
أحدث المشاركات

دليل الطالب لمتطلبات القبول في جامعات الإمارات العربية المتحدة

يبحث الطلاب كثيرًا عن شروط القبول في جامعات الإمارات العربية المتحدة، ولذلك قمنا بتوفير دليل شامل لكافة الشروط والقوانين المتعلقة بالقبول في معظم جامعات الإمارات العربية المتحدة والتي تشمل شروط المتعلقة بقبول طلاب الإمارات والطلاب المغتربيين (غير الامارتين) والدارسين في الصف 12 ...


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News blog | elmadrasah — امسات عربي

Evening courses

What are the AMSAT courses? EMSAT courses , provided by Madrasa.com, are sufficient and comprehensive EMSAT courses to qualify you to pass the EMSAT exam with distinction. Yesterday's ex...

Retake the exam

Do you want to know more information about retaking the EMSAT exam, what are the reasons for which retaking the exam is allowed, how you can register, the policy for changing the exam date, and...

Arabic AMSAT exam

In our modern era, there is an increasing demand for unified educational assessment systems that are an essential tool for measuring students’ skills and competencies ...

Best online courses

Yesterday's Test - Yesterday's Tests EMSAT Test: It is an electronic test to evaluate the performance of students in the United Arab Emirates at all educational levels, starting from primary gr...