Date Wed, Jul 19, 2023


Choosing an academic track is one of the most important decisions students make in their professional lives, which can have a major impact on their future educational and academic path. Therefore, students need support and assistance regarding the academic track they can choose in high school. In this article, we will discuss the general academic track, especially the advantages of the general track, the general track subjects, as well as the general track specializations, and the study plans for the different branches of the general track. We also answer the important question that concerns students: Does the general track have a preparatory year? We also help students choose specializations related to the subjects they have studied.

What is the general track? And what academic years does it apply to?

The general track is one of the tracks that students can join in their secondary studies, which is characterized by teaching scientific subjects less intensively than other tracks. The general track also gives students the opportunity to study a third language in some of its tracks, which increases the chances of students joining it being accepted into different universities . The general track is applied to grades starting from the ninth grade to the twelfth grade.

What are the advantages of the general track?

There are many features of the public track , which make it additionally distinct from other tracks. The features of the public track include the following:

  • Studying scientific subjects in a lighter and less intensive way than other tracks, which gives the student an opportunity to excel and prove himself.
  • The presence of programs that teach a third foreign language, as well as programs that teach the Chinese language , which gives students an additional opportunity to enroll in various university programs, in addition to obtaining scholarships at many international universities.
  • Studying mathematics in a way that focuses on the practical side of the subject, which gives students a better opportunity to understand the subject and apply what has been studied in it practically.
  • Studying the subject of entrepreneurship in English, focusing on the projects that students do to develop their practical side, as well as preparing them for the labor market in a way that suits the needs of the state, as well as the needs of the labor market.

What are the general track materials?

The general track studies many subjects, including some subjects shared with other tracks, and others subjects specifically designated for the general track, which are the scientific subjects taught in the general track less intensively. The subjects shared between the general track and other tracks are as follows:

  • Arabic.
  • Islamic education.
  • english language.
  • Social studies.
  • National education.
  • Moral education.

The subjects allocated to the general track are the scientific subjects with the least density, as we mentioned previously, and they are as follows:

  • mathematics.
  • Physics.
  • Chemistry.
  • Neighborhoods.
  • Business Administration.
  • Computer science.
  • Creative design and innovation.
  • Health sciences.

Curriculum: (Grade 9-12) General Track

As mentioned earlier, the general track has a program that does not include the study of a third or additional foreign language, and the study plan is: (Grade 9-12) The general track includes the study of the basic scientific subjects, which are physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics, as well as the study of business administration, computer science, creative design and innovation, and health sciences, which, as mentioned earlier, are directed only to the general track.

Arabic, English, Islamic education, social studies, national education and moral education are also studied. These are common subjects for all tracks. The total number of weekly school learning classes is 30 classes, the total number of weekly e-learning classes is 10 classes, the total number of weekly smart learning classes is 40 classes, and the duration of a school learning class is 45 minutes.

Curriculum: (Grade 9-12) General Track - Third Language

The curriculum is : (Grade 9-12) General Track - Third Language Similar to the curriculum of the general track in terms of the scientific subjects specific to the general track, as well as the subjects common to the general track and other tracks. A third foreign language is added to the students in this track, such as French and Japanese . The third language is taught through language clubs in schools through directed free activity classes, and the language is taught by specialized teachers.

The total number of weekly school learning sessions is 30 sessions, the total number of weekly e-learning sessions is 13 sessions, the total number of weekly smart learning sessions is 43 sessions, and the duration of a school learning session is 45 minutes.

Curriculum: (Grade 9-12) General Track - Chinese Language

The curriculum: (Grade 9-12) General track - Chinese language is similar to the curriculum of the General track - Third Language, in terms of academic subjects, as well as subjects common to the General track and other tracks. The Chinese language is taught through language clubs in schools through guided free activity classes, and the Chinese language is taught by specialized teachers.

The total number of weekly school learning sessions is 30 sessions, the total number of weekly e-learning sessions is 13 sessions, the total number of weekly smart learning sessions is 43 sessions, and the duration of a school learning session is 45 minutes.

What are the general track specializations?

The general track specializations are the academic subjects that qualify for university study. The general track specializations that are common to other tracks and qualify for university study are as follows:

  • Arabic language material.
  • Islamic education material.
  • Computer science material.
  • Social studies material.
  • English language material.
  • Art material.

These subjects qualify for study in many specializations such as:

  • Sharia and Islamic Studies.
  • Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • Fine Arts and Design.
  • Contact.
  • the law.

And the materials not shared with other tracks are as follows:

  • Physics.
  • Chemistry.
  • Neighborhoods.
  • mathematics.

These subjects qualify for study in many specializations such as:

  • Sciences (some departments require passing a preparatory year in which physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics are studied, and the student’s GPA in the preparatory year must not be less than D).
  • Computing and Informatics (you need to pass a preparatory year in which you study physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics, and the student’s GPA in the preparatory year must not be less than D).
  • College of Health Sciences (except for the Department of Physiotherapy), and some departments also require passing a preparatory year in which physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics are studied, and the student’s GPA in the preparatory year must not be less than D.

Does the general track have a preparatory year?

Students in the general track ask an important question: Does the general track have a preparatory year? The answer to this question depends on the specialization you want to apply for, as there are some specializations that accept general track students without the need to pass a preparatory year, such as the College of Sharia and Islamic Studies, and the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, while some colleges require passing a preparatory year in physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics with a grade of no less than D as a basic condition for joining the specialization. You must review the home page of the university you want to join to find out the admission requirements.


The general track is one of the most important educational tracks in the secondary school stage, as students in the general track constitute 60% of students. Students in the general track study various scientific subjects in a less in-depth manner than students in other tracks. There is also a program in the general track that teaches a third foreign language such as French and Japanese, as well as a special program for studying the Chinese language. The general track qualifies for entry into some colleges without the need to pass the preparatory year, while it qualifies for other colleges after passing the preparatory year.

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