Date Tue, Mar 05, 2024


The AMSAT test for university admission in the United Arab Emirates is one of the important national programs to assess the academic readiness of students before joining higher education. This test covers various topics, including chemistry, which is one of the basic sciences that are important in our daily lives. This article focuses on explaining the AMSAT test in chemistry, its importance for students, and ways to prepare well for it in order to achieve the best results. The importance of knowing the specifications and model of the test lies in enabling the student to understand the content of the curriculum and acquire the skills necessary to answer the test questions efficiently and competently. In this article, we will review the specifications of the AMSAT Chemistry 2024 test , and the most important questions expected to appear in the test model, with the aim of helping students prepare well and achieve excellent results in the test.

What are the specifications of the AMSAT Chemistry 2024 test ?

The test is completely electronic in choosing the multiple questions and answers for each student. Each student is subjected to customized questions chosen according to his level, so that the difficulty of the questions increases gradually as the student answers the question correctly, while the difficulty of the next question decreases when the answer is wrong. This adaptive system allows each student to show his abilities optimally, and provides a more accurate assessment of his level. Students must do their utmost to answer each question correctly, as it is not possible to change the answers after moving to a new question.

The AMSAT Chemistry test consists of 50 questions and the test duration is 120 minutes. The test covers various areas of chemistry content such as properties of matter, types of chemical bonds, element calculations, chemical reactions, thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium, and organic chemistry . The test includes different types of questions such as multiple choice, multiple choice, fill in the blanks, and drag and drop questions.

How is the student evaluated and the level of performance determined by grades according to the specifications of the 2024 AMSAT Chemistry test ?

The AMSAT Chemistry test divides students' scores into different performance levels:

  • Advanced Level (1500 - 2000 points): Students at this level have sufficient knowledge and skills to take first-year university chemistry courses.
  • Proficient level (1100 - 1475 points): Students have an acceptable and sufficient preparation of knowledge and skills to study chemistry courses in the first year.
  • Intermediate level (900 - 1075 points): Students have the minimum level of proficiency required to study chemistry courses in the first year.
  • Beginner Level (700 - 875 points): Students do not have sufficient mastery of chemistry courses and need additional support.
  • Level Needs Improvement (500 - 675 points): Students need basic educational support before studying chemistry at university level.
  • Poor basic knowledge level (less than 500 points): Students lack basic knowledge and skills in science.

What are the areas covered by the 2024 Chemistry exams?

1- Basics of Chemistry (5%)

  • Scientific methods.
  • Density calculations.
  • Scientific notation for numbers.
  • Accuracy and precision.
  • International units of measurement and conversion between them.
  • Temperature scales and conversion between them.
  • Significant Figures
  • Dimensional analysis.

2- Inorganic Chemistry (35%)

  • Elements, compounds and mixtures.
  • Chemical and physical changes and properties.
  • Laws of definite proportions and conservation of mass.
  • Protons, neutrons and electrons.
  • Electromagnetic waves.
  • Photoelectric effect.
  • Distribution of electrons.
  • Hund's base.
  • ionic bond
  • Properties of ionic compounds
  • Covalent bond.
  • Lewis structure of atoms, ions and molecules.
  • Properties of covalent compounds.
  • Heating and cooling curves.
  • Calculate the reactants.
  • Factors affecting solubility.
  • Molecular, ionic and net ionic equations.
  • Properties of acids and bases.
  • Definition of acids and bases according to Arrhenius, Bronsted and Lewis.
  • Acid-base titrations
  • Chemical equilibrium.
  • Oxidation-reduction reactions
  • Properties of solutions (quantity and quality).
  • Electrovoltaic and galvanic cells.
  • Gravimetric analysis.
  • Properties and transformations of solids, liquids and gases.
  • Development of theories of atomic structure.
  • Atomic number, mass number, and isotopes.
  • Properties of waves.
  • Planck's quantum theory.
  • Emission spectrum.
  • Pauli exclusion principle.
  • Aufbau principle.
  • Classification of elements in the periodic table.
  • Periodic properties (atomic radius, ionic radius, ionization energy, electron affinity, and electronegativity).
  • Formulas of ionic compounds, electronegativity and their relationship to the type of bond.
  • Polar and nonpolar covalent bonds, and properties of covalent compounds.
  • Molecule shapes.
  • Intermolecular forces.
  • Properties of intermolecular forces
  • Oxidation-reduction reactions
  • Oxidation-reduction titrations
  • Corrosion and ways to protect against it
  • Electrolysis of water, dissolved and molten salts.

3- Physical Chemistry (25%)

  • Gas quantity measurement instruments and units.
  • Kinetic-molecular theory of gases.
  • Gas laws and problems involving n,P,V,T.
  • Reaction rate.
  • Law of reaction rate.
  • Homogeneous and heterogeneous stimulation.
  • Factors affecting the rate of a chemical reaction.
  • The first law of thermodynamics.
  • Measurement of the amount of heat (calorimetry).
  • The second and third laws of thermodynamics.
  • Heat contents of formation and reaction.
  • Change in entropy (a measure of randomness) ΔS.
  • Factors affecting Gibbs free energy ΔG.
  • Molar volume.
  • Total pressure and partial pressure.
  • Gas pressure collected above water.
  • Gas diffusion.
  • Measurement of the union of elements for gases.
  • Factors affecting the reaction rate.
  • Collision theory.
  • The concept of balance.
  • Changes in heat content ΔH.
  • Heat content of chemical reactions.
  • Thermochemical equations.
  • Changes in Gibbs free energy ΔG

4- Organic Chemistry (20%)

  • Organic compounds: shape, size, chemical and physical properties.
  • Systematic nomenclature and classifications of organic compounds.
  • Saturated hydrocarbons: alkanes and cycloalkenes.
  • Unsaturated hydrocarbons: alkenes and alkynes
  • Combustion, addition and substitution reactions
  • Aromatic compounds and their reactions
  • Naming alcohols.
  • Methods of producing alcohol industrially and in laboratories
  • Naming and structure of aldehydes and ketones.
  • Nomenclature and structure of organic acids and esters.
  • Addition and condensation reactions in polymer synthesis.

5- Analytical Chemistry (10%)

  • Laboratory measurements.
  • Qualitative analysis of inorganic compounds.
  • Chemical hazards.
  • Safety principles.
  • Determine the physical properties of materials.
  • Purity standards.
  • Tool techniques.

6-Nuclear Chemistry (5%)

  • Radioactive decay.
  • Nuclear transformations.
  • Nuclear fission.
  • Nuclear fusion.
  • Half life time.
  • Benefits and risks of radioactivity and methods of protection against it.

Is there a model exam for the AMSAT Chemistry exam that matches the specifications of the AMSAT Chemistry 2024 exam ?

1-Multiple choice questions:

1-Which of the following equations represents sublimation?

A-Co 2 (s) Co 2 (g)

B-Hg(I) Hg(s)

C-CH3OH ( g)CH3OH ( I)

D-CH4 ( I)CH4 ( G)

2-Which of the following terms used as a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a particle?




D-Chemical energy

-2 Written or essay questions:

What is the mass percentage of aluminum in the compound below:

AL 2 (SO 4 ) 3

Are there any tips that help in training for the AMSAT Chemistry exam according to the specifications of the AMSAT Chemistry 2024 exam ?

There are several tips for training for the AMSAT chemistry test :

- Review basic concepts and principles in chemistry such as the atom, the periodic table, chemical bonds, and chemical equations.

- Solve previous years’ questions from the AMSAT exam to practice the types of questions and how they are formulated.

- Focus on mathematical skills such as mole calculations, molar mass, and solution concentrations.

- Practice multiple choice questions that require a deep understanding of concepts.

- Create summaries or review cards of important points and information.

- Use educational books and e-courses to explain difficult concepts.

- Organize a study schedule and divide the content accordingly.

- Take mock tests appropriate to the specifications of the 2024 AMSAT Chemistry test to measure the level of readiness before the real test.

- Do not underestimate any subject in the curriculum and study all chapters.

- Get enough sleep and rest before the test.

What are the procedures for booking an AMSAT Chemistry exam?

For students wishing to register for the AMSAT Chemistry test , the following are the steps to book and register for the test :

1- Log on to the Authority’s official website and choose the test registration service.

2- Choose the AMSAT chemistry test from among the available tests.

3- Choosing the appropriate emirate and testing center.

4-Choose the appropriate test date from the available dates.

5- Enter the required personal data accurately.

6-Pay the test fees electronically.

7- Ensure that you receive the reservation confirmation message via email.

8- Commitment to appointments and instructions on the test day.

For more information about the test registration steps, please see the registration guide by clicking on the link below:

Finally, the EmSAT Chemistry test is a big challenge for high school students, so good preparation and familiarity with the specifications of the EmSAT Chemistry 2024 test and the test model are vital to achieving good results. This article has provided a brief overview of the most prominent specifications of the test, the topics expected to appear, and sample questions, which we hope will be useful to students in achieving optimal preparation for the test. Of course, diligence and perseverance in studying remain the most important factors for success in achieving high grades in We hope that everyone will succeed and achieve their dreams by joining the university majors they aspire to.

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