL and renewing the certificate are the same as those required for the first test, which are the original national ID or passport, the presence of a bank card for electronic payment for the test, and attaching a recent personal photo of the applicant.

TOEFL certificate benefit

The TOEFL certificate is of great importance because it measures the proficiency of the English language among non-native speakers. The English language is the most widely spoken language in the world, and it is also the language of science in various countries of the world. Therefore, the TOEFL certificate is of fundamental importance as follows:

  • The TOEFL certificate is a basic requirement for applying to some universities as proof of the level of English language proficiency in order to apply for undergraduate or graduate studies.
  • The TOEFL certificate is a basic requirement for acceptance of many scholarships, especially scholarships to the United States of America and Canada, and it may also increase the chances of university acceptance in many universities.
  • The TOEFL test is a true measure of your English language proficiency, so passing the TOEFL test with a good score helps you excel academically, especially in disciplines that are studied in English, such as medicine and engineering.
  • The TOEFL certificate is of great importance for working in international companies or companies that have a large number of workers from different countries. Also, having a TOEFL certificate is an opportunity for career advancement and reaching a higher job level.
  • TOEFL certificate qualifies for immigration to some countries such as the United States of America and Canada.

You can learn more about the TOEFL certificate through the following link: Benefits of the TOEFL certificate

How to check TOEFL certificate

We previously mentioned how to renew the TOEFL certificate. You can also verify the validity of the TOEFL certificate that was obtained by visiting the official website of the Educational Testing Service, and entering the student’s ID number to obtain the TOEFL test scores and also verify the validity of the certificate. This service is also available to various organizations to verify the validity of the TOEFL certificate for applicants.

The TOEFL certificate is of great importance because it is one of the most important tests approved to measure English language proficiency, and because English is the most widely spoken language in the world, and it is also the language of science used for scientific study around the world, so the TOEFL certificate is required globally in many places as we mentioned previously, so it is necessary to prepare well for this test, and to ensure that you obtain the required score to register in the place you want to join.

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