God created the universe according to laws that do not recognize coincidence or randomness.
Albert Einstein
Physics is a branch of the natural sciences and one of the oldest academic disciplines ever found. Physics explains everything that happens around us. For example, an apple falling from a tree on your head has a logical scientific explanation, just as your standing on the ground with this stability has a logical scientific explanation in physics.
Even the idea of making pens is based on gravity, and the process of walking also has a physical explanation, as it is based on the idea of friction. Add to that the electric iron, which is based on biophysics, as the process of ironing occurs by transferring heat from a higher body to a lower body, and many other innumerable processes!
Physics studies energy, matter, mass, motion, force and time. In this article, we will learn about some information that interests you about private university lessons in physics. We will also learn about the advantages of studying physics, in addition to the best educational institutions that teach physics, as well as some of the world's physicists who have made radical changes and developments in physics, and who you can become one of them one day. Let's begin:
Information you may not know about private university lessons in physics:
- University physics tutoring helps you overcome any obstacles or challenges you face in your studies and reach the level you have always wanted to reach.
- Private university lessons give you the ability to freely express your opinions and ideas about physics and discuss them constructively with the lecturer to find out whether they are correct or not.
- Private physics lessons provide you with skills that help you develop your critical and analytical thinking, which increases your ability to solve equations more quickly.
- If you are thirsty for information and knowledge about physics, then private lessons are for you, as university private lessons help you obtain the best references, books and websites that you will not find easily.
- If you prefer to study with someone, a private tutor is the best companion in this case. The tutor will share information with you and help you find solutions to all physics problems as well as equations and experiments.
- Madrasa.com offers you the private university physics lessons you have always been looking for with the brightest specialists and experts in physics.
- University physics tutoring helps you develop your skills in mathematics, which is a large part of physics.
- Einstein says that you cannot solve a problem using the same mindset that created it, so college tutoring helps you learn different ways to solve problems and how to think in multiple ways and from different perspectives to find a solution to a problem.
Some tips to help you study physics more effectively:
- Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think - Einstein.
- The pillars of excellence in physics are the ability to think analytically and the ability to think critically, which results in logical thinking. You can do this by:
- Mind games will find you thinking in ways you didn't know you could and this will help you gain different ways of thinking to solve the problem.
- Extensive reading The more information and culture you have, the faster and more brilliant you will be at solving problems.
- Solving problems and equations After a short period of time, you will notice that your ability to think has changed and improved significantly.
- Make a reference for yourself with all the terms and rules in an organized manner and use the colors you like in writing, even if you are writing electronically, as this will increase your enthusiasm to study and write more.
Madrasa.com offers online physics lessons. You can book now. My abilities are normal, how I use them brings me success - Newton.
Stop saying I am not smart enough or that my abilities are limited or no matter what I do I will not be able to understand this or find a solution for that because this is wrong and illogical and will cause you stress and fear that you do not need because you are not less capable than anyone else, you just did not use your abilities properly.
Learn about the motion of objects in physics, Newton's first and second laws
Always summarize the lesson you are studying in points to facilitate the review process later and use the story method and explain the points you have written down in the story method as this will make them easy to remember. For a person who has never made a mistake, has never tried anything new -Einstein.
- Don't stop trying. For example, if you encounter an equation that you cannot solve, don't leave it saying you made a mistake. This is normal. Just keep trying in different ways until you get it right.
- Apply everything you study. Study a law and solve problems based on it immediately. Study an experiment and try to apply it in reality with the lecturer in the lab (don't put yourself at risk). If you don't find any questions, write them yourself and solve them, even if they are simple. The most important thing is to apply them. Anxiety is supposed to push us to work, not to depression. He who cannot control himself is not free. Pythagoras .
Control your fears and don't let them hinder your progress. There is no harm in feeling afraid, but the harm is in letting this fear control you.
If you are looking for online university lessons, you can now subscribe to Almadrasah.com, which offers private physics lessons through individual training courses.
Best Universities to Study Science
- The United States of America is at the top of the list of countries that have the best institutes and universities teaching physics:
- Harvard University .
- Princeton University .
- California Institute of Technology .
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- California University , Berkley.
- Stanford University.
- Colorado Mesa University.
- The most important universities in the United Kingdom:
- Cambridge University.
- Oxford University
- Kent university
- Universities in Japan:
- Tokyo University
- Universities in China :
- Peking University .
- Tsinghua University .
The most important universities in Switzerland to study physics:
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology /.
The most successful scientists in the world in physics:
- (Albert Einstein) the founder of special and general relativity and winner of the Nobel Prize for a research paper on the (photoelectric effect). He was Swiss and American by nationality and gave up his third nationality, which is German, although he was born in Germany. He studied at the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School and obtained an academic diploma from it.
- (Ibn al-Haytham) is one of the most important Arab scientists and the first founder of the science of optics. He has many contributions to various sciences, and his most important physical contributions are (interpreting natural phenomena) (such as the rainbow and the phenomenon of a solar eclipse). He also provided a clear vision of how the eye sees and that light comes from objects to the eye and not the other way around. He also established the laws of both the reflection of light and the refraction of light and many other contributions.
- (Werner Heisenberg) is a German scientist who won the Nobel Prize in Physics and discovered the uncertainty principle. Among the most important results of his theory are the use of the telescope, the transistor, and laser beams. In addition, he discovered the most important branch of physics, which is quantum mechanics .
- (Aristotle) He is known as the first teacher and the author of the book on physics, which revolves around four causes of change - which is what most attracted Aristotle's attention - namely (the material cause, the formal cause, the efficient cause, and the final cause), in addition to being the teacher of Alexander the Great.
- (Marie Curie) is a physicist and chemist and the only woman to win the Nobel Prize twice, the first time for her discovery of radium and polonium with her husband and the second time in chemistry. She is also the first woman to obtain the rank of professor at the University of Paris and has many researches on the decay of radioactivity and the founder of the Curie Institute in Paris and the Rasseau Institute. The first studies conducted to treat tumors using radioactive isotopes were under her supervision.
- (Stephen Hawking) is an English physicist who holds a first-class honors degree from Oxford University. He developed the theory of the boundless universe with Jim Hartle. He has many books, such as A Brief History of Time, of which he published a simpler version entitled A Briefer History of Time, and The Universe in Brief, and his latest book is The Grand Design, in collaboration with Leonardo Mlodinow.
Advantages of studying physics:
- Studying physics gives you the opportunity to find many high-return job opportunities such as working in engineering, the energy sector, laboratories, factories, water purification companies, space research agencies, astronomical scientific centers, earthquake prediction centers, and scientific research centers, in addition to the possibility of working in ministries such as the Ministry of Petroleum and the Ministry of Industry, Electricity, and Mineral Resources.
- Develop analytical and critical thinking skills not only in physics but in all aspects of your life.
- Knowing the reasons for everything that happens around you in the universe, in addition to the prestigious social status.
- There are many scholarships available at international universities and the possibility of participating in physical research.
- After studying physics, your view of things will change and you will have your own view and ideas about everything in the universe.
The most important educational platforms that provide private university lessons in physics:
Madrasa.com provides online university private lessons in physics, which are characterized by:
- Experts, professors and lecturers specialized in physics.
- Individual courses for you and the lecturer only, not groups of students.
- 100% online courses via Zoom so you can study from anywhere you want.
- You have the right to choose the course you want to study if you want to.
- The ability to choose the appropriate times for you, whether morning or evening.
- Undergraduate and graduate students can apply for university tutoring in physics.
- The school guarantees you a unique educational experience that will help you overcome all the obstacles and challenges you face in studying physics.
- Providing you with educational materials that facilitate the learning process and provide you with a huge amount of information.
- Providing the student with new ways of learning and helping him develop the skills required to excel in physics, such as mathematical skills and various atonement skills. There are many advantages that you will get from private university lessons in physics.
(It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I spend more time solving problems.) Einstein.
Reaching a certain level takes some time, just like solving a problem and just like anything else in our lives. Trust in your abilities and use them in the right places. Work on developing your weaknesses and improving your skills, but don’t forget that you are a human being who needs rest from time to time.
Be patient and persevere, success does not come overnight. Keep trying and pursuing your goals and ambitions. You will find some difficulty at the beginning, but aren’t all the beginnings of success like this?
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