الدورات التحضيرية لاجتياز ترخيص المهن التعليمية للمعلمين

ليست مهمة الحصول على رخصة مزاولة مهنة التدريس مهمة سهلة، إلا أن الجهود المبذولة لتحقيقها سيعود بالنفع بشكل كبير للمعلمين، من حيث زيادة فرص العمل في المدارس الحكومية و المدارس الخاصة، مع دورات المدرسة دوت كوم عبر الإنترنت تساعد المعلمين على إعداد أنفسهم لاجتياز اختبارات التراخيص المهنية في مجال التدريس.

إذا كنت ترغب في استمرار مسيرتك المهنية في مجال التدريس وزيادة الكفاءة فيجب التفكير في الاشتراك في دورة الرخصة المهنية.


اكتشف مع المدرسة دوت كوم مميزات للحصول على هذه الدورات التحضيرية:

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    المرونة والراحة

    يمكن للمعلمين التعلم والدراسة في أوقات فراغهم، واختيار المواعيد المناسبة لهم طول اليوم صباحًا أو مساءً، وهم في أماكنهم.

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    الخبرة والكفاءة

    تتميز الدورات التحضيرية المقدمة من المدرسة دوت كوم بمدربين على أعلى مستوى من الخبرة والكفاءة، كما أن المحتوى المقدم في الدورات متطور محدث باستمرار.

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    توفر هذه الدورات مصادر تعليمية شاملة، بالإضافة إلى فرص تفاعلية للتعلم والتفاعل مع المحتوى؛ يمكن المعلمين استخدامها أيضًا لتطوير مهاراتهم وتعزيز قدراتهم.

الدورات التحضيرية لاجتياز ترخيص المهن التعليمية للمعلمين التي توفرها المدرسة دوت كوم

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions license, religious education, episode 3
57% OFF

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions license, religious education, episode 3

Regular price 3,500 AED 1,500 AED

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions license, religious education, episode 2
57% OFF

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions license, religious education, episode 2

Regular price 3,500 AED 1,500 AED

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions license, teaching special needs | All stages (KG1 - Grade 12)
57% OFF

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions license, teaching special needs | All stages (KG1 - Grade 12)

Regular price 3,500 AED 1,500 AED

Preparatory Course for Early Childhood Education Professionals Licensing (KG1-Grade 2) Teachers | Teacher | English Classroom Teacher (KG1-KG2) | Early Childhood Education (KG1-Grade 2)
57% OFF

Preparatory Course for Early Childhood Education Professionals Licensing (KG1-Grade 2) Teachers | Teacher | English Classroom Teacher (KG1-KG2) | Early Childhood Education (KG1-Grade 2)

Regular price 3,500 AED 1,500 AED

Preparatory course for the Early Childhood Education Professions License (KG1- Grade 2) Early Childhood (KG1- Grade 2) Teachers | Teacher | Multi | Early Childhood Education (KG1- Grade 2)
57% OFF

Preparatory course for the Early Childhood Education Professions License (KG1- Grade 2) Early Childhood (KG1- Grade 2) Teachers | Teacher | Multi | Early Childhood Education (KG1- Grade 2)

Regular price 3,500 AED 1,500 AED

Preparatory course for the Early Childhood Education Professions Licensure (KG1- Grade 2) Teachers | Primary Teacher for Subjects Taught in English | Early Childhood Education ((KG1- Grade 2))
57% OFF

Preparatory course for the Early Childhood Education Professions Licensure (KG1- Grade 2) Teachers | Primary Teacher for Subjects Taught in English | Early Childhood Education ((KG1- Grade 2))

Regular price 3,500 AED 1,500 AED

Preparatory course for the Early Childhood Education Professions License (KG1- Grade 2) Teachers | Teacher | Primary Subject Teacher Teaching in Arabic | Early Childhood Education (KG1- Grade 2)
57% OFF

Preparatory course for the Early Childhood Education Professions License (KG1- Grade 2) Teachers | Teacher | Primary Subject Teacher Teaching in Arabic | Early Childhood Education (KG1- Grade 2)

Regular price 3,500 AED 1,500 AED

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions license, episode 3, C++, computer science
57% OFF

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions license, episode 3, C++, computer science

Regular price 3,500 AED 1,500 AED

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions test - Computer Science Java - Episode 2
57% OFF

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions test - Computer Science Java - Episode 2

Regular price 3,500 AED 1,500 AED

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions test - Computer Science Python Episode 3
57% OFF

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions test - Computer Science Python Episode 3

Regular price 3,500 AED 1,500 AED

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions test - Computer Science Python - Episode 2
57% OFF

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions test - Computer Science Python - Episode 2

Regular price 3,500 AED 1,500 AED

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions test - Technology and Design Course, Ministry of Education Curriculum - Python Episode 2
57% OFF

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions test - Technology and Design Course, Ministry of Education Curriculum - Python Episode 2

Regular price 3,500 AED 1,500 AED

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions test - Technology and Design Course, Ministry of Education Curriculum - Java Episode 2
57% OFF

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions test - Technology and Design Course, Ministry of Education Curriculum - Java Episode 2

Regular price 3,500 AED 1,500 AED

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions test - Technology and Design Curriculum for the Ministry of Education - C++ Episode 2
57% OFF

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions test - Technology and Design Curriculum for the Ministry of Education - C++ Episode 2

Regular price 3,500 AED 1,500 AED

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions license, Arabic language for non-native speakers, Episode 3
57% OFF

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions license, Arabic language for non-native speakers, Episode 3

Regular price 3,500 AED 1,500 AED

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions license, Arabic language for non-native speakers, Episode 2
57% OFF

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions license, Arabic language for non-native speakers, Episode 2

Regular price 3,500 AED 1,500 AED

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions license, social studies, episode 2
57% OFF

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions license, social studies, episode 2

Regular price 3,500 AED 1,500 AED

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions license Business Administration Episode 3
57% OFF

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions license Business Administration Episode 3

Regular price 3,500 AED 1,500 AED

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions license Business Administration Episode 2
57% OFF

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions license Business Administration Episode 2

Regular price 3,500 AED 1,500 AED

Preparatory course for passing the licensing of educational professions, physical education and health, Episode 3
57% OFF

Preparatory course for passing the licensing of educational professions, physical education and health, Episode 3

Regular price 3,500 AED 1,500 AED

Preparatory course for passing the licensing of educational professions, physical education and health, episode 2
On Sale

Preparatory course for passing the licensing of educational professions, physical education and health, episode 2

Regular price 3,500 AED 1,800 AED

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions license, Physics, Cycle 3 (9-12)
57% OFF

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions license, Physics, Cycle 3 (9-12)

Regular price 3,500 AED 1,500 AED

Preparatory courses for passing the school professions test for teachers of English to speakers of other languages ​​Episode 3
57% OFF

Preparatory courses for passing the school professions test for teachers of English to speakers of other languages ​​Episode 3

Regular price 3,500 AED 1,500 AED

Preparatory courses for passing the school professions test for mathematics teachers, cycle 3
57% OFF

Preparatory courses for passing the school professions test for mathematics teachers, cycle 3

Regular price 3,500 AED 1,500 AED

Preparatory course for passing the teaching professions test - Mathematics course, episode 2
57% OFF

Preparatory course for passing the teaching professions test - Mathematics course, episode 2

Regular price 3,500 AED 1,500 AED

Preparatory Course for the Teaching Professions Test - English for Speakers of Other Languages ​​Course: Episode 2
57% OFF

Preparatory Course for the Teaching Professions Test - English for Speakers of Other Languages ​​Course: Episode 2

Regular price 3,500 AED 1,500 AED

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions license, Computer Science, Episode 2
57% OFF

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions license, Computer Science, Episode 2

Regular price 3,500 AED 1,500 AED

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions license, Chemistry, Cycle 3 (9-12)
57% OFF

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions license, Chemistry, Cycle 3 (9-12)

Regular price 3,500 AED 1,500 AED

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions license, Biology, Cycle 3 (9-12)
57% OFF

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions license, Biology, Cycle 3 (9-12)

Regular price 3,500 AED 1,500 AED

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions license, Arabic language, cycle 3 (9-12)
57% OFF

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions license, Arabic language, cycle 3 (9-12)

Regular price 3,500 AED 1,500 AED

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions license, professional cycle 2
57% OFF

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions license, professional cycle 2

Regular price 3,500 AED 1,500 AED

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions license, Arabic language, cycle 2 (3-8)
57% OFF

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions license, Arabic language, cycle 2 (3-8)

Regular price 3,500 AED 1,500 AED

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions license, professional cycle 3
57% OFF

Preparatory course for passing the educational professions license, professional cycle 3

Regular price 3,500 AED 1,500 AED

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