Private French language lessons online for children is interested in providing private French language lessons online for children according to the educational curricula in the Emirates. Private French language lessons online are also supported by a distinctive group of topics that enable you to acquire the skill of speaking French, not only for study, but also for use in your life.
Advantages of private French lessons online | for children
100% online training course
Private online lessons for children in English, individual, not group, through Zoom
Training with specialists
A private Arabic language teacher, experienced and skilled in teaching and tutoring the Arabic language and providing modern educational methods and means that suit the student.
Continuous follow-up
French language placement test to measure students' language level with regular follow-ups.
Flexible study times
Flexible appointments to suit the guardian and the student – morning appointments – evening appointments.
Advanced lessons
French language tests and exercises after completing the lessons.
Educational materials
Providing all the educational materials and explanations necessary to understand the French language