Date Mon, Apr 11, 2022


Tips to help you pass the third semester successfully

The academic year in the United Arab Emirates is divided into three semesters, and the curriculum and educational materials are divided according to the number of these semesters, so that the curriculum is divided into several parts, including a part for the first semester, another for the second semester, and a part for the third semester in the Emirates. The number of school semester days in the current year (2024-2025) is 188 days in total, divided into the three semesters.

The total number of school days, which is 188 days, is applied to the three-semester system in public and private schools that follow the Ministry of Education curriculum in each academic year. Private schools that do not follow the Ministry of Education curriculum are also obligated to have a minimum number of school days in the three semesters, which must not be less than 182 days in total, distributed over the semesters of the entire academic year.

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How to prepare for studying in the third semester in the Emirates

Advance planning by the student for the third semester is one of the most important steps that facilitates his entry into the classroom in an organized and thoughtful manner, so that the student does not suffer from the problem of distraction, lack of focus, or wasting time, due to his setting a scheduled plan for the tasks that must be completed on a daily basis.

It is preferable for the student to set a timetable in which he distributes study times over the number of subjects assigned to him in the third semester of the academic year, so that he can complete them within the specified time, without wasting time randomly and without thinking about it.

Therefore, when we talk about the student’s preparation for the third semester, the subject must be addressed through a set of main points that will undoubtedly help the student start the third semester in a more organized manner, without feeling the hassle or randomness that often results from not being well prepared for the study period.

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Setting goals for the third semester:

Before starting the third semester, the student must determine the goals he seeks to achieve, and based on that, he begins to develop and outline his plan within the task schedule, with the aim of achieving the required goals.

When preparing his scheduled plan, the student must take into account setting times for breaks between subjects, as well as calculating lunch, dinner, and prayer times within the study schedule.

Review of material of a cumulative nature over the years:

Before entering the third semester, the student needs to review some of the academic subjects that he must remain familiar with, given that they are a cumulative curriculum that does not separate from each other over the years, and the student needs to understand and remember that knowledge in these subjects; in order to arrange the curricula of the following years based on them.

This cumulative knowledge is represented in many parts of the academic subjects, especially grammar, morphology and rhetoric in the Arabic language, tense rules and sentence structure in the English language, and mathematical equations and repeated arithmetic operations in mathematics.

Reviews aim to reaffirm information with the aim of recovering what was lost, or to confirm it through practicing practical models during training courses, which we provide to you on our website,, where you can obtain the course in the form of educational lessons via the Internet, during which the scientific material is explained by specialized teachers with extensive experience.

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The most important feature of our courses is that you attend individually to ensure that you benefit as much as possible, in addition to the flexibility we give you in choosing the number of educational classes, determining the class time, and monitoring the problems you are experiencing to solve them, in addition to strengthening your weak points through continuous training. Our courses vary to include all academic subjects:

  • - Online Arabic language course.
  • - Online English course.
  • - Online mathematics course.
  • - Online science course.
  • - Physics course online.
  • - Online chemistry course.
  • - Biology course online.
  • - Online computer science course.

Adjust sleep and wake-up times:

Many students neglect regular sleep schedules once the semester ends and they go on vacation, which can be a hindrance to the student when they return to school again. Therefore, it is necessary for the student to adjust their sleep schedules before entering the semester.

It is preferable for the student to get his body and mind used to sleeping early, between nine and eleven in the evening, in order to avoid the problem of exhaustion when entering the study period, and feeling tired as a result of being late to bed.

Therefore, not getting enough rest for the body and mind, estimated at eight hours a day, causes a malfunction in all the body’s organs, which in turn causes the student to have poor concentration in the class, makes him distracted, and makes it difficult for him to learn the subject matter well, in addition to his constant feeling of drowsiness throughout the school day.

Therefore, takes into account the student’s time, in terms of sleep and wakefulness, and allows him to choose the appropriate time for educational classes; to ensure his mental activity and focus during the study time.

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Learn different ways to study:

Before you enter the third semester in the Emirates, you must be aware that following one method of studying can cause you to become bored and lose your desire to continue studying, which is something you can remedy by learning new methods of studying .

You can study by reading the lesson and summarizing it in written form, which fixes the information greatly in the mind, or you can memorize the information, then formulate it in your own way with an attempt to present it in a topic presentation by talking about it. You can also learn through mind maps, which is an effective method based on dividing the lesson into a main idea and sub-ideas, and other ideas emerge from each sub-idea. The ideas are drawn in circles and they are all connected to the main idea.

The diversity of study methods is one of the most important features that distinguishes from its competitors, due to the teachers’ experience in educational classes, which helps them use more than one educational method and strategy for teaching in one class; this is to ensure that the student maintains attention and mental activity throughout the class, and absorbs and acquires information in a certain way.

Create a scheduled plan to organize your study time:

Before you, as a student, begin the third semester in the Emirates, you must set your scheduled plan, so that it includes all the study subjects. The schedule specifies the number of study days for each subject, as well as the study time for each subject.

It is also necessary to specify breaks between subjects, as well as include prayer times, and take into account controlling the amount of study required during the semester.

This is also supported by our website through its training courses on how to train the student to plan and develop a strategy for his future, determine his goals, and how to implement them correctly, which you can obtain by booking in the strategic planner course .

Preparing the room for the third semester:

Preparing the student’s room for the third semester in the Emirates is one of the most important things that prepares the student psychologically to enter the school year seriously and take responsibility. Preparing the student’s room involves cleaning it of dust and useless items, as well as arranging the location of things inside the room, such as arranging papers and books, and preparing study tools such as pens, erasers, and others.

The student must also prepare a suitable seat for studying, so that it is comfortable for the body, and also take into account providing good lighting for the room to help with vision while reading, as well as good ventilation for the room on an ongoing basis.

The role of is shown in supporting this matter directly, as our website is concerned with organizing and arranging the student’s room in preparation for studying, given that we directly rely in our training courses on teaching through live broadcasting between the teacher and the student, and communication with most students takes place during classes inside their rooms and in their homes.

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Practice concentration exercises:

Most of our students rely on using their minds to study without developing their concentration and memory skills to a great extent, which sometimes leads to the student feeling forgetful and unable to memorize information, which makes some describe them as distracted and unfocused, which originally results from neglecting to train and prepare the mind before receiving information that is to be retained for a long period.

Doctors and specialists believe that a student who wants to memorize study information well and retrieve it when needed without losing it or having it interfere with other information, must begin doing exercises to train the mind to focus and remember, and retrieve information through mental images.

Concentration exercises vary in their forms, giving the student the freedom to move between different styles, the most important of which are:

Educational games:

Although they are classified as games for young children, they contribute greatly to increasing the student’s concentration and developing his memory. They have several forms, such as: the maze game, the puzzle, hiding the picture and then remembering its parts, and finding the differences between two pictures.

Focus and close your eyes:

It is one of the most important exercises that trains the mind to memorize mental images of what the student sees. It is applied by focusing on an image for a period not exceeding two minutes without trembling the eyelids or blinking the eye, then closing the eye so that a mental image of the thing being looked at appears. Then the student opens and closes his eyes, trying to recall the image one time after another.


It is for the student to sit alone in a quiet and comfortable place for the body with his eyes closed, and try to focus on one thing, and completely empty the mind of any idea except what was specified above. Meditation helps to bring about the process of re-conditioning and controlling the mind, as well as subjecting it to the will of the student to remember whatever ideas he wants, and not to be preoccupied with matters that are not related to his goals that he wants to achieve.


It is an exercise that trains the mind to focus on one thing. It is applied by having the student sit with his eyes closed, then take a set of numbers, for example from (1 - 100), then count backwards in his mind, such as: 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, until he reaches the number 1. If he gets used to that, he increases the degree of difficulty by counting backwards while missing a number, such as: 96, 98, 100, and so on.

The difficulty of the exercise can be increased by increasing the space of numbers left between the spoken numbers to three or four, and so on, with the addition of a specific time to finish counting; which stimulates the mind to respond quickly to retrieve and finish the matter successfully in the required time.

Therefore, is interested in diversifying the use of training and exercises in its educational classes, in addition to providing instructions that help students increase their focus and comprehension during the class, which appears more in the foundation and skill development courses for students in different subjects.

From what has been discussed, it becomes clear to us the importance of proper preparation for the third semester, and how the student can do this in a simple and effortless manner, taking into account the time and effort required to achieve the academic goals, as well as knowing the most important exercises that help the student raise his level of concentration and memory, in addition to our determination of study dates in the third semester in the Emirates, and answering the question: When are the third semester exams?, so that the student is fully aware of the time available to him; In order to develop his plan and educational schedule according to the time specified for the third semester by the UAE.

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