Date Tue, Apr 04, 2023


Raising children is one of the most delicate tasks and experiences we all go through, and often we find it difficult and difficult to complete it as we think it should.

Raising children is not limited to satisfying their basic needs, such as food, drink, and clothing, in addition to the academic basics of education .

But as a parent, it is important to be aware of everything related to your child, whether it is the way of thinking or constantly monitoring his mood and psychological state, but also how family and social relationships can affect the child and the way he is raised.

Parent-child relationship

Parents’ relationships with their children , or family relationships in general, are the first relationships that a child deals with and grows up on. A child who is born into a psychologically balanced environment among supportive parents is different from a child who grows up in an environment where he finds himself in need of constantly defending himself.

In the early stages of his life, the child is like a mirror of his parents. You find him dealing with the same way his parents deal with him and others, taking them as a role model to follow. This is normal at this age, when it is difficult to form individual opinions for the child. These signs appear when the child begins to imitate their behaviors and actions, whether positive or negative, without awareness or putting any logic into it, whether these actions are actually beneficial to him or liked by those around him.

Sometimes the child starts to do some unjustified behavior, for example, being aggressive with his classmates, which is considered a result of his parents’ constant anger with him or a result of the state of aggression and constant tension that his home may be in, which results in the child automatically and directly transferring to it, so some or a lot of aggression appears in his dealings with his classmates, and those equations that appear are what indicate whether the child should go to a behavior modification specialist, or alert the parents to what should be done.

Parenting styles that influence children:

  • Neglect

Another method that negatively affects the child is neglect, which directly affects the child’s self-confidence and how the child sees himself.

In this particular case, we notice that the child tends to isolate himself from the outside world , and has a fear of communication or building relationships, as a result of his weakness or inability to feel his own value, how to defend it, and it may reach the point of not being able to love, appreciate and respect himself in the correct way.

Here, two tendencies usually begin to take over the child, the first is anger, in which the child feels like a victim and begins to justify everything that happens around him on that basis.

The second is entitlement, in which he begins to feel that he deserves everything that happens to him and that he does not deserve anything beautiful or love at all, and he can only get out of this feeling by submitting to more leading figures, even if it is against his interests.

  • over criticism

Excessive criticism also leads to weakness in personality and decision-making, and makes children vulnerable to criticism and accustomed to it even from the outside, which makes them permanently dissatisfied with themselves and unable to accept themselves in the long run.

Often there is a gap in communication with parents due to the generational difference, and that parents want to raise their children the way they were raised, and the children refuse to listen, which puts both parties in a state of constant conflict, and both refuse to listen to the other thinking that they are right.

It is important for parents to be aware of some basics:

  • Do not reject children physically, by not communicating with them, or by staying away from them under the pretext of annoying them.

Or even verbally by telling the child directly how much it bothers him or to stop it.

  • Involve children in their hobbies and the things they like to do.
  • Building a language of dialogue and positive interaction based on trust and mutual respect.
  • Understanding the child's personality and using methods that benefit him and help him in a positive way that does not frustrate him.
  • Provide support, guidance and encouragement to the child on an ongoing basis.
  • Introducing some positive habits into your child's daily routine.
  • Accept the child regardless of his appearance, character or academic level.
  • Do not bully the child, even as a joke.
  • Give him the space to express himself and do what he needs to do.
  • Trying to keep up with the current era in raising children, not pressuring them with the same upbringing methods as older generations, nor letting them swim with the flow without follow-up.
  • Try to understand the child's feelings, listen to him and respect him.
  • Do not use violent methods.
  • Not isolating him from the society around him, but letting him go through his experiences with guidance when he needs it.
  • We must not forget the importance of providing healthy and beneficial nutrition for children.
  • In addition to being keen to exercise and adhere to healthy habits.

Read also:

    The impact of relationships on how a child accepts himself

    It is important for a child, especially in the early stages of his life, to feel safe and that he has a foundation to stand on or a dam to lean on in difficult situations.

    This is the role of the parents in the beginning, or the family, as they are the primary support for the child , in case he needs something or is exposed to situations that he does not have sufficient experience with, so the children share with their parents all the details of their lives with complete confidence.

    • But the problems begin when the child begins to feel remorse for sharing these details with his parents, which is often the result of excessive criticism of the child, or judging him based on his actions, or reminding him of his mistakes time and time again, or even mockery and bullying in the form of jokes, which gradually makes the child lose confidence in those around him, whether they are his family, friends, or even acquaintances.
    • On the other hand, the child should be raised in an environment that supports and enhances the child’s self-confidence, and seeks to help him and give him advice in a constructive and useful way without causing any psychological harm or loss of confidence in himself or in those around him.

    Thus, we arrive at the importance of providing respect and support to the child, accepting his opinions and ideas, and striving as much as possible to provide what supports the child and makes him psychologically balanced in his dealings with himself and others, and providing what supports him in his future.

    It is said that learning at a young age is like engraving on stone, and the same is true of upbringing. If you want to raise your children with a certain behavior, you must instill it in them from childhood, and provide them with good examples and constructive guidance.

    The importance of applying proper parenting standards in raising children

    We have mentioned the most important basics and necessary points that are important to have while raising children and it is important to be aware of them to raise a generation that is psychologically and mentally balanced. Indeed, many parents are now seeking to educate themselves by reading and attending courses to learn how they can deal with their children and raise them in a healthy way to serve them and serve society, and also to apply the method of mutual listening from parents and children , while analyzing the children’s personalities and knowing what methods can be useful with children of different ages and with different personalities.

    Thus, building relationships from a young age based on respect, appreciation and acceptance of each other, and ultimately building a generation capable of dealing with all the pressures of life and adapting to them, and even finding solutions to overcome them and benefit from them.

    We advise you to join the educational and academic consultations at, which include:

    • You will find a group of consultants specialized in behavior modification and educational guidance for both parents and children.
    • Those who have the competence to analyze the child and know his personality and thus know how to guide him in the appropriate manner.
    • Providing the appropriate means of assistance for each child to help him and enhance his self-confidence.
    • Building relationships based on support and trust in which the child can express his opinion frankly without fear of any criticism or otherwise.
    • Guiding parents to guide the child appropriately.
    • Communicate with consultants on a regular basis at any time.
    • Paying attention to the smallest details that concern the child and helping him form and accept his personality.
    • Build a system and program that is also entertaining for the child to ensure that he benefits and is entertained at the same time.
    • The courses are completely online, so neither the child nor the parents need to leave their home to attend the course.
    • All at a reasonable price.
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