Date Tue, Jan 26, 2021


The United Arab Emirates is proud to include many distinguished educational institutions, which are spread throughout the country, where students receive comprehensive educational programs that meet the various needs of the labor market. To ensure that students are qualified to advanced educational levels, an evaluation system has been created that students must pass in order to be accepted into one of the graduate programs at universities in the United Arab Emirates .

In order for the student to obtain the highest grades in the EmSAT tests, he must follow some of the advice recommended by teaching experts in the UAE, which has proven its worth in obtaining the highest grades and excelling in the EmSAT tests.

Tips for getting the highest scores on the EmSAT exam:

There are several tips you should consider when applying for the AMSAT test.

We offer you some tips that you should check before and after applying for the AMSAT test:

What are the obstacles that students face?

Students face some obstacles that prevent them from excelling in the various EMSAT tests. Among the obstacles and challenges facing students are:

  • Psychological pressure

    Registering on the site has become very difficult, and there is no application on the smartphone. Registration is only on the site, and it cannot be opened except through the computer, which closes more than once due to the pressure of registration, and this causes psychological pressure and wastes time and effort!
  • Absence from the test

    The number of students absent from examination sessions is high, in addition to the large number of students requesting to cancel the examination date or location at a time when the change is not possible.

Therefore, the Ministry officials call for guiding and educating students on the necessity of adhering to the test time, in order to excel and reach their desired goal; as not taking the test or being absent from it reduces the chance of obtaining university admission in the country or applying for higher education missions. It is also necessary to pay attention to reviewing the policies that include the test performance policy and adhering to them.

  • Lack of student training opportunities

    There is a need to train students on the exam pattern, and there are questions on subjects that students have not studied, until the Emsat measures the students’ real level in all subjects, which gives an indication of the direction that we want the student to take.
  • Obstacles to people with disabilities

Students with disabilities and chronic diseases enrolled in state schools for the academic year 2018-2019 take the EmSAT test 100% electronically. It cannot be converted to paper. Special committees cannot be provided for students, such as helping them with reading or writing. The test also does not contain audio materials.
  • Obstacles to retaking the exam

Not allowing a retake of the exam and limiting the retake to the English language exam only, in addition to the poor coordination when setting the questions, as they sometimes include details of subjects that the students did not study, in addition to the lack of application centers
It is worth noting that the exam result will be issued 3 weeks after the date of the EMSAT exam, and you will receive a text message confirming its issuance.

    Solutions to these obstacles

    The Ministry and the UAE government studied these obstacles and developed the exam to suit the requirements of students in the UAE so that they can excel and stand out in the EmSAT exams.

    Among these solutions is providing training centers for the EMSAT exams at different educational levels, including and the best of which is Madrasa Dot Com, which provides you with all your needs to obtain the highest scores in the EMSAT exam. 

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