What is the periodic table and what does it consist of?
These are questions that must be answered when beginning to study modern chemistry because of their importance in everything related to chemistry. The periodic table is used to know the chemical and physical properties of elements and the resulting interactions and interactions. Therefore, in the article, we will learn together about the periodic table of elements and the symbols of the elements in the periodic table, their arrangement and how they can be read.
What is the periodic table of elements?
The periodic table of chemistry is a chart that shows how the chemical elements are related to each other. The elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number, electron configurations, and recurring chemical properties.
The standard form of the table consists of a grid with 118 elements arranged in:
- 7 rows called periods, the seven rows of the table generally contain metallic minerals on the left and nonmetals on the right.
- 18 Columns or groups Columns contain elements that have similar chemical behaviors. Under standard conditions, elements within a column (group) tend to exhibit similar properties and react in similar ways.
Elements in the periodic table
Elements are presented in order of increasing atomic number, which is usually given as a whole number beginning with 1 for hydrogen.
The 118 elements that have been identified contain all known isotopes. Isotopes are atoms of an element that have different neutron counts; they differ in mass but not in chemical properties.
The first 94 elements occur naturally, although some exist only in trace amounts and were created in laboratories before being found in nature.
Only the last 24 elements (from technetium to oganesson) have been produced artificially.
The table can be divided into cycles (horizontal rows) and groups (vertical columns) where :
- The periods increase in length from left to right because each new element has an additional electron shell, except for hydrogen (H), which is above lithium (Li).
- Groups are elements that have similar valence electrons. There is a definite trend in properties down each group. As you go down a group, elements become larger because their outer shell contains more electrons, and it becomes increasingly difficult to lose their outer electrons.
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Element symbols in the periodic table of chemistry
The symbols for the elements in the periodic table are one- or two-letter abbreviations for their names, and within the table are the atomic number of each symbol, which is usually given as a number above each element's symbol, with the lightest element, hydrogen, at the top left, and the heaviest element, uranium, at the bottom right.
The symbol often represents the main property (characteristic) of the element. For example, H is the symbol for hydrogen, whose nucleus contains one proton; He is the symbol for helium, whose nucleus contains two protons .
Reading the elements in the periodic table of elements
The periodic table is usually read from left to right and top to bottom, the elements in each column have similar chemical properties.
There are 3 systems for reading the table:
- Arabic numerals.
- Roman numerals.
- Mix of Roman numerals and Latin letters.
The International Union of Chemical and Applied Chemistry chose Arabic numerals to represent the periodic table.
Reading the elements in the periodic table involves knowing the name of the element and its atomic number.
Properties of chemical elements in
Periodic table of chemistry in Arabic
The periodic table is a chart that shows how chemical elements are related to each other.
The properties of chemical elements within the periodic table are determined by the number of electrons in the outer energy level of the elements. The properties are as elements within groups of the periodic table are similar in their chemical properties, despite the difference in the mass of these elements. While elements within periods differ in their physical properties, they are similar in their mass.
The elements are divided into
Periodic table of chemistry in Arabic into metals, non-metals, metalloids.
Metals have the following physical and chemical properties:
- Shiny solid elements except mercury which is a liquid.
- It has high melting points.
- Good conductor of electricity and heat.
- Easy to shape and shape.
- Easy to corrode and rust
- It loses electrons easily.
Non-metallic elements are characterized by the following:
- It has no shine.
- Easy to break.
- Not a good conductor of heat and electricity.
- It has low melting points.
- It gains electrons easily.
While metalloids combine the properties of both:
- Solid but not shiny.
- Easy to shape and pull.
- Moderate conductor of heat and electricity.
The table is distinguished by the accuracy of the arrangement of chemical elements, as the atomic number of the element increases as we move from one period to another, and the number of electrons in the outer level increases as we move from one column to another.
The columns (groups) in the periodic table of chemistry are numbered from left to right from 1 to 18; the rows (periods) are numbered from top to bottom from 1 to 7.
The elements are arranged within the periods according to their atomic number as follows:
- The first period consists of two elements, hydrogen with atomic number 1, followed by helium with atomic number 2.
- The second period consists of eight elements, starting with lithium with atomic number 3 and ending with neon with atomic number 10.
- The third period contains 18 elements, from sodium, atomic number 11, to argon, atomic number 18.
- The fourth period contains 18 elements starting with potassium with atomic number 19 and going up to krypton with atomic number 36.
- The fifth period contains 18 elements starting with rubidium with atomic number 37 and ending with xenon with atomic number 54.
- The sixth period contains 32 elements, starting with cesium with atomic number 55 and going up to radon with atomic number 86.
- The seventh period contains 32 elements starting with francium with atomic number 87 and going up to oganesson with atomic number 118 .
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Groups in the periodic table of elements in Arabic
Elements are placed in groups and periods to achieve regularity in their properties. The columns of the periodic table are called groups. There are 18 groups numbered in the periodic table from left to right, and the elements in these groups have similar properties.
Elements in a group generally have similar chemical and reactive properties, for example:
- All elements in Group 1 are metals that react with water to form hydroxides.
- All elements in group 17 are halogens that form acids when they react with water.
Periodic table of elements and Mendeleev's table
Mendeleev's table was independently developed by chemist Dmitri Mendeleev in 1869 while he was working on his doctoral dissertation The Natural System of the Chemical Elements.
Mendeleev grouped all known chemical elements and their properties such as atomic mass (or relative atomic mass), electronegativity, valence (oxidation state), and date of discovery.
There are some differences between the periodic table of elements and Mendeleev's table, which are as follows:
- Mendeleev's table is organized by increasing atomic mass, while the periodic table of elements is organized by increasing atomic number.
- In addition, Mendeleev's table contains some elements now known to be artificial, while the periodic table of elements contains only naturally occurring elements.
- Finally, the periodic table of elements is more widely used than Mendeleev's table.
The periodic table of elements is an evolution of Mendeleev's table, a tabular display of the chemical elements, organized on the basis of atomic numbers, electron configurations, and recurring chemical properties.
The elements within the table are arranged in 7 periods and 18 groups according to increasing atomic number. The table is usually read from left to right and from top to bottom. The table is used to learn many of the properties of chemical elements and chemical interactions.
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