![What are the personality types of children?](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0330/1874/0876/files/02_e109c2d5-36db-4816-bfb4-f6e5ebc23244.jpg?v=1687415334)
Surely, as a father or mother, you are looking for the best way to deal with your child, but have you ever thought about understanding your child’s personality first? As children’s personality patterns form An important element in determining how they deal with the world and those around them. Perhaps understanding your child’s personality type will help you determine the best way to deal with him, and find the most appropriate guidance style for him. Therefore, let us learn together about the most important personality types of children , and how to deal with them effectively.
Children's personality types
Children's personality types are a set of characteristics and features that distinguish each child from another, and determine how the child interacts with those around him and with the world around him.
These patterns vary greatly. There is the exploratory child who loves experimentation and adventure, the shy child who prefers to stay away from the spotlight and people, the artistic child who tends towards creativity and artistic expression, the giving child who loves to help others, and the thinking child who loves to think and solve problems in innovative ways.
There is also the heredity hypothesis, which is influenced at the same time by genes as by the environment in which the child lives.
But it is necessary for parents to recognize their child’s personality type and guide him religiously and behaviorally, and respect and recognize his unique traits.
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What are the personality types of children?
The explorer child
An explorer is a type of child who loves to explore and search for new and exciting things.
They are active children who love adventure and challenge, and they love to explore and learn.
This pattern is clearly evident in the child's quest for exploration and movement, and his positives in discovering the world around him.
He can jump, dance and climb without getting bored, and he is excited to know everything he finds in front of him, and when exposed to everything new, he rushes to try it without hesitation.
If you think you have an explorer child, they can benefit from different learning methods better. You might try to find adventurous activities to satisfy their curiosity and encourage them to continue learning and growing, and you can also give them some freedom in a safe environment to play and explore.
An explorer child is a child who can become a leader in different fields in the future, just need to provide a stimulating environment to satisfy his curiosity and questions.
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The shy childA shy child is one of the most difficult children to deal with, as he is affected very quickly and faces many problems in responding to the challenges of daily life.
However, one should not give in to difficulties and bear the responsibility placed on parents in caring for the shy child and seeking to know the appropriate ways to deal with him.
A shy child usually feels intimidated and afraid of mixing with new people, and needs a lot of comfort and encouragement to face these challenges.
Parents must provide an environment that supports the child’s discovery of his personality and talents and provide him with the necessary protection from being exposed to unfair criticism.
The shy child should be encouraged to talk and interact with other children and to show his distinctive skills and various abilities, by giving him enough space and understanding of his feelings of desire and need to communicate and adapt to the social environment.
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child artistThe artistic child is the type who prefers creativity and innovation in all its forms. He uses drawing, music, writing, dancing, and other arts to express what he feels and what is going on in his imagination.
This child has a lively and sensitive personality, and has a high sense of beauty, design and colors. Art inspires him and drives him to create wonderful things to express himself.
The child artist also needs encouragement and support from parents and teachers to continue developing his talent and creative skills. The child artist excels in analysis, innovation and expression, and these skills can be developed by sharpening his sensory senses and encouraging him to create different works of art regularly.
Moreover, this type of childhood is full of creative experiences and adventures, and it helps in the development of the child's personality. And develop it positively.
The giving childA giving child is the type who loves to help others and is always thinking of them.
He is the person who feels happy and satisfied when he makes someone else happy.
He thinks about others and considers other people's issues and problems as his own. He loves giving and participating in good and charitable works.
A giving child brings happiness, joy and peace to everyone around him, and through this situation he learns that giving will return to him in the future, increasing his happiness and psychological comfort.
When dealing with this type of children, it is important to praise and encourage their positive behavior.
We should talk to them in a respectful manner and express our appreciation for these honorable qualities. We should encourage them to practice goodness and giving without the need to receive anything in return.
When the giving child discovers his skill deficiencies in this area, he must be helped and provided with the necessary support to give him strength and confidence in charitable works.
We have to raise the limits of their ambition instead of restricting them to imposing anxiety and fear. Let us learn a lot from them and develop their talents in giving and helping.
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Thinking childA thinking child is a child who loves to think and analyze, and loves to search for answers to the questions that occupy his mind, and analyzes everything, even the small matters and minute details, until he reaches the truth in everything.
This child loves to talk and discuss, is intelligent and creative in solutions, thinks deeply and speaks in a detailed and complex way.
This child loves reading books and exploring new ideas, and searches for the truth in everything until he is convinced of what he does or says.
To guide this child, we must provide him with purposeful discussions and accurate answers to his questions, and encourage him to read books and useful materials that contribute to the development of his mind.
This style also requires us to provide intellectual adventure, listen to his ideas and evaluate them positively, and be good at communicating with him and answering all his questions in a friendly and likeable manner.
We must pay attention to this pattern and provide the necessary support for the thinking child to enjoy his inner world and be distinguished by an active and sharp mind.
How to deal with children's personality types
Identifying the child's personal styleIdentifying the child's personality type It is very important for parents and people around the child. This knowledge contributes to understanding the child’s behavior and interaction with others and the surrounding environment, and building healthy family relationships.
In addition, knowing the child's personal style can help determine the best ways to guide, educate, and raise him properly.
In light of this, parents should carefully monitor and analyze their child's behavior, and sense early signs of personality type, such as preferences, affiliations, and certain behaviors.
Accordingly, parents can include this type of information in their planning of children's activities, and choose games and activities that are appropriate for them.
It is important that the personality type is not considered healthy or unhealthy, but rather it should be treated as just a part of the child’s personality, and work should be done to understand and improve it.
If the child's personality type is identified, parents can provide appropriate guidance and learn effective ways to deal with him and support him in his growth and development.
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Religious and behavioral guidance for the childVital to any child is religious and behavioral guidance. Children quickly receive religious guidance and influence from parents and teachers, and this forms the basis of their future personality.
The child must be guided in a tender and dramatic way that supports the relationship between the father and the child, by talking to him and explaining to him in a simple and easy way.
Individual differences between children must also be respected and their unique and different characteristics must be focused on, which helps the child build his personality and determine his future destiny.
As adults, we have a responsibility to respect children, honor their unique behavior, and help them improve it. Religious and behavioral guidance for a child can help build one’s character and support positive personal qualities, leading to a happy and fulfilling life experience.
Respect and acknowledge the child's unique characteristics.If we want to raise a happy, self-confident child, we must recognize and respect his unique qualities.
Every child has his own characteristics that distinguish him from others, and this makes him unique and special in our eyes.
Therefore, we must encourage the child to develop these traits and focus on them instead of focusing on weaknesses or negatives that can affect the development of his positive personality.
It is also important to talk to the child in an effective and correct manner and encourage him to express his feelings, thoughts and vision of life.
Children need respect, appreciation and recognition from adults of their value and unique existence in life. This helps them develop their self-confidence and enhance their sense of the importance of their existence in society.
We have to build a relationship with children based on respect, trust and understanding. This enhances effective communication and helps build a positive and confident personality.
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