Date Mon, Jul 13, 2020

Ramadan (the ninth month in the Islamic calendar) is a holy month of gratitude and thanksgiving for daily blessings such as food and water. The annual event lasts 29-30 days depending on the lunar cycle. Ramadan can fall during exam periods, when students of all ages need to put their energy into studying, and since fasting can last for 12 or more days, students can become stressed. So, let’s look at the most common tips for effective studying during the holy days of Ramadan and what is the best time to study during Ramadan?

8 Important Tips for Effective Studying in Ramadan

Study at night:

It may take some getting used to, but I find that the best time to study in Ramadan is usually at night when studying is easier, as you can eat less food, and thus your energy level is at its highest and thus your focus is increased while studying in Ramadan.

Set a schedule that works for you:

To find the best time to study during Ramadan, it is also preferable to set a suitable study schedule. For example, if you spend your day at school or university, you will have the opportunity to sleep in the other half of the day, which will enable you to stay up at night to study, where you will be more productive.

Make time for rest and entertainment:

Humans naturally like to recharge their daily energy through activities they love to complete their daily tasks. Therefore, to get the best study time in Ramadan, it is necessary to allocate time for entertainment and doing an activity you love so that you do not feel bored with routine. Feeling boredom negatively affects students' concentration, so you should allocate an hour or two at most daily to break your daily routine. Avoid mental activities, as you need to do a non-mental activity to regain energy. You can watch a TV series or practice some sports that renew blood circulation and help you increase concentration while studying in Ramadan.

Changing study methods:

Changing your study methods can help you find the best time to study in Ramadan. Although you will have more energy throughout the night, you will also feel more tired than usual, so it is worth switching up your study methods to something that stimulates your mind more. If you are used to copying notes, this may make you feel tired, so try something more creative, like sticky notes . Sometimes I find it helpful to have a study partner who you can talk to and discuss those notes with.

Know when to stop:

Ramadan is obviously one of the five pillars of Islam and is considered a very blessed month, but sometimes you have to listen to your body. So, if you fall ill before or during the month, take a break from fasting. You can make it up by fasting again when you are fully healthy. And don’t forget the saying of our beloved Prophet (PBUH): “Allah loves it when His concessions are taken advantage of, just as He hates it when His disobedience is committed.” Narrated by Ahmad.

Reward yourself:

Rewarding yourself for daily achievements is a must, as it motivates and strengthens your determination and will to study properly. This is a factor in generating positive energy that is the fuel to continue studying with focus.

Take things slowly at breakfast:

My final tip would definitely be to start with a light snack like maybe yogurt or some dates, rest a little to allow your body to adjust, then have something bigger after about 30 minutes. You can come back and have another snack around 9pm especially if you plan on studying all night. If you binge eat at breakfast, you’ll likely experience an energy crash a few hours later, or a food coma. No one wants that when you need to be productive!

Reduce contact with crowds:

Social gatherings are one of the problems with studying in Ramadan, as Ramadan is based on beautiful family gatherings, but for students the situation is different. You should stay away from them so that they do not disturb your concentration. Therefore, you should discuss with your family head to stop invitations and gatherings inside the house until the exam period is over, as this will reduce the problems with studying in Ramadan.

Here is a general idea of ​​the nature of studying at each time during the day to determine what is best for you in general.

What is the best time of day to study?

First: Study early in the morning:

Most people believe that morning is the best time to study, as our brains tend to be sharper in the morning after a refreshing night’s sleep and breakfast. The natural light available is also good for your eyes and keeps you alert. This period is great for opening a textbook to learn a new theory, or simply reviewing lecturer notes from the previous day as morning generally gives you better recall. That’s why in Ramadan you can start studying at sunrise after Fajr prayer as your mind is fresh at that time. This time is also one of the best times to study in Ramadan.

Afternoon study:

In the afternoon, students’ brains are good at integrating new information with what they already know. During this time of day, students can make connections and make the information they have learned more effective as a result of exposure to everyday life.

If you stumble upon something while studying in the morning, you can communicate with your peers or teachers to clarify what you did not understand, because this is the time when people are more active, or you can even visit the library for more information.

Study at night:

Studying at Night For some students, they have more energy later in the day. Therefore, the evening or late night is a more effective time for them to read and study.

Studying at this time also helps you improve your focus and creativity as there are fewer distractions because everyone is in bed, so it's a quiet time.

This study is a follow-up study on linking and consolidating information and improving recall. But there is one thing to note, which is to make sure that you still get an average of 8 to 9 hours of sleep a night.

Interestingly, some research has suggested that studying at times when the body is most fatigued can help your brain retain greater focus on new skills, such as speaking a foreign language.

This is called sleep learning. Because during slow-wave sleep, your memory consolidation process is at its best and your brain can get the refreshment and revitalization it needs during your rest period. This means that studying before bed can help your brain learn new things, even while you sleep.

In this article, we talked about the best time to study during Ramadan and the best times to study in general. We wish you all the best.

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