Date Tue, Nov 15, 2022


The past few years, with the presence of the Corona pandemic, have witnessed a major digital transformation in the services and methods used in all aspects of life, especially education. This has prompted many academic bodies and entities to completely convert studies online, or at least to a dual learning system to reduce mixing between people. This was later reflected in everyone's awareness of the importance of e-learning and the ease of interaction through learning platforms on the Internet, especially with the provision of many options for platforms that provide this service in addition to schools and universities to help students absorb their university lessons with greater focus and benefit while saving their time because they obtain their lessons from home via the Internet.

Many websites have been interested in providing online university tutoring services to students by connecting teachers and students who wish to obtain private university tutoring, special courses, or online tutoring. This is to provide a wide range of courses in different specializations for university students who wish to obtain private tutoring to help them with their studies or projects.

Unusually these days, due to the abundance of activities and lack of time, moving from one place to another has become a waste of time and energy and a distraction. Activities have become carried out remotely as much as possible to save time and effort, after contact with people was one of the healthy signs that strengthened social ties. Consequently, going to private university lessons in certain places on earth has its drawbacks, which we will list now:

Disadvantages of private university lessons in certain places

Going to different places at different times has become a heavy burden, and there is not enough time to coordinate between the material sessions.
  • Lesson groups may be too large, which can make students more distracted and less able to receive information.
  • Also, the excessive number of students leads to some of them being psychologically stressed, which makes them refrain from interacting and asking questions, even if they need to, due to their lack of understanding.
  • It may be difficult for a teacher to directly address such numbers at once.
  • The cost of the course is very expensive compared to learning online on one of the online university tutoring platforms.

Therefore, the trend now is towards online university lesson platforms for university students to learn online due to its many advantages, including the following:


Top 7 Reasons Why Online University Courses Are Excellent

There are many advantages to taking private online college classes:

  1. College tutoring is a great way to improve your skills and knowledge in a particular subject.
  2. Online lessons often cover a wide range of topics and skills, allowing students to tailor their learning experience to their individual needs and goals.
  3. College tutoring gives students the opportunity to receive individual instruction from a qualified professor who is knowledgeable in the subject matter.
  4. You can study at your own pace and at times you set for yourself and your teacher.
  5. College tutoring provides an opportunity to ask questions and get clarification on subjects they may be struggling with.
  6. Private lessons for college students also provide a more intimate learning environment which can be beneficial for some students, given the small number of students in a single course.
  7. With online college classes you can focus on exactly what you need to learn.

What is the difference between private online lessons and studying in the classroom?

How to choose the best online university lessons platform

With the many options and sites that offer online university tutoring services, you must carefully consider your choice and make your decision based on clear selection criteria that we will help you identify now:

  • It should be a reliable site with previous experience in giving online university lessons to university students.
  • He should have a good reputation in giving private lessons to university students.
  • It must have a good number of users from college students.
  • He must have the ability to teach educational subjects in different fields and not just in a specific field.
  • The site should include some tests and practical applications that help confirm the information within the offered courses.
  • It is preferable to have multiple language courses to strengthen students' language skills.
  • It is preferable that the site has accreditation for official international online tests.

How to find an online university course platform

It is no longer difficult to find a private online university tutoring platform. Since the pandemic and the shift of most work to online, many platforms have spread. However, you can ask your university colleagues if they are learning more through one of these platforms or even in your family circle. Or you can also follow the sections of the basic electronic learning system at international universities and find specialized lessons for any of the subjects you study according to your specialization. You can also search on the Internet or in official newspapers.

One of the most famous platforms in the UAE that provides online private university tutoring services is provides a range of online university private lessons in various sciences and basic languages , which are worked on according to the students’ needs, whether to learn a new skill in those sciences or improve a specific subject or to prepare them for the job market. The university lessons provided are:

It also cares about providing languages, which are basic subjects that must be learned well because they improve communication opportunities, increase job opportunities, and strengthen the student's linguistic and cognitive structure. Therefore, the school offers many online university lessons that teach different languages ​​from beginners to professional levels, including the following:

Get now the best private teacher in Sharjah

The platform does not stop at these courses, but also offers specialized courses to prepare for the TOEFL and IELTS tests in the English language. is a reliable source of information for students who wish to obtain private university lessons online in various specializations from expert teachers.

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