التاريخ Sat, Jun 05, 2021

Preschool is one of the most important stages in a child’s life, during which he or she experiences significant growth and development in various aspects of their life. Understanding the seven stages of child development at this stage is crucial for parents, educators, and teachers, as they can provide the appropriate support and guidance for the child. In this article, we will review these stages and discuss the characteristics of physical, intellectual, social, emotional, affective, mental, and linguistic development of preschool children.

Childhood is one of the most influential stages in a person’s life. Many things are formed during it through the different stages of growth, such as:

1- Characteristics of physical, sensory and motor development

2- Characteristics of intellectual growth

3- Characteristics of social growth

4- Characteristics of emotional growth

5- Characteristics of emotional growth

6- Characteristics of mental development

7- Characteristics of language development

There is no doubt that you, dear mother, would like to know the distinctive characteristics of all the previous features. What are the distinguishing features of each? - What is your role at this stage?

In this article, we will review the characteristics of the previous stage from the age of 3 to 6 years. So, continue reading the article with us until you learn about these characteristics or distinctive features of each of the previous stages. We will begin with us in

First: The stage of physical growth - sensory and motor

Physical development includes both physical motor development and sensory development, both of which play a major role in the child’s thinking development, as they are linked to the growth of large and small muscles and result in coordination and interconnected cooperation between visual and motor characteristics.

Motor development expresses : a set of changes or skills and abilities that the child acquires. The most important thing that distinguishes the motor development stage is the presence of coordination between the eye and the hand, as the child in the motor development stage can do 4 things.

1- Distinguishing between things through the sense of touch - he can also draw - colour - paste

2- At the age of two, he has established the ability or skills of walking and running - and at the age of four, he has acquired the skills or abilities of climbing stairs - jumping - vaulting.

3- Narrative development plays an important role in social development, as the child can form a social connection with other children through some motor activities.

4- At the age of five, the child acquires the ability to balance and control movement in addition to hand use skills.

Accordingly, dear mother, during this stage you can

  • Training the child to draw. The child can draw a human being with four limbs, hands and feet.
  • The child can draw a circle - a square - some capital letters
  • The child can hold scissors - shapes can be made by cutting and gluing

Second: Sensory development

In it, the child is able to receive information and retain it for a period that allows for processing, classifying, organizing and retrieving information when needed. During sensory development, the child acquires 9 characteristics.

1-      The child uses his hands extensively, through which he can discover things and play with them.

2-      The child can distinguish colors - light and dark colors.

3-      At this stage, the child loves music and songs and prefers the fast rhythm of the words as well as the repetition.

4-      The child can distinguish between shapes and objects by using the senses of sight and touch.

5-      The child can distinguish between objects in terms of shape and colors.

6-      The child understands time, spatial-pretemporal relationships, and the similarities and differences between them.

7-      Children can gain language, counting and reading skills through music.

8-      The child can see large words easily because of the development of the sense of sight and is characterized by length as well as the development of the senses of taste and smell.

9-      Perceiving sensory experiences helps the mind grow – and the diversity of experiences.

We then move on to

Third: Characteristics of intellectual growth

This stage in four-year-old children is characterized by the following characteristics:

1-      Imaginative play is one of the basic types of play at this stage.

2-      The child learns colors and their names, in addition to counting simple numbers from 1 to 10, for example.

3-      The child begins to know the time gradually.

4-      Assemble cubes from 3 to 4 cubes

5- Browse the pages of the book in sequence.

6- Identifying similar and different concepts

At the age of five, it is characterized by the following:

  1. The child can write letters and numbers by tracing the drawn dots.
  2. The ability to copy geometric drawings of triangles, squares, and other geometric shapes.
  3. The child begins to recognize the things he uses in his daily life, such as money and food.

At this stage, dear mother, you must distinguish the child’s intellectual development through

  1. Daily reading aloud where the child can develop his vocabulary through reading - speaking - asking him questions
  2.    Teaching children time gradually through drawings and pictures

Fourth: Characteristics of social growth

All developmental characteristics are connected to each other. Social development is affected by emotional development. Children’s emotional balance helps in forming positive relationships with others. Social development in children is represented in several skills or abilities, which are as follows:

  Independence and self-confidence. Acquiring these skills is represented in:

  The child dresses himself The child eats and drinks on his own, as this enhances the child’s self-confidence and personality.

The child's relationship with his peers or other children

At this stage, group play is very important as it helps in forming the concept of self and developing mental aspects through group play.

understanding others

At this stage, the child develops communication skills with others - learning helpful and compassionate behaviors towards others - through good stories and traditions.

Verbal and nonverbal communication

It means children’s communication through speech and language, as well as communication through smiling, head movements, hand signals, eye contact, and body movements.

 Characteristics of emotional growth

Emotions in preschool children are characterized by being intense and exaggerated, in addition to the diversity of movement between emotions. Perhaps the most famous of these emotions is the movement between crying and laughter - joy to annoyance - as well as emotions

The self, such as shame - guilt - feelings of confidence and self-blame. The manifestations of emotional growth are represented in 6 manifestations, which are fear and affection - jealousy and competition - fear - anxiety - anger - moodiness.

Fifth: Characteristics of mental development

The characteristics of mental development in preschool are characterized by the following 6 characteristics:

1-     The child begins to talk to special toys - he begins to describe everything around him in life and the most famous examples are also when the child falls or bumps into a chair - he believes that the chair is responsible for that

2-     A child's ability to pay attention gradually increases with age.

3-  The child's ability to remember increases, such as remembering phrases.

4-  The child is characterized by his ability to imagine, play and daydream.

5- The child is characterized by curiosity and inquisitiveness.

6- The child develops concepts of time, place, number, and geometric shapes.

Sixth: Characteristics of language development

The child's language development plays an important role in actual development. This stage is characterized by the following 8 characteristics:

  The child creates his own expressions of a mental image that others can understand.

  The child's presence in an interactive educational and social environment contributes significantly to linguistic development, such as the ability to speak, for example.

3-     Communicate with others through speech and improve pronunciation

4-     Expressing what the child wants accurately and clearly

5-     The child becomes able to know numbers - times - places

6-     The child has a vocabulary

7-     The child becomes able to distinguish between objects.

8-     The child can communicate with other adults and ask them questions.

Seventh: Characteristics of emotional growth

At this stage, the child moves from imagination to reality easily, but he does not know the difference between them. The idea of ​​there being a monster, for example, under the bed or in the dark, evokes terror and fear for children.

Therefore, at this stage, it is necessary to help the child overcome his feelings and deal with them seriously and with understanding. You can, my dear, explain to him the difference between reality and imagination and provide him with means of persuasion so that he does not feel fear or anxiety and you can support his self-confidence in facing what bothers him or what scares him.

At the end of the seventh point, we have reviewed the 7 characteristics that greatly influence the lives of children in the pre- school stage, and we have presented the most important characteristics in each of them, and the child’s skills can be enhanced with Madrasa.com.


Here are some strategies that can be followed to enhance the physical, sensory and motor development of preschool children :

1. Provide a safe and stimulating environment: Provide an appropriate environment that contains toys and tools that encourage movement and sensory interaction. This may include motor toys such as balls and toys that require balance and coordination.

2. Encourage physical activity: Encourage your child to engage in physical activities such as playing outdoors, running, and jumping. You can also organize sports activities such as dancing or yoga that promote motor development.

3. Provide opportunities for sensory experience: Provide opportunities for sensory exploration through touch, smell, taste, and listening. These opportunities might include sand play, water play, and exploring different textures such as clay or grains.

4. Develop fine motor skills: Encourage your child to develop fine motor skills such as coloring, cutting, and assembling. You can use educational games that enhance the development of these skills.

5. Participate in organized sports activities: Provide opportunities for your child to participate in organized sports activities such as team sports, dance, or gymnastics. These activities also promote cooperation and social interaction.

6. Providing healthy meals and balanced nutrition: The child must eat healthy and balanced meals that contain the nutrients necessary for his healthy physical growth.

7. Encouragement and praise: Encourage the child and offer praise when he achieves motor and sensory achievements. You can also use praise to enhance self-confidence and motivate further motor development.

8. Cooperative play: Encourage cooperative play with other children, as group games can promote social interaction and develop motor skills.

9. Structured sensory activities: Organize structured sensory activities such as sand play, clay play, or other sensory toys. These activities promote interaction with the environment and stimulate the sensory senses.

10. Walk and explore in nature: Encourage the child to walk and explore in nature, where the child can explore the surrounding environment and interact with it actively. Remember that each child is unique and has his own needs, so strategies must be varied and appropriate to his individual needs and abilities.

In short, understanding the seven stages of development of preschool children helps us understand their overall development and changing needs. Physical, sensory, motor, intellectual, social, emotional, cognitive, and language development are essential components of this stage. By providing appropriate support and guidance in every aspect of their development, we can help children reach their full potential and develop their abilities properly. Therefore, we must be aware of the stages of development and engage with children in ways that encourage their overall development and enhance their educational and social experience at this vital stage of their lives.

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