التاريخ Tue, Jul 30, 2024

Physical and motor development in children

Many questions often come to our minds about the physical health of children , trying to reassure us about their development and physical growth, and that everything is going well, as they are the most precious thing we have. For example, we find a mother wondering if my child is late in walking or is he still young?, and another wondering why my child's teeth have not appeared yet?, and for this reason we will find in this article everything that mothers want to know about the physical and motor development of the child.

The concept of the term physical and motor development in children:

The stages of development in children is a concept that refers to a set of abilities and behaviors that appear in a child at a certain age from early childhood to adolescence. In English, it means Drug Development Stages. The stages of physical and motor development in a child can also be defined as a set of psychological and biological changes that occur from early childhood to late childhood, i.e. adolescence, as the child grows older and over time he is able to possess the main building blocks that in turn help him make sound decisions without relying on those around him, but rather independence and self-reliance.

Do children's physical and motor development proceed at the same rate?

The stages of physical and motor development in a child are a continuous sequential process that parents can predict, but with individual differences between each child, children do not grow at the same rate, so you, dear father and mother, should not compare your child to other children, as there are individual differences between each child and the other, and as long as your child is growing properly, there is no need to compare him to others, the most important thing here is to reassure the physical health of children , as children grow at the pace that suits them, and they will all reach the same place when they reach the age of two, as the speed of a child's growth does not indicate talent or even the presence of a problem, and although it is not important for a child to keep pace with other children in his growth, it may be a good idea to motivate your child to grow, and perhaps the most important factors for good growth in children and humans in general are healthy, integrated food and good, quiet sleep for long hours, you can also enhance his growth by playing with him.

Characteristics of physical and motor development in children according to age group:

Now here are the stages  The physical and motor development of the child has been arranged according to the different age stages, with instructions and advice for dealing with the child at each age stage, but before reviewing these stages, you, dear mother, should not worry, as your child will grow naturally and will continue to learn from the day he is born, but all you have to do is provide a safe and suitable environment for him in addition to directing him towards the right path so that he grows properly.

Physical and motor development in newborns (from birth to four weeks):

At this stage, the child makes automatic movements in response to external stimuli. He can see objects close to his eyes, such as his mother’s and father’s faces. He can also recognize smells, such as his mother’s smell. He can also move his head from the right side to the left and vice versa. At this age, he also indicates his needs through crying and screaming.

Tips for developing motor skills in newborns:

In order to develop motor skills , parents must exploit the infant’s innate capabilities and develop his visual, auditory and tactile abilities through the following:

  1. Attract the baby's attention to move his eyes by moving objects in front of him in different directions.
  2. Talking to the baby and singing to him in a soft, gentle voice to develop his hearing abilities, but here some may wonder, can the baby hear different sounds? Here you will be really surprised when you know that infants can hear different sounds while they are still in their mothers’ wombs.
  3. A mother touches her child to enhance his sensory abilities and increase his feelings of affection and security.

Characteristics of physical and motor development in children (from four weeks to two years of age):

At this stage, infants make new movements that indicate their motor development. Here are the basic stages of your child's physical growth until the age of two. But before exploring the characteristics of growth at this stage, you should know that there are three things that must be taken into consideration because they greatly affect your child's growth, namely: the genetic pattern, the surrounding environment, and the child's personality in general. While you, as a mother, cannot control your child's genes or personality, at the same time you can provide a suitable environment full of growth stimulants to help him grow healthily.

Is it necessary for parents to be aware of the characteristics of their children's physical and motor development?

The child's physical and motor development proceeds at a very rapid pace during the first and second years. When the child is born, his movements are simple, his hands are closed and his arms and legs are in a folded position. However, once his muscles are strengthened during the first six weeks, you will notice clear changes, dear mother. The first challenge facing the child is to strengthen his head and neck. Then the parts of the brain responsible for controlling body movement grow in the child. The child's physical and motor development takes the form of stages. Perhaps what will benefit you and your child the most is to understand the order of your child's stages of growth and the characteristics of each stage. Once you are familiar with this information, all the upcoming stages of his growth will become easy because you are aware of the characteristics of each stage.

Characteristics of physical and motor development in children from the age of three months to fifteen months

In the third month of your baby's life, you will find that your baby's head is no longer as heavy as before, and his head tilts less when you hold him.

In the fourth month, the child must be able to turn from front to back.

Between the fourth and fifth months of life, your baby should be able to control head movement.

In the sixth month, the child should be able to sit, but with support.

In the eighth month, the child should be able to sit without help or support, and can pick up toys using his index finger and thumb.

Between the seventh and eighth months, the child should start crawling, and he can respond to noise, chatter, and being called by his name.

By the time he reaches the thirteenth month, he should be able to stand alone for a few moments.

The vast majority of children begin to walk without assistance between the ages of 13 and 15 months.

But remember, dear mother, that these stages are approximate expectations. Your child may perform some of these movements after or before the mentioned time, in addition to the fact that he may miss some of these stages, such as crawling and turning, and there is no problem with that. However, if your child reaches the age of ten months and does not sit alone, or if he reaches the age of eighteen months and is still unable to walk alone, then in these cases you must go to the pediatrician.

Tips for developing motor skills in a two-year-old child:

This stage requires extreme caution from the parents, as the child at the end of this stage has a curiosity and a great desire to explore and is more hasty in doing things without realizing the risks of what he is doing, which may be a reason for exposing him to danger. Therefore, the safety of the young is the responsibility of those who care for him, and also for the development of the child’s motor skills .

Now that the two-year-old has passed, we will review the stages of physical and motor development in a child from two to three years:

Physical and motor development in children from two to three years :

By this stage we mean early childhood, and children at this stage have a great ability to acquire many skills such as walking without the help of others, climbing stairs, and they can jump in place, build and form models using cubes, master holding a spoon, drawing a circle and different shapes, coloring with pens, drawing different shapes, following simple parental orders, and speaking using simple sentences.

By the third year, children are able to make things with their hands, such as using blocks to build towers, playing with clay and shaping it into different shapes, and using crayons. In addition to increasing hand-eye coordination skills, children are able to put objects and geometric shapes in the appropriate place for them, such as placing a triangle shape in triangle-shaped openings. At this stage, they begin to use one hand more than the other, so this stage is considered the beginning of determining whether this child will use his right hand to write later or his left hand.

Tips for stimulating physical and motor development in children in early childhood:

At this stage, especially at the age of two, the child begins to test his motor and skill abilities , but he may fail to achieve his goal, which may make him feel angry and frustrated. Therefore, parents at this stage must pay attention to the child and monitor him consciously to intervene at the appropriate time, to help the child get rid of the bad behaviors and feelings that may result from not achieving his goals and feeling of failure.

Physical and motor development in preschool children (from four to six years old)

This stage extends from three to five years, and is characterized by an increase in children's ability to acquire motor skills, as the child can choose his own clothes and put them on and take them off by himself without the help of others. He can also deal with zippers and unbuttons. His hand muscles also develop precisely, so he can use scissors to cut paper. He can also use a spoon better to eat, open bottle and pot lids, and open doors. At this stage, the child can throw a ball, jump, and stand using one foot for ten seconds or more. He can also draw people and simplified geometric shapes, such as circles and squares, and he can also have conversations with others using long sentences.

Guidelines for stimulating physical and motor development in preschool children:

At this stage, parents must enhance the child's physical and motor development through training, as parents have a prominent role in enhancing the child's growth and raising him in a healthy way. In other words, it can be said that the presence of both parents with the child leads to raising his morale, and thus encouraging him to grow healthily. There is another thing that greatly affects the child's physical and motor development , which is the quality of care, as good and thoughtful programs provide a great opportunity to enhance the child's physical and motor development.

So how can parents develop these motor skills in their child?

It can be said that your child's motor skills can be enhanced by choosing useful activities and games that suit his skill level. Here are some principles that parents can follow to develop the child's motor skills:

 First: Give your child opportunities to participate in various physical activities, and provide a safe and appropriate environment for him to try new things.

Second: Allow your child to eat independently without your help, so that he develops coordination and hand-eye coordination.

Third: Help him develop his fine motor skills by encouraging him to draw, create, and practice various creative arts, but note that this method is not limited to drawing, coloring, and using crayons, but rather the child thinks about what he will draw.

How can parents prepare their children for school?

As the school year begins, parents face challenges and difficulties in getting their children used to discipline, so what are the most effective ways to prepare children for school without any hassle?

First: Parents should accustom their children to regular school hours and early bedtime. This can be done by getting the child used to changing their bedtime well before the start of the school period, to make it easier for children to get used to sleeping early.

Second: Going out should be reduced gradually so that children can adapt to the school environment.

Third: Take the children to buy school supplies, as this encourages them to go to school.

Fourth: Teaching children correct behaviors and proper conduct inside school. Therefore, children should be taught good behaviors that help them form good relationships inside school, so that they do not face any difficulties. These behaviors include the following:

Fifth: Accustoming the child to dealing kindly with others

However, if your child was unable to go to school one day and missed some lessons, don’t worry, he can enroll in Madrasa.com, which is your best choice if you want your child to better understand and memorize his lessons.

Physical and motor development in school-age children (from six to eleven years):

The school age ranges between six and twelve years, and children at this stage are characterized by being more independent and able to bear responsibility. Children at this stage develop more motor skills and abilities, and the child begins to show various skills that qualify him to start the school stage and succeed in it. He is able to write letters and numbers and draw geometric shapes such as triangles, and better control the use of crayons. He can also take care of himself individually, such as brushing his teeth, combing his hair, and eating his food alone without the help of others. Then the secondary sexual characteristics begin to appear, and relationships become and he begins to develop the secondary sexual characteristics.

Tips for stimulating physical and motor development in school-age children:

Because the good growth of children is important and vital for society as a whole, it is therefore necessary for the school to play a role in promoting the physical and motor development of the child within the school system, which is represented by providing sufficient time for the child to participate in various physical games, which in turn will enhance the child’s motor development.

Stages of physical and motor development in a child during adolescence (from twelve to nineteen years):

It goes without saying that this stage involves many physical, sexual and cognitive changes . Girls usually grow and undergo physical changes and become somewhat mature. On the other hand, boys are still in the stage of maturity. At this stage, adolescents develop an independent identity and different opinions, so we find them spending more time with their friends than with their parents as a sign of independence and self-reliance, as we see them. Feelings and emotions towards the opposite sex also increase within them, so we find them paying great attention to their general appearance.

But some children may face problems in physical and motor development, so how can a mother discover this?

In general, there are no symptoms of growth hormone deficiency in early childhood, but in any case, symptoms of growth deficiency in children can begin to be felt six months after their birth, as this appears in the form of a decline in the child’s growth.

Signs of stunted growth in older children may include:

1- Short stature.

2- Delayed tooth eruption and development.

3- Delayed appearance of signs of puberty.

4- High body fat mass.

5- A clear decrease in muscle mass.

6- Severe fatigue and feeling of exhaustion.

But what are the causes of poor physical and motor development in children?

Causes of growth hormone deficiency include:

First: Genetic causes, which occur in 10% of cases of growth hormone deficiency.

Second: The decreased growth may be due to tumors in the central nervous system.

Third: Exposure to radiation.

Fourth: Most cases of growth hormone deficiency are due to unknown causes.

Fifth: The most common cause of delayed and poor motor and physical development in children worldwide is malnutrition. This condition is called malnutrition resulting from inadequate food supply in developing countries.

Is it possible to stimulate the child's physical and motor development naturally so that he grows normally?

This question may come to mind for many parents, so here is the complete answer:

Human growth hormone is naturally secreted in the pituitary gland, and the secretion of this hormone can be stimulated naturally through the following methods:

  • Maintain regular exercise:

Sports play a prominent role in stimulating growth hormone naturally.

  • Reduce sugar intake:

Low blood sugar levels may lead to increased secretion of growth hormone in the body, as the pancreas secretes insulin when consuming sugars and carbohydrates, which in turn leads to the accumulation of fat, i.e. a decrease in growth hormone, which requires proper nutrition .

  • Work on reducing body fat:

As we mentioned earlier, the accumulated fat in the body may affect the level of growth hormone in the body.

  • Be sure to take nutritional supplements:

Nutritional supplements can help stimulate growth hormone levels in the body naturally. Examples of these supplements include glutamine and arginine supplements. Studies have shown that maintaining the intake of nutritional supplements containing amino acids can significantly stimulate the secretion of growth hormone. However, be careful if you should consult a doctor before taking any type of nutritional supplements.

  • Intermittent fasting:

Intermittent fasting has a prominent and noticeable role in getting rid of accumulated fat in the body, and this clearly stimulates the secretion of growth hormone.

  • regular restful sleep

Research has shown that sleep disorders and irregular sleep lead to obesity and insulin sensitivity, which in turn leads to lower levels of growth hormone in the body.

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