Raising children is one of the most time-consuming tasks in a person’s life. Knowing and understanding the different personalities of children is one of the most important requirements for proper child rearing. Children’s personalities begin to differentiate and differ at an early age, and their differences appear based on the surrounding environment and the parents’ upbringing. Therefore, parents must know the type of personality of their children and how to deal with it correctly.
The Four Personality Types of Children
Different types of children are classified according to their personalities into four main types as follows:
- Fun-loving child personality.
- Serious child.
- Sensitive child.
- Designer child.
Each personality type has a number of characteristics, some or all of which may apply to your child , but in general all children can be classified by them.
Characteristics of a fun-loving child
A fun-loving child has many characteristics such as:
- Highly active, playful and fun-loving.
- The ability to innovate and create, and he has a broad imagination.
- High curiosity and love of exploration.
- He has high social qualities and has the ability to make many friends.
- A good and articulate speaker, who can manage a conversation effectively.
- He has many ideas that need support from the adults around him.
How do you deal with your child who has this personality?
Children with a fun-loving personality need special support, such as sharing their ideas and implementing them, and also helping them develop their own inquisitive mind that has many ideas.
This personality also needs continuous advice and guidance, as their excessive activity may lead them to rush and make many mistakes. Therefore, the role of parents is to guide them to be patient and think carefully before acting and making decisions.
This character of children should be given a safe range of freedom in actions and behaviors. This increases the space for creativity and imagination in these children and makes them distinguished when they grow up. They should also be given a feeling of love and reassurance within the family, as these characters are sensitive to the opinions of others about them.
Characteristics of a serious child
- The constant attempt to achieve perfection is one of the most important characteristics of serious children’s personalities .
- Highly organized, this goes hand in hand with their desire for perfection.
- They have the ability to follow rational ways of thinking, which overrides their emotional influence.
- They prefer to work alone rather than in a group.
- They get frustrated quickly if they don't find what they put in the effort for.
- They are highly sensitive to criticism and to other people's opinions of them.
How to help your serious child?
Children with this personality type want to be appreciated and respected by adults, so you need to give them a degree of respect and appreciation appropriate to their age.
This type of child also needs to be rational and think about things using logic, so parents should try to convince them of what they are doing and avoid relying on their emotions.
These children also need to receive continuous support . As we mentioned earlier, these children are sensitive to the opinion of adults about them, so they need encouragement and positive, constructive criticism to support them in reaching a good level of self-confidence.
Characteristics of a sensitive child- This type of child is characterized by a shy and quiet nature, so we find them interacting little with the society around them, which makes them seem somewhat boring to children their age.
- Children with a sensitive personality type may suffer from some slowness in action and reaction, so you may find them taking longer than usual to complete their daily tasks.
- Sensitive children are people who love to plan in all aspects of life, and they feel frustrated if those plans fail or are unable to be achieved.
- Sensitive children are good listeners who listen to those around them.
What does a child with a sensitive personality need from his parents?
- Always feeling safe, as he is shy and afraid to mix with others, so he needs to always feel safe and reassured by his parents.
- Always be aware of the plans that the parents make. As we mentioned earlier, a child with a sensitive personality likes to make plans and follow them, and hates getting involved in something he does not understand. Therefore, the parents must explain what they are doing for him and involve him in planning his life’s affairs.
- Continuous encouragement to engage with children of the same age, as this type of child feels the desire to remain alone, so parents must give them the self-confidence to integrate with children and learn how to speak politely and develop their social abilities.
- Providing a safe space for the child. A child of this type usually needs a space of solitude all the time. Of course, parents should encourage him to integrate, but they should also leave him space to be alone for some time. The child should also be helped to achieve a balance between being alone and sharing with others.
- Developing their creative thinking, as these children have a high capacity for creativity and organization that needs to be developed to transform into a productive capacity in the future.
Children of this type are characterized by their ability and high desire to achieve. Some of their characteristics are similar to the characteristics of the fun-loving personality in that both have a high degree of activity and enthusiasm. In general, the characteristics of the determined personality are strong and stubborn personalities with a strong will, possessing the ability to accomplish many tasks at the same time, and have many leadership skills. They also love challenges and adventure. These personalities are also characterized by the fact that they are not affected by the opinions of others about them.
How to deal with a determined child
- Guiding the child to deal with his life problems calmly, as these personalities are more prone to excessive nervous tension than others.
- Avoid being stubborn when dealing with the child and his problems. As we mentioned previously, this type of child is stubborn, and therefore dealing with him with stubbornness in return leads to an exacerbation of the problem of stubbornness in the child.
- Teaching the child how to plan properly to achieve his life goals.
- This type of child needs constant encouragement to boost their confidence in their abilities and their confidence in others around them.
- Teaching the child how to deal with others and how to show them respect.
- Always use the suggestion method instead of the command method. The direct command does not suit this type of personality very well.
Correct knowledge of the child’s personality type is the first key to dealing with him correctly and giving him the appropriate guidance and advice for his personality. Correct knowledge of the child’s personality also contributes to helping to understand the child’s strengths and weaknesses and how to exploit them correctly to develop his abilities and bring him to the best possible level academically and socially.
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