Academic learning difficulties are problems that children face during the learning stage, such as difficulty reading, writing, and arithmetic. This problem is considered a barrier to their academic achievement and causes anxiety for parents. In this article, we will learn about the signs of academic learning difficulties and their causes, in addition to how to deal with children who suffer from these difficulties.
Academic learning difficulties
Academic learning disabilities are a condition in which students have difficulty absorbing and understanding academic concepts as quickly and efficiently as other students.
This trait appears in several aspects, such as:
Difficulty with auditory or visual comprehension:Students with academic learning disabilities have difficulty understanding information by listening or reading .
Difficulty with logic and analysis:Students find it difficult to analyze ideas and concepts and build logical relationships between them.
Difficulty in communication and expression:Students have difficulty expressing their ideas and sharing what they understand clearly.
Academic learning difficulties are also influenced by several factors, including environment and heredity, and there may be genetic and hereditary factors that play a role in the development of these difficulties.
Types of academic learning difficulties
Academic learning difficulties vary and are classified as follows:
Reading and writing difficulties:Difficulties in understanding texts include difficulty forming sentences and writing correctly, and difficulty concentrating and paying attention while reading.
Math and arithmetic difficulties:Difficulty understanding mathematical concepts, difficulty solving mathematical problems , and difficulty with basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Difficulties in organization and coordination:Students have difficulty organizing and coordinating school tasks and assignments, and difficulty managing time and achieving priorities.
Difficulties with concentration and attention:Students have difficulty paying attention for long periods of time, and difficulty concentrating on school tasks and maintaining their attention.
Motor coordination difficulties:Students have difficulty coordinating complex movements such as writing and picking up objects, and difficulty coordinating eye-hand and eye-foot.
Communication and social difficulties:Students have difficulty communicating and interacting socially , and difficulty understanding body language, emotions, and expressing themselves correctly.
These classifications of academic learning difficulties help identify students' needs and provide appropriate support and assistance.
Causes of academic learning difficulties
There are more than one reason for academic learning difficulties, including:
Genetic and hereditary causesGenetic and hereditary causes are considered one of the factors affectingacademic learning difficulties .
Individuals with learning disabilities may have differences in the genetic makeup of the brain or in the neural functions involved in learning and memory.
There may be some genetic mutations in the genome that affect mental skills related to learning, such as reading, writing, and language comprehension.
These mutations may be the reason why children have slow language acquisition or difficulties processing verbal information.
Although genetic and hereditary factors are not the only factor in determining learning disabilities , understanding their role can help guide efforts to develop effective tools and strategies to enhance the abilities of students with learning disabilities.
Ultimately, society should have a deeper understanding of the genetic and hereditary causes of learning disabilities and provide the necessary support and guidance to affected students, through early diagnosis and appropriate teaching and support.
Environmental and educational factorsEnvironmental and educational factors are considered to be factors that influence academic learning difficulties . These factors may include:
- Home situations: Home events such as family problems or radical changes in the home environment can have a significant impact on students' academic performance.
- Interaction at school: Interaction with peers and teachers at school can have a significant impact on students' comfort level and self-confidence and thus affect their educational experience.
- Economic conditions: Poverty and financial instability may affect students' ability to access educational resources and opportunities .
When dealing with academic learning difficulties, a comprehensive approach should be taken that includes providing additional support and guidance to students and providing a supportive environment at school and home to help them overcome these difficulties. Effective teaching strategies can include additional support and individual guidance, time management and priority management.
Academic learning and study difficulties
The impact of academic learning difficulties on many aspects of life, such as:
Its impact on academic performanceAcademic learning difficulties negatively affect students' performance in various academic fields. These difficulties affect students' ability to absorb information and apply it effectively, which affects the good implementation of academic tasks.
Students may have difficulty understanding academic concepts and applying them to solve problems, organizing ideas and being creative in expressing themselves, and their ability to focus and pay attention while studying.
These difficulties may result in lower grades and lower self-confidence, which affects academic success.
In addition, academic learning difficulties also affect students personally and socially. Students may become depressed and anxious due to their difficulties in dealing with academic demands, and they may face difficulties in social interaction and making friends.
Its impact on personal and social growthAcademic learning difficulties greatly affect the personal and social development of individuals who suffer from them. They may have problems interacting with their classmates and feel unable to keep up with others.
They may feel frustrated and lose confidence in their overall ability to learn. Because of their difficulties, they may sometimes be excluded or marginalized from the academic and social community.
Moreover, they may experience high psychological stress and may feel frustrated due to the learning difficulty.
They may also be affected in developing communication and teamwork skills , which can affect their future opportunities.
Diagnosis of academic learning difficulties
To diagnose academic learning difficulties, there are several methods that can be followed. The goal is to identify the challenges facing students and understand the underlying causes of their learning difficulties.
The most important methods used in diagnosis:
Academic Competency Assessment:This assessment includes an evaluation of the student's academic abilities and skills in a variety of subjects and basic skills, such as reading, writing, and mathematical calculations.
Note:This approach relies on observing student behavior and assessing how they interact with academic content and learning tasks.
Interviews and surveys:This method involves obtaining information from the students themselves, through interviews or surveys, to understand their experiences and challenges while learning.
Standardized tests:Standardized and benchmarked tests are used to assess students' abilities and compare them to specific national or international standards.
Learning Style Evaluation:This assessment aims to determine the student's optimal learning style , whether visual, auditory or kinesthetic.
It is important to diagnose early and comprehensively so that students can receive appropriate support and guidance to overcome their learning difficulties and achieve academic success.
Treatment of academic learning difficulties
When diagnosing academic learning difficulties, a treatment plan must be developed for these difficulties. The following are effective methods used in treatment:
Effective Teaching StrategiesTo achieve effective education for students with academic learning difficulties, there are many teaching strategies that can be adopted, including:
Employing multiple teaching methods:
It is recommended to usediverse and adaptive teaching methods to meet the different needs of students.
Visual teaching methods, such as pictures and charts, can be used in addition to auditory and kinesthetic methods to increase understanding of concepts and skills.
Presenting the material in a simple and organized manner:
Material should be presented in a simplified and organized manner, with clear explanations of difficult concepts.
Visual explanations, symbols, and diagrams can be used to enhance understanding.
Encourage cooperation and teamwork:
Collaboration and teamwork foster a positive classroom climate and help students develop communication and problem-solving skills through the exchange of knowledge and ideas.
Provide regular reviews and feedback:
It is preferable to provide regular reviews and feedback to students to track their progress and guide them towards improving their performance. Formative assessment techniques can be used to provide specific and constructive feedback.
Active learning application:
Active learning encourages students to participate and actively participate in the learning process.
Discussion sessions and group activities can also be organised to enhance understanding of concepts and their practical application.
Adapting the calendar and assessment:
Assessment and evaluation must be adapted to meet the needs of students with academic learning difficulties.
Alternative assessment methods, such as alternative projects or analytical measures, can be used to focus more on comprehension and soft skills rather than just rote content.
Implementing these effective teaching and learning strategies may require the use of support resources and ongoing training.
Teachers must also realize that meeting students' individual needs is the foundation for their success in learning and academic achievement.
Additional support and individual guidanceAdditional support and individual guidance are an essential part of our work with students with academic learning difficulties.
Additional support could be extra tutoring sessions or additional learning resources that help students strengthen their skills in subjects they find difficult.
Individual guidance includes providing educational advice and counseling to students on how to deal with their learning difficulties and meet their specific academic requirements.
Below are some important strategies for providing additional support and individual guidance to students with academic learning difficulties :
Determine student needs:
Attention must be paid to each student's strengths and weaknesses and their individual needs must be met.
Offering a flexible educational approach:
Lessons and topics should be organized in a way that meets the student's requirements and enhances his or her understanding and progress in the class.
Use a variety of teaching methods:
A variety of teaching techniques and media should be used so that students can access materials in different ways.
Conduct individual and small group sessions:
These sessions can help guide students personally and help them address the difficulties they are facing.
Encourage communication and collaboration:
Students should be encouraged to collaborate with peers and reach out to teachers and family members for support.
By providing additional support and individual guidance, students can feel confident in their abilities and achieve academic success commensurate with their abilities.
Family and community counselingThe role of the family and community plays a crucial role in supporting students with academic learning difficulties and helping them overcome their educational challenges. The family and community must be active partners in providing support and guidance to these students and encouraging them to learn and grow.
Here are some ways that family and community can help make this happen:
Providing the appropriate learning environment:
The family and community should be a catalyst for learning by providing appropriate educational resources and encouraging students to explore new areas.
Cooperation with the school:
The family and community should have a collaborative and open relationship with the school to monitor the student's progress and learn ways in which he or she can be supported.
Encouraging respect and appreciation:
Family and community should help students build their self-confidence and encourage their positive qualities regardless of their learning difficulties.
Providing counseling and emotional support:
The family and community must be available to listen and provide emotional support to students with learning difficulties and help them deal with daily challenges.
Encourage social participation:
Families and communities can support students in building healthy social relationships and encourage them to participate in school and community activities.
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