Are there any conditions for joining the EMSAT test and what is the policy for joining it?
The UAE Standardized Testing Policies are designed to ensure that all students in the UAE have an equal opportunity. The policies cover all aspects of testing, including test design, administration, scoring and reporting, and provide guidance on how test results can be used to improve teaching and learning.
In this article, we will learn about the policies followed for the standard EMSAT exam and whether there are conditions for joining this exam or not.
What are the Emirates Standardized Test policies and admission requirements?
The EMSAT test is a test for all educational levels within the UAE. There are several controls for this test, which are as follows:
- Free AMSAT test for UAE students when testing for the first time.
- In the event of a retake, the student pays a fee of AED 100 for each subject to take the test again.
- When a non-Emirati student applies for the test, he pays a fee of 300 UAE dirhams.
- The test fee varies depending on the academic level.
- One of the most important entry requirements for the EMSAT test is the necessity of bringing a copy of the test ticket and the Emirates ID or passport in the case of non-Emiratis.
- The test is offered four times a year: in January, April, July and October.
- Registration for EmSAT opens three months before the test date and closes one month before the test date, so you must be on time.
- Schools are allowed to conduct the test at specific hours, and all schools must comply.
Learn about 12 questions and misconceptions about the AMSAT test in the Emirates .
What are the registration policies for the EMSAT test?
When registering for the EMSAT test, there are registration rules as follows:
- The student in the twelfth grade is obligated to communicate with the school to register his Emirates ID.
- The EMSAT test does not replace registration for the NAPO test, so the twelfth grade student must ensure that he registers for both tests.
- Students who are not affiliated with the school from previous batches must register themselves through the main website and pay the fees.
Standardized Test Policies Achievement
Achievement is a university entrance exam taken by twelfth grade students. Admission requirements for universities vary, whether they are governmental, private or international. The most important university admission requirements are:
- Government universities do not accept students who do not pass the AMSAT test.
- Admission requirement to public and private universities is passing a test with a score of no less than 1250 on the EMSAT test.
- Universities that provide scholarships require students to pass the AMSAT tests in English, Arabic and subjects related to the field of study.
What are the policies for the AMSAT exam in case a student is absent from the exam?
Students are allowed to repeat the course, but under the following conditions and controls:
- It allows retake after 30 days from the previous test date and the platform performs self-registration.
- If the absence is excused, an official document must be attached for the reason for the apology or absence for twelfth grade students, then it is examined by a specialized committee. If the committee approves, no fees are paid and no waiting period of 30 days is required.
- In the event of absence from the test without an excuse or document, the student must wait for 30 days and repay the fees.
Explore 8 steps you can take to make a difference on your AMSAT test .
What are the EMSAT test policies on test day?
There are some instructions that students must adhere to before the exam date, including the following:
- Commitment to arrive at the test center at least 15 minutes before the appointment, to allow verification of all registration and identity documents.
- If the specified examination period is exceeded, the student is considered absent and is not allowed to take the examination.
- Subject testing policies vary depending on the subjects. In the Arabic and English language tests, the student is not allowed to return to the questions after the end of the time specified for each section of the exam, but he is allowed to move within the questions of the same section if the specified time has not ended.
- As for the other subjects, they are standardized tests of skills, and they are tests without sections.
- The student can take the test on more than one day and take the test for each subject separately.
Are there any policies for EMSAT test results?
The EMSAT test does not have passing or failing marks, except in the case of joining an institution that requires a minimum acceptance score. There are some policies for the results as follows:
- The test results in science subjects are announced after 5 days.
- Arabic and English language results in Injaz for the second grade after 15 days of the test.
- AMSAT results are available after 10 days from the test date. An email will be sent to inform the user that the results have been announced and to view them.
- The examinee can print the certificate from the test platform.
- EmSAT test certificates are not issued to high school graduates who have taken the Emirates Standardized Test at government universities or colleges as a candidate or for the purpose of passing specific academic levels.
- National Service students’ test scores are delivered to the military authority only, and the student has no right to demand his certificate or scores from the National Tests Administration.
- Candidates' scores are officially delivered by third parties to the nominating party for the test and cannot be delivered directly to the candidate.
There are controls that govern this test, whether they are acceptance controls or rules of commitment on the test date or when taking it and not being able to attend, and controls for the test with its various subjects, including the results.
Skipped all this? Find out how to issue an AMSAT certificate .
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