Each era differs from the other in its sciences and tools, as this is due to the extent of development that humanity has reached, which mainly controls the education process. The curricula and sciences in the early centuries differ from those in the Middle Ages, and both differ from the sciences of the current century, but they are considered among the foundations upon which modern science was built.
Many changes have also occurred in modern science, as technology has emerged and spread among people until it has become part of every person’s life. For example, there is no person who does not own a mobile phone, and computers have spread to enter every home and become an essential part of many jobs that people hold. Scientists expect that development will increase over the years and centuries until the world is managed by artificial intelligence, which in turn is developed by humans, who are the biggest mystery in this life, and who have been able to reach what was previously considered a path of imagination, and who are also the ones who seek to reach the greatest goals in the future.
The main seed on which modern science was built is the science of programming and its languages, which have become ubiquitous, as we see all modern devices rely on programming in use, as every button in every device we use needs prior programming, and every application we download on our phones needs prior programming, and this is what we will shed light on during our discussion in this article. Programming, as we knew it previously, is a set of commands and instructions that the programmer formulates in the form of codes that are issued to the computer to apply and execute them through the program designed for that, and these programs are represented in games, office programs, and mobile phone applications in their various forms.
Learn programming for kids
Learning programming for children is one of the most important features of this era, which contributes greatly to building and forming the child’s scientific foundations, and helps him later to complete his studies based on what he has learned, in addition to joining the best jobs in the future, which require the availability of creative and innovative thinking that is undoubtedly available in the programmer.
Many experts confirm that teaching children programming has become a necessity, especially with most educational processes relying on modern technology based on programming, in addition to programming being included in a large part of modern studies and sciences taught to students in universities.
Therefore, teaching children programming contributes greatly to creating and preparing the child to receive new information, and makes him able to understand it faster due to his comprehension of the basics of programming languages, and how to program any device to work according to the commands issued to it.
Learn more about: The easiest way for your child to enter the world of programming
What is programming for kids?
Many citizens ask an important question: What is programming for children? The answer to this question is that offering children programming has become a path that puts the child on the first steps of specialization in creating and designing most of the modern sciences in the twenty-first century.
The specialization in programming for children aims to enable them to achieve success in one of the trends or development paths in the modern era, such as developing electronic games, developing applications for smart phones, developing websites, and developing computer programs such as office and editing programs such as Photoshop and after effects.
We must also realize that teaching programming to children depends on learning through games and videos, in order to keep up with the child’s mentality and suit his age so that he does not feel bored or despair of understanding the information presented.
How to teach programming to children?
Learning programming for children is different from learning it for adults, due to the difference in the mentality of a child from that of an adult or mature person. Therefore, specialists and experts in teaching programming pay great attention to teaching children different programming languages, and they rely on the simplest methods that lead the child to fully comprehend the information.
The methods of teaching programming to children vary according to the diversity of thinking patterns from one child to another, as well as the diversity of each child’s intelligence compared to his peers of the same age. Therefore, many methods have been proposed for teaching programming to children, and at the top of these methods are:
- Learn programming for children through illustrated books, which explain step by step how to learn different programming languages.
- Teaching programming to children through training courses, which is one of the most important modern methods of learning programming due to its reliance on experienced teachers who are able to change the style of the educational class, in addition to their use of educational tools, pictures and videos, and then the application and evaluation by the teacher to ensure that the required standards are targeted.
- Teaching programming to children with pictures and videos, which contribute well to understanding programming and the basics of learning it, but it lacks many things, the most important of which is not answering many of the child’s questions, and not making sure of his understanding and awareness of programming or not.
- Teaching programming to children through programs such as Scratch, which is one of the most important programs specialized in teaching programming to children, but the child needs someone to guide him through the program in order to learn the goal of each step in it, and therefore many training courses are offered for this program to explain how to teach programming to children through it.
Therefore, Al-Madrasa.com is interested in answering the question of how to teach programming to children? By offering various training courses to teach children programming from childhood through a special curriculum for children taught by the best teachers and experts in programming around the world. Our site also takes into account the importance of diversity in courses to meet the desires of all parents in targeting the required path in the field of programming. Our courses are:
- YouTube Creator Course.
- Application development course.
- Python course for children .
- Animation course .
- Robotics Design Course.
Our courses are also characterised by flexibility in setting the course date to suit the child’s time in the morning or evening, in addition to individual attendance in the course to ensure the child’s comprehension and not being distracted by his peers, as well as periodic evaluation of the child’s level to ensure his comprehension of the scientific material in a theoretical and practical manner, so that he obtains the targeted results from the course, which are the mental and practical benefit in his personal life and scientific studies.
Benefits of teaching programming to children
The benefits of teaching programming to children are many and include many benefits that greatly benefit the child, and later this benefit spreads to the society that creates this skill and competence in the child. Based on this, the importance and benefits of teaching programming to children become clear in the skills and mental abilities that the child masters, as well as changing his thinking pattern from indoctrination to creativity and innovation.
We can identify the most important benefits of teaching programming to children in several points, the most important of which are:
- Developing the child’s creative and innovative thinking, so that he becomes able to create new ideas that are unprecedented or previously unknown.
- Developing programming for logical thinking patterns in the child’s mind, which helps him arrange things in the correct way, and reach goals by setting the correct data for them, and then applying them to achieve what he wants.
Programming develops the child’s ability to link things together, based on the intelligence and quick wit it develops in him, in addition to raising his concentration and observation power in monitoring and understanding things.
Programming helps the child create new solutions to intractable problems, by searching for out-of-the-box ideas, and formulating new data from his creativity and innovation based on addressing those problems.
- Programming teaches the child the value of perseverance and patience to reach the desired goal, as a result of previous success resulting from insistence on reaching goals. Thus, the child gets used to not surrendering to obstacles, and tries to find solutions to them until he reaches that goal.
Programming helps the child gain self-confidence in making decisions and issuing orders in the correct order, based on what he learns from programming many electronic games and applications.
Thus, the importance of teaching programming to children becomes clear to you, and the contribution it makes to developing the child’s personal skills, in addition to clarifying and answering the two most important questions: What is programming for children? We removed the ambiguity in it, as well as how to teach programming to children? We explained during it the most important ways to teach programming to children.
In addition to what was presented in terms of explaining the most important sources and methods that can help you teach your children programming languages, so that in the future they will become holders of high positions and sought after in all institutions to occupy the most important jobs that contribute to changing modern technological societies.
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