The demand for learning programming has increased in an unprecedented way in the last century, due to its importance that is increasing day after day, and it is one of the most interesting specializations for students and attracts them to study it, but it does not only capture the attention of students; there are many people who seek to learn programming due to its general benefit, in addition to the availability of many job opportunities related to the field of programming.
However, many students resort to searching for private programming lessons in their journey to overcome the obstacles that hinder them during their studies and continue the path to excellence.
Therefore, in this article, we will learn about all the information related to private university lessons in programming. We will also learn about the importance of programming and some of its advantages for you and the future of humanity, in addition to the most important international universities for studying programming and a lot of other information that you will learn about while reading the article. Let's begin:
What is programming and what are its languages and types?
In order to communicate with another person, you need a language that both of you understand to complete the communication process. The computer is like a human being, you need a specific language that the computer understands to be able to communicate with it. This language is called a programming language. Programming is the language of computers and it is a branch of computer science. It is a set of commands that are given to the computer to perform certain operations. These commands or instructions are written in the form of codes, in order to direct the computer to perform certain tasks or solve certain problems.
There are many types of programming languages, which sometimes cause some obstacles during the study of programming. Programming languages are divided into high-level languages such as Java, Python, and SQL, and low-level languages, which branch out into machine language and assembly language. Here are some languages according to their uses:
- C, C#, C++: These are programming languages used in developing daily applications and programs, developing artificial intelligence, developing computer games, and developing computer operating systems.
- Java: It is one of the most important programming languages in the world and the most famous, used and efficient. This language is used in its various types in designing websites and developing web pages. It is also used in developing games and daily applications.
- Python : One of the most popular languages in the world and is used in creating applications, developing web pages, and developing artificial intelligence.
In addition to many other languages that have multiple and different uses depending on the required tasks, such as PHP, HTML, HDML, Swift, Visual Basic, Go, Kotlin, R, and others.
Madrasa.com offers you the best private university lessons in programming , contact them for details.
The most important reasons that motivate you to learn programming:
- Programming is the language of the future. With the continuous development of the world, the demand for programmers of different specializations is increasing. Programming is also classified as one of the highest paying jobs in the world.
- Without programming, computers and smartphones would not exist, and therefore we would not have the rapid communication we enjoy in our current era.
- Programming is used in creating medical devices that help treat and detect thousands of diseases.
- Programming is used in the manufacture of robots. For example, did you know that Garry Kasparov, the greatest chess player in history, was defeated for the first time in 1997 by a computer called Deep Blue, which was created and developed by programmers?
- Companies, schools, factories, organizations, hospitals and every institution in society depend mainly on computers, which are indispensable in our current era.
- Acquiring many skills that help you develop not only in your studies or work but in all aspects of your life, for example, programming helps you acquire the skill of patience, the skill of organization, and the skill of accurate observation. It also helps you acquire the skill of analytical thinking, which expands your ability to solve any problem you face in your life because you will automatically think of a solution to the problem from several aspects, and you will also acquire these skills automatically.
- Programming will help you improve your English a lot because it is part of your studies and work as a programmer.
- Programming is your ticket abroad. By becoming a professional in programming, you will be able to find thousands of job opportunities around the world. One of the reasons for this is the diversity of programming work fields. After completing your studies, you can work in each of the following fields:
- PHP programmer.
- Computer development engineer.
- Engineer specialized in programming languages.
- programmer.
- Database specialist.
- Freelance work in any field of programming.
- Web programmer.
- Design pages and websites.
- System analysis and design.
If you are facing some challenges in studying programming, do not worry, you can now easily subscribe with Al-Madrasa.com for private programming lessons .
All the information you want to know about private university lessons in programming:
- Private programming lessons help you overcome any obstacle you face during your programming study journey and continue on your path to excellence.
- Private lessons provide you with educational materials full of valuable information about programming and how to become a professional in it, but of course this depends on your choice of educational platform.
- Private lessons help you acquire critical and analytical skills and many other skills due to the abundance of practice and application with the specialized lecturer, which increases your efficiency as a programmer and enhances your ability to solve problems quickly and effectively.
- Perhaps the most important thing that distinguishes private lessons is that you have the full attention of the lecturer or specialist, thus ensuring that you understand every part and detail of the course.
- Getting continuous support and praise will develop your passion and love for studying programming and will even enhance your desire to look forward to working in the field of programming.
- You will be able to comfortably share your opinions with the lecturer or teacher about programming and its problems and discuss everything related to programming, in addition to sharing new information with the lecturer and learning from the lecturer's experiences in working in the field of programming.
The most important universities around the world to study programming:
Although Russia and China have the best programmers in the world, the United States has the best universities, colleges and institutes in the world for studying computer science. These educational institutions include:
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge.
- Stanford University, California.
- California University, Berkley
- Lehigh University of Pennsylvania.
- Harvard University, Cambridge.
- Stevens Institute of Technology in New Jersey.
- Harvey Mudd College, California.
- Carnegie Mellon University, Pennsylvania.
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York.
There are also many other educational institutions distributed in different countries, such as:
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology.
- National University of Singapore.
- Cambridge University, United Kingdom.
World-class scientists excelled in programming:
- Tim Berners-Lee: An engineer and computer scientist who invented the World Wide Web, without which you would not be reading this article now. Tim received the Royal Medal, the Young Innovator of the Year Award, the ACM Software System Award, and many other awards.
- Alan Turing: A mathematician, logician, computer scientist, and mathematical biologist, he is called the father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence. Turing put forward the idea of a universal machine capable of performing all arithmetic operations in a research paper he presented entitled Computable Numbers with an Application to the Decision Problem, which was later called the most influential mathematical paper in the world. The scientist John von Neumann acknowledged that the main idea of the modern computer was due to Alan's research paper.
- William Henry Gates III Bell Gates: An American programmer and founder of the global company Microsoft with Paul Allen. He was ranked as the richest person in the world by Forbes for 15 consecutive years, and is currently the fourth richest person in the world. His most famous informational books after the Internet.
- Mark Zuckerberg: American programmer, founder of the largest global social networking site, Facebook, which changed life overnight. Mark was ranked among the 100 most influential people in the world, and he is also the seventh richest person in the world.
- Larry Page and Sergey Brin: Founders of the world's largest search engine, Google.
- Maurice Wilkes: British computer scientist and designer of the first advanced programmable computer.
Advantages of online university private lessons with the Madrasa.com platform:
Madrasa.com offers you private programming lessons with the best programming experts. The advantages of Madrasa.com lessons include:
- Private online lessons via Zoom so you can study anywhere.
- Individual lectures dedicated to you only, not groups, so that you can get the full benefit and be able to discuss with the lecturer comfortably any question you want.
- Flexibility in choosing the times that suit you, whether morning or evening, to avoid putting the student under any pressure.
- You can choose the course you want to study if you want to, as once you subscribe, the lecturer will create a study plan with you to ensure that the programming course includes everything you want to study.
- Providing the student with scientific materials rich in information and introducing you to the most important references and websites that will benefit you during and after the course.
- Developing all the technical and practical skills that the student needs to become a professional in programming.
- Placement tests before, during and after the course to cover all areas that need some development.
Steve Jobs says everyone in this country should learn how to program a computer because it teaches you how to think.
That is, programming teaches people how to think, and the evidence for that is that programming has facilitated many of the daily life tasks that people perform. Without programming, there would be no traffic lights, ATMs, factories, or airplanes, and people would not be able to communicate with each other from anywhere in the world. Therefore, the world needs everyone A day for more passionate, professional programmers who contribute to the development of life on Earth with their minds and passion.
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