>Pre-school stage : It is the focus of attention of every mother for her child between the ages of 3 and 5 years. There is no doubt, dear mother, that you are always preoccupied with many questions that constantly come to your mind about the pre-school stage. You always ask yourself about
How do I prepare my child and make him acquire many productive and intellectual skills that will help him when he enters school?
How do I properly prepare and establish my child for preschool?
In this article, dear mother, you will learn many answers to the questions that are on your mind and more. Follow us until you learn the details of the pre-school stage. In the beginning, let us learn about...
What is preschool?
Pre-school stage is : the stage in which your child is between 3 and 5 years old. It is also called the nursery stage. This stage is very important for your child due to several points.
The importance of pre-school or nursery stage in a few lines
1- The child acquires education, training, customs and traditions.
2- It develops the child’s awareness of independence.
3- The child develops many skills such as:
Motor skills
Cognitive development
mental image
Language development
We will review these skills in some detail through the article.
4- The child develops the skill of discovery, so he becomes a questioner.
5- Increase positive activity in the child and the child becomes more active.
You can also find outthe top 5 exercises to teach your child to read and write.
Now we will learn about
The importance of pre-school in education and training
The child acquires many of his habits and behaviors in the pre-school stage, and these habits will continue with him throughout his life, so dear mother, be sure to do 3 important things at this stage, which are:
1- Evaluating the child’s behavior or actions through appreciation or guidance.
If the child does something good, you should make the child feel appreciated and thanked for this behavior. Conversely, if he does something unacceptable, do not scold the child, but rather explain to him what caused or resulted from this behavior or action, and that this behavior causes him such and such. He should understand this calmly so that he does not repeat such behavior and so that he becomes aware that this behavior is wrong.
2- Use rewards
The use of rewards contributes to teaching and modifying children’s behavior. Children may engage in a certain behavior, so the mother can monitor the children to teach them the correct behavior and give them a reward if they continue with that behavior until they are gradually trained in the skills they need in their personal and professional lives.
3- Listening is important to children, especially questions.
Dear mother, you must be fully aware that the child’s behavior is part of the child’s personality, so you must listen carefully to what the child wants to do and discuss things with him instead of always assigning them what to do. Using this method increases the child’s self-confidence - and accustoms the child to making the appropriate decision.
Pre-school education is a fundamental key in shaping the child’s personality in the stages of education and life, so it is necessary to use educational strategies that work to instill confidence and develop the various skills of children.
The pre-school stage is as important in the intellectual growth and development of children as education. The pre-school stage is characterized by the stability of a set of skills in the child, which can be summarized as follows:
Motor skills: The child acquires the skills of jumping, riding a tricycle, balancing, and controlling fine movements. The child can perform a series of skills such as drawing, using cutting and pasting, and using clay.
Cognitive development: This refers to linguistic development, where the child can acquire language skills and recognize letters and symbols.
Mental image: The child can conjure up a mental image of something or an object. At this stage, the child is able to retain the mental image and retrieve it when needed.
Imagination skills: Children at this stage can imagine something like playing with their dolls and toys, talking to them, or using a stick as a horse, etc.
Pre-conceptual: At this stage, children name some things with their own names in order to express them in their own concept.
Language development: Here the child acquires the vocabulary of the language to use in social communication with the people around him and is able to receive, understand and express himself and can recognize many letters of the alphabet.
You can see the article The 7 Stages of Development for Preschoolers So you can learn about the details of the stages of development of children in the pre-school stage in detail
To prepare your child for preschool and kindergarten, follow the following tips:
Going to nursery or kindergarten may be easy for some children and difficult for others. The child’s failure to adapt to going to nursery or kindergarten can be a problem for the mother or father. To avoid this, you must follow the following advice.
1- Work on giving the child social confidence
You can achieve this by training the child to participate in games with other children and by being close to him and observing him.
2- Have your child spend some time away from the parents.
You can leave the child with other people who take care of him, such as relatives or friends, for a medium period of time, not too long or too short. An hour might be appropriate, it might be in the morning or afternoon at the same time as the nursery or kindergarten.
3- Training your child to take care of yourself with simple things, such as the following:
Potty training with some tips
Training him to eat and drink juice on his own while continuing to give him some instructions before starting to eat or drink juices.
4- Training the child to get rid of shyness, isolation and aggression
5- The child gets rid of stored energy by exploiting it positively in various activities.
6- Children gain useful information about playing methods and get to know other children.
7- Encouraging and providing the child with the skills of cooperation and participation with other children.
8- Talking a lot about the nursery and describing it as a beautiful place and the child will meet a lot of friends and children
You can learn more about pre-kindergarten preparations by reading:
Be careful with nursery or kindergarten that your child acquires the following skills and be sure to train your child with different learning methods so that the child acquires these skills, which are:
Logical reasoning skills
These are exercises that the child performs by comparing things logically and aim to help your child develop inference skills and principles of arithmetic in the future. Examples of these exercises include arranging shapes from smallest to largest - arranging things by color - size.
Understanding mathematics theoretically
The child acquires counting skills when there is an opportunity to do so in an unorganized manner. It is not necessary to train your child deliberately so that he does not feel that it is an obligation. It is possible to train through play, for example, when climbing stairs, for example - when emptying things from bags... etc.
Spatial perception
The child acquires the skills of learning the right-left directions. This training helps develop visual and mental skills.
verbal or language expression skills
These skills help children communicate effectively with others, such as children of the same age or teachers. Verbal expression skills can be strengthened by training the child to express some of the drawn pictures with a word or explain them according to his understanding.
Learn and recognize geometric shapes such as square - triangle, etc.
Learning life skills such as problem-solving skills - thinking through training on a specific story or tale and how the hero of the story or tale behaves in this problem. This develops children’s thinking skills in solving problems, attention and chapters in knowing the solution.
You can find out why children find it difficult to understand mathematics. What is the solution?
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