Date Wed, May 31, 2023


There are many reasons for not understanding mathematics. Some students prefer mathematics as one of the educational subjects, while others face difficulty in learning it. Challenges arise in studying mathematics for some students due to multiple reasons, so you must know what are the reasons that prevent you from understanding mathematics like other subjects.

Reasons for not understanding mathematics

The most important reasons for students’ lack of understanding of mathematics are a set of factors that we explain below:

Reasons for students

  • Students' inability to understand the basics of mathematics , especially with regard to basic and cumulative concepts of knowledge.
  • Some students may have insufficient abilities to understand the nature of mathematics, which leads to a lack of mathematical information in the memory and an inability to follow scientific developments in this field.
  • There are other reasons related to the way students study mathematics.
  • Some students make the mistake of memorizing written information in mathematics, where they memorize questions and answers without understanding them or knowing the correct steps to reach the correct answer; this may be one of the reasons for not understanding mathematics.
  • This results in the student's inability to recognize common patterns in problems and the laws required for solution, and thus he lacks the ability to solve similar problems.
  • Therefore, students must be taught in a correct and clear way to understand the rules, laws and steps required in each question, and to confirm a deep understanding of the question and link it to the answer.
  • Students should be trained to think critically and analytically in answering questions and understanding the fundamentals that support the solution, which enables them to deal with any difficulties in other issues and overcome them easily.
  • Therefore, the teacher should make clear efforts to clarify and explain the concepts in a sequential manner.

Reasons for the teacher

The teaching profession requires a variety of explanation methods to ensure that information reaches all students in different ways, which contributes to students’ ability to understand and absorb the material.

The teacher is responsible for providing diverse and different solutions and methods that help students understand the subject better.

The teacher should not rely only on the method of memorization without understanding, because this will limit their ability to analyze and understand things more deeply, and they will not be able to deal with the difficulties and different ideas related to the subject.

The reason for the textbook

The textbook needs constant renewal that includes diverse ideas and models of questions, which allows students to become familiar with a wide range of new and innovative forms and ideas.

Reliance on traditional methods of teaching and educating students should be avoided, but rather new and innovative educational approaches should be introduced.

By doing this, students can move away from traditional models of explaining concepts and understanding them in a deeper and more detailed way, thus solving one of the reasons for not understanding mathematics.

Reasons for parents

Parents often take on the task of supporting their children during the study phase, and this method makes it easier to solve their schoolwork.

Parents should let their children challenge themselves and try to solve problems repeatedly to reach different possible solutions on their own.

Through this, they can discover multiple ideas and approaches to solutions. Of course, there is nothing wrong with parents helping students , by asking similar questions to motivate them to solve them again.

What are the types of math learning difficulties?

Brain difficulties

You are facing some brain difficulties:

  • These difficulties are the challenges that children face as a result of mental illnesses or special conditions in their mind.
  • The child may have autism, Down syndrome, or other mental illnesses that can affect the student's learning.
  • Brain difficulties are considered one of the most dangerous types of mathematics learning difficulties , which are considered academic learning difficulties due to their basic connection to the child’s nervous system.

These difficulties depend on the nature of their impact, and can be divided into several categories, which are:

  • The first category: is the initial impact, where the student loses the ability to think and suffers from difficulties in remembering study materials.
  • The second category: It is the secondary effect, where the student cannot express his opinions and ideas, and therefore it is difficult for him to understand the mathematical equations that are explained to him by the subject teacher.
  • The third category: It is the acute effect, where the student loses the ability to comprehend in general, and his mind is unable to process any basic function, which affects his dealing with various mathematical tasks.

Academic difficulties

Difficulties arise due to the parents’ and school’s neglect of following up on the student’s academic progress from the early stages, which pushes him to engage in the world of mathematics and learn it on his own.

This situation leads to the student’s lack of interest in mathematics and his lack of inclination to study it, which results in his poor performance in this field, and this is considered one of the common reasons for not understanding mathematics.

However, this problem is easy to solve, as it can be remedied by providing appropriate qualifying and training lessons , and appointing skilled teachers who restore the student’s enthusiasm and desire to study mathematics.

What are the difficulties of learning academic mathematics?

  • Verbal learning difficulties: The student has difficulty dealing with mathematical problems verbally.
  • Symbolic learning difficulties: In this case, the student suffers from an inability to recognize the shape of numbers and write them, and cannot recognize mathematical symbols if they represent them.
  • Idiomatic learning difficulties: The student faces great difficulties in reading and understanding mathematical symbols and absorbing their concepts.
  • Writing difficulties: The student finds it extremely difficult to write mathematical symbols and deal with them correctly.
  • Difficulties in learning mathematical concepts : The student faces difficulties in understanding and applying mathematical ideas and understanding the relationships between them.
  • Practical and procedural learning difficulties: The student is unable to perform basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  • Complete failure in calculation: The student is unable to acquire any of the basic skills in mathematics.
  • Partial decline in all skills: This type of difficulty appears when the student achieves results lower than expected in all aspects of the subject. The reason for this may be the student’s neglect of the subject, which results from the reasons for not understanding mathematics mentioned previously.
  • Failure of a part of the mathematical skills : In this case, the student is unable to understand part of a mathematical subject, such as algebra, while he has a sound understanding of other parts of the subject.
  • Difficulties in mastering some concepts related to basic arithmetic operations.

What is the treatment for learning difficulties in mathematics ?

There are a number of strategies that can be used to treat math learning difficulties, and some important strategies include the following:

  • Using the positive education method: This includes encouraging the student and enhancing his confidence in himself and his ability to understand mathematics , and helping him overcome the negative thoughts he may have, by providing appropriate educational activities that he can solve and enhancing his confidence in his ability to understand mathematics.
  • Adopting the direct teaching method: This includes designing curricula and teaching methods that are compatible with those curricula and help the student gain a sound and easy understanding of mathematics.
  • Using the audio-aloud learning method: The student is asked to read the mathematical problems aloud and clearly, and to specify the required information and the solution method aloud, which helps him to focus better and enhance his understanding of the problems.
  • Adopting an individual learning style: This style focuses on teaching the student individually in the field of mathematics , which allows the teacher to identify the student’s potential weaknesses and use appropriate methods to overcome them.
  • Using sports games: Sports games are a useful way to treat mathematics learning difficulties in children in the early stages of education, as games can be used as educational tools that combine fun and fatigue.

How to address the problem of learning difficulties in mathematics

Educational psychologists recommend helping children who suffer from learning difficulties in mathematics to overcome this problem at an early age by knowing the reasons for not understanding mathematics , following several methods to understand it that help solve the problem of not understanding mathematics , including:

  • Design lesson plans that suit their needs.
  • Using educational games to deliver information.
  • Practice math skills regularly.
  • Allow the use of pens and other materials to perform the addition process.
  • Make sure they have the right math tools, such as an easy-to-use calculator.
  • Use graph paper to help them keep the columns and numbers straight and organized.
  • Praise their hard work, not their outcome, and be gentle with their anxiety.

The role of school com in learning mathematics provides many easy ways and means that will help students at all levels learn mathematics , through simple explanations that it provides to them to overcome the reasons for not understanding mathematics.

It also provides many plans that help in passing mathematical problems with ease and simplicity. The school is distinguished by many plans and programs that suit all students who have difficulty in not understanding mathematics. Therefore, the best programs are developed to be a reason for overcoming the reasons for not understanding mathematics.

The reasons for not understanding mathematics go beyond the limited learning difficulties of reading and writing, as some challenges that children face in mathematics appear, and these difficulties vary between mild and severe, and through what has been mentioned, they can be avoided with ease if the student has the determination to do so.

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