Researcher Preparation Course in English and Arabic

1,800.00 AED Regular price 3,000.00 AED





Training courses



Student ratings



Interactive lessons

Be one of our students

those we have helped to achieve excellence and enroll in prestigious universities


Course features

The course started the day after the booking
Interactive and direct courses between the student and the teacher
Materials and explanations for all emsat materials
A professional teacher and trainer on modern methods of Education

Researcher Preparation Course in English and Arabic

The website provides parents with the best training courses that prepare their children for the job market, in addition to excelling in scientific life and academic paths. Among these courses is the researcher preparation course, which specializes in qualifying students from 7 years of age to twelfth grade to research and analyze data, understand the components of scientific research, and the difference between individual and university research, in addition to how to collect information, develop hypotheses, solve research challenges, and finally produce comprehensive research on a topic chosen by the student.

Course Features

  1. The course is online, individual and direct between the lecturer and the student.
  2. The course is supported by the Development Authority.
  3. Teaching by the most qualified teachers
  4. Global offers and discounts
  5. Providing all the student's needs
  6. Flexible timings to suit the student and parent's schedule
  7. Continuous support through customer service
  8. Follow up with the guardian
  9. Continuous tests and training to follow up on the development of the student’s level.
  10. Accept discounts and reductions from different cards
Course Outline: Researcher Preparation Course

  • First two sessions: What is research? What is a variable?
  • Session 3 and 4: Types of Research Methodology
  • Session 5: Research Components
  • Research designs for the sixth session
  • Seventh quotation in texts and bibliography
  • The eighth difference between hypothesis and research problems
  • The ninth difference between the summary, introduction and conclusion
  • 10. Review and review the previously submitted research.

  1. first 2 sessions: what is research? What is a variable?
  2. 3rd and 4th sessions: types of research methodology
  3. 5th session: research components
  4. 6th session research designs
  5. 7th in-text citation and bibliography
  6. 8th difference between hypothesis and research problems
  7. 9th difference between abstract, introduction and conclusion
  8. 10th checking and reviewing the previously submitted research

Reviews of school


“ My rating for the class is more than excellent. Praise be to God, the teacher is Zain and gives me my time to understand and explains everything I don’t understand. “

Mohamed Mahmoud image

“ I would like to say thank you once again, Professor. My grades became above average and parsing became very easy for me. May God bless you “

Abdelkader image

“ The explanation is excellent and the information is easy, simple and understandable, not as complicated as before “

Farah Jamal image

“ I would like to take a TOEFL exam course with you because my levels differ greatly. I did not take the preparation course and I want to pass the exam with you ”

Mira Al Balushi image

“ I just want to thank you because Amna's math average rose a lot and she can now add, subtract, and count, and her father is happy and supportive and asked me to thank you and thank her teacher, Nourhan. “

Amna's mother image

“ The lecture is beautiful and everything is simplified, and I will book the rest of the subjects with you “

Manal Mohammed image

Researcher Preparation Course in English and Arabic

1,800.00 AED Regular price 3,000.00 AED
Researcher Preparation Course in English and Arabic Reviewed by 10 IELTS Experts 4.6

دورة اعداد الباحث باللغتين الانجليزية والعربية

مميزات دورة إعداد الأبحاث


بدء الدورة بعد يوم من الحجز


معلم محترف ومدرب على طرق التعلم الحديثة


مواعيد مرنة


دورات تفاعلية ومباشرة بين الطالب والمعلم


مواد وشروحات إعداد الأبحاث

لماذا دورة اعداد الباحث باللغتين الانجليزية والعربية مع المدرسة دوت كوم ؟

توفر لك استراتيجية تحضير وإعداد البحث و العلمية وفقا لخطوات وهيكل محدد - دورة تدريبية فردية تركز على نقاط الضعف لديك وتوفر لك مذكرات تساعدك في المذاكرة خارج الدورة التدريبية بالإضافة إلى التدريب على البحث وتحليل البيانات، وفهم مكونات البحث العلمي، والفرق بين البحوث الفردية والجامعية، بالإضافة إلى كيفية تجميع المعلومات ووضع الفرضيات وحل تحديات البحث.

أهداف دورة اعداد الباحث باللغتين الانجليزية والعربية مع المدرسة دوت كوم


التدريب العملي على إعداد الأبحاث

التركيز خلال الدورة التدريبية التطبيق العملي البحث وتحليل البيانات، وفهم مكونات البحث العلمي والفرق بين البحوث الفردية والجامعية بالإضافة إلى كيفية تجميع المعلومات مما يتكون لديك الخبرة العملية والعملية لإعداد الأبحاث

خطة تدريبية مفصلة وفقا لاحتياجاتك

دورة تدريبية أون لاين فردية تستطيع أن تضع مع المحاضر الخطوط العريضة والهيكل التدريبي الذي يحقق لك إنجاز الأهداف والوقت والدعم من الناحية العملية والعملية


توفير ملخصات أوراق العمل والمذكرات

يتم توفير أثناء الدورة التدريبية ملخصات وأوراق العمل ومذكرات تدعمك في الاستذكار خارج الدورة التدريبية والتعلم والتدريب المستمر

أسعار تنافسية

يمنح موقع المدرسة دوت كوم تخفيضات وعروض مستمرة علي الباحث باللغتين الانجليزية والعربية
