Summer vacation is a great time for kids to relax and have fun, take a break from the structure and routine of the school year, and provide an opportunity for kids to explore new interests and talents.
Some of the best summer activities for kids in the UAE include swimming, hiking, biking and visiting amusement parks.
In addition to all these traditional activities, mothers are looking for new summer activities for children that will enable the child to benefit from the vacation and develop the child’s skills physically, mentally and emotionally and increase his ability to keep up with future challenges.
In this article, we will show you a summary of the 7 most important summer activities for children in the Emirates that you can benefit from in developing your children’s future while maintaining their enjoyment and pleasure during the vacation.
7 Summer Activities for Kids in the UAE to Develop Their Skills
Among the most prominent activities that you can use the summer vacation to teach your children:
1- Programming for children
The UAE is one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world, and it’s no surprise that it’s leading the way in teaching kids programming . The UAE has a number of excellent schools that offer programming courses, and it also has a number of after-school clubs and organizations that teach kids how to code. The UAE is also home to a number of excellent coding camps, which are ideal for kids who want to learn how to code in a fun and interactive environment.
Programming for children is an important field. It has become one of the most important summer activities for children that they can practice during the summer vacation to learn the basics of coding and computer programming. When children start learning these skills at an early age, they get a lot of benefits, such as:
- Children will be better equipped to deal with the increasingly digital world around them.
- Coding helps children develop their cognitive and academic skills by teaching them how to think logically and solve problems.
- It also helps them develop their creative side, as they can create their own games and applications.
- Additionally, coding is a great way for kids to learn about technology and how it works.
There are a number of different ways to introduce children to programming, including specialized software, apps, and even physical coding toys. The way you teach children programming will vary depending on the child's age, interests, and level of prior knowledge. However, there are some general tips that can be helpful when teaching children programming:
- First, it is important to use simple, concise language when explaining concepts.
- Second, it may be helpful to use visual aids such as graphs or flowcharts.
- Finally, it's often effective to give kids hands-on experience with coding by having them write code themselves or use a visual programming language.
You can also read more about: Reasons to teach programming to children .
2- Robotics Summer Activities for Kids
Robotics is the future, and the UAE is investing in its children by teaching them robotics during the summer. It is a branch of engineering that deals with the construction, operation and use of robots. It is widely used in industrial fields, military applications such as target acquisition and battlefield reconnaissance, in addition to playing an increasingly important role in medicine, rehabilitation and surgery.
So teaching robotics to children is of great importance to their future, this not only helps in their education, but also opens up opportunities for them in the future, as it offers:
- A unique opportunity to learn about Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in a fun and interactive way.
- In addition, robots can help children develop problem-solving skills, critical thinking skills, and creativity.
- Robots can help children learn useful skills such as programming, engineering, and design.
- In addition, robots can teach children cooperation and teamwork.
Robotics is a complex and ever-changing field, so it is important for children to start early as the UAE is one of the world’s leading countries when it comes to robotics, and by teaching robotics to children, they are helping to shape the future.
3- Learn a new language
The United Arab Emirates is a very diverse country, with people from all over the world living and working there, so learning a new language is one of the most important summer activities for children in the UAE. Learning a new language for children offers several advantages, including:
- Develop communication skills, and be able to communicate with people from different cultures and backgrounds.
- Learning a new language can help children understand other cultures and appreciate the beauty of diversity.
- By learning a new language, children will be able to take advantage of opportunities to travel and study abroad.
- Learning a new language is simply fun, and can help children make new friends, explore new worlds, and challenge themselves in new ways.
- Learning a new language is beneficial for children, it can help them develop their cognitive skills.
- Learning a new language can also be beneficial in a child's future life, opening up new horizons in the job market.
You can read more about: 10 steps to teach and educate children languages .
4- Visual content creation
Visual content is becoming increasingly important in today's world. Through social media and other online platforms, children are exposed to a lot of images and videos from a very early age, so it has become important for them to learn how to create engaging and informative visuals.
As summer vacation approaches, one of the most popular activities for parents is to enroll their children in classes that teach them how to create visual content, as it has many benefits:
- It helps develop their creativity and imagination, as well as their communication skills.
- It also teaches them how to use different software and tools, which can be very useful in the future.
- It can help them develop important skills such as communication, collaboration, and critical thinking.
- In addition, it can enhance creativity and imagination, and give children a way to express themselves.
Learning how to create content for kids is becoming increasingly important in our digital world, and kids who know how to create it will have an advantage when they enter the workforce.
5- Mental arithmetic UC math
Mental arithmetic is an important skill for children to learn, and the UAE summer is the perfect time to focus on this important activity. Mental arithmetic is the process of calculating numbers in one’s head, without the use of paper or other external aids.
There are many excellent mental arithmetic programs available in the UAE, and parents should consider enrolling their children in one of these programs as they are important in:
- Help children improve their math skills by understanding and solving math problems more quickly and efficiently.
- Mental math can help children succeed in school and life, and it's a skill that will always be useful.
- Mental arithmetic also improves a child's memory and concentration levels.
- It can be something useful and positive in the child's real life, for example, when he makes a successful purchase and counts his money, which instills confidence in him.
6- Learn the arts of animation and cartooning.
This is one of the important summer activities in the United Arab Emirates, as it is considered one of the children's skill development activities that work to improve children's skills and prepare them for a career in this field.
Learning cartoons is a great way to spend your summer vacation with fun and educational summer activities for kids that can help children:
- Learn new skills, develop their creativity and discover new interests.
- Drawing helps children develop their creative and visual thinking skills, while animation teaches them how to create movement and tell stories, both of which are essential skills for children's development and education.
- Anime is one of the most important stimulants for children's cognitive development, making it an essential part of their summer vacation schedule.
- Animations help improve your child's reading and writing skills, and they will also learn about other cultures.
- Animated arts can help kids learn difficult concepts in a fun and easy-to-understand way.
- Animation helps develop children's communication and social skills, building important skill sets.
7- Learn artificial intelligence applications
Children are one of the most important groups in any society and they are always facing new challenges these days.
One of the most important summer activities for children that has gained immense popularity over the years is learning about artificial intelligence (AI), which is defined as a process or system that allows computers to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. Teaching children to use AI techniques helps in:
- Children who learn AI are able to do things faster, more accurately, and have greater focus than those who do not have this knowledge.
- Additionally, it helps children become better at problem solving and creativity, something that will serve them well throughout their lives.
- Artificial intelligence helps children learn in a more flexible, organized and effective way.
- It helps teach children perseverance, how to manage stress, and learn more from their experiences.
- AI enables children to learn to work in a team and how to act proactively.
What summer activities for kids does Madrasa.com offer?
The Madrasa.com platform offers many child skill development courses that represent summer activities for children, such as:
- Language courses:
- Arabic, Chinese and Mental Arithmetic Course. Arabic, French and Mental Arithmetic Course.
- Arabic, English and Mental Arithmetic course.
- Summer camp courses for kids online.
- And many other courses in programming for children .
- Robotics design learning course.
- Application development course.
- Scratch course for kids.
- Animation course for children.
- YouTube Creator Course.
- Robotics course.
- Artificial Intelligence Training Course.
You can read more about: 5 educational activities for children during the summer vacation .
Summer vacation is a great opportunity for parents to open new horizons in their children’s minds by teaching them some new and advanced fields that will improve their lives in the future. The most prominent of these fields are:
- artificial intelligence.
- Mental arithmetic.
- Visual content creation.
- Learn programming.
- Learn languages.
- Learn robotics for kids.
These are the areas in which Almadrasah.com contributes to providing the best courses, most of which are through programming courses for children and summer camps.
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