Date Tue, Apr 19, 2022


Are you worried about the approaching EmSAT exam and don't know how to deal with it? Usually we are afraid of things we don't know and don't know how to deal with, but now there is no need to worry with our website,, which provides you with EmSAT training courses, which are preparatory courses that qualify you to prepare for the EmSAT exam in its various stages and subjects. They are necessary to take the EmSAT exam, which qualifies you to prepare for university admission tests for twelfth grade students.

Our website,, provides you with the necessary support to help you achieve outstanding performance in all sections of the AMSAT exam. We provide you with AMSAT exam training through individual online training courses during which we work to determine the training needs of each student through level placement tests with a specialized teacher who works with you to implement a training strategy just for you.

Why is attending AMSAT training courses essential?

The importance of taking EMSAT training courses lies within the importance of the EMSAT test, which aims to evaluate twelfth grade students. This is to measure their knowledge and skills acquired during the general education course . This test plays a major role when

Transition to higher education, providing useful information to decision makers at the university enrollment stage.

What are the AMSAT training courses offered by

Who is the target of AMSAT training courses? targets the same students targeted by the AMSAT exam in its AMSAT training courses, namely fourth-grade students, sixth-grade students, eighth-grade students, tenth-grade students, and finally twelfth-grade students for university entrance.

The training courses take into account that the test is divided into first-grade students, followed by fourth-, fifth-, and tenth-grade students in what is known as the sequential AMSAT, and twelfth-grade students in the AMSAT achievement stage.

To join public and private universities.

Types of training courses at AMSAT on the website:

Evening Arabic language training:

It provides training on the Arabic AMSAT exam , which aims to prepare students for the Arabic language skills test for twelfth grade students in the AMSAT achievement stage and AMSAT sequential students, by focusing on three sections:

  • The first section of texts
  • The second section deals with the structure of the Arabic language and its vocabulary.
  • Section Three on Writing

It is worth noting that the AMSAT Arabic Language Exam is an electronic exam conducted via computer, and the exam duration is 120 minutes.

Join now for the Arabic AMSAT training course from the website from here

Evening English language training:

The aim of the English Amsat training is to prepare students in the English language so that students can prepare for the English language proficiency test and prepare twelfth grade students in high school to join universities and colleges in which the education system is in English.

It is worth noting that the EmSAT English test is an electronic test conducted via computer. The test duration is 125 minutes.

The number of questions is 110 questions covering the different sections of the test.

In the EMSAT English language training provided by the website, training is provided on all the following sections of the EMSAT English language exam:

Section One: English Grammar, Vocabulary and Sentence Structure

Section Two: Reading, which includes:

Intermittent reading: which aims to complete the correct blanks and word segments to measure the student’s ability to understand the vocabulary within the paragraph.

Reading and Writing: This is intended to measure students' reading, writing and oral skills.

Section Three: Writing Skills.

Of course, we should not neglect training in English grammar, which includes many very important aspects:

  • We train students on the nature of the AMSAT English grammar test questions, and not only that, but we also provide them with an evaluation of their answers so that they can reach the best answer.
  • Practice questions from the AMSAT English language exam models in the English grammar section and how to solve them, which includes a variety of questions such as complete, multiple choice and rewriting the appropriate words for the sentence.
  • Training on the use of English vocabulary in educational and academic contexts based on the AMSAT English language tests
  • Training on constructing sentences in a correct and proper way, free of grammatical errors, English grammar and rhetoric, based on the questions of the English language test.
  • Practice to know if a sentence is correct or wrong, which helps you choose the correct answer in multiple choice questions in the AMSAT English test from the AMSAT English test questions.
  • Training in writing and constructing paragraphs in English by identifying the basics of writing and paragraphs in English based on the AMSAT English test questions.
  • Training in writing daily conversations based on the questions of the AMSAT exam forms in English. Training is conducted to write paragraphs and short phrases in English, and correction and review are carried out to ensure the integrity of the sentences.
  • Training on guessing missing syllables or words in paragraphs from the English language exam model questions in the AMSAT exam.
  • Training on reading written texts and paragraphs and pronouncing them correctly, and determining during training what the letters are.

Consonants, vowels, and how to pronounce them, in addition to organizing your thoughts while reading.

Join now for the English AMSAT training course from the website from here

Training for the AMSAT Physics exam:

It provides training for the AMSAT Physics exam , which aims to measure the skills of twelfth grade students in the achievement phase and their readiness to study in colleges.

In the training for the AMSAT Physics exam, you will also be trained on the sections of the Physics exam, which consists of 5 sections:

  • Part One: Mechanics
  • Part Two: Waves and Optics
  • Section 1: Algebra section covers 60 to 70%.
  • Section Two: Engineering Section covers 15 to 25%.
  • Section Three: Statistics Section covers 5 to 15%.

Join now for the AMSAT Maths training course from the website from here

What is the advantage of EMSAT training with the website?

Online courses - individual classes - via Zoom .

The ability to choose the times that suit you - morning appointments - evening appointments.

A dedicated teacher provides you with guidance and ongoing assessment throughout the course.

Providing Emsat book helps you study outside the course.

Practice solving questions from previous Emsat test models on different test sections. Provide Emsat assessments that contain a number of training courses - training session is 1 hour long

In this article, we discussed the training courses of AMSAT in AMSAT Arabic, Mathematics Touches, AMSAT English, AMSAT Physics, and what the website offers you in each course.

Join now and start your own course.

Part III: Thermal Physics and Thermodynamics

Part Four: Electricity and Magnetism

Part Five: Modern Physics.

Join now for the AMSAT Physics exam training course from the website from here

AMSAT Maths Exam Training:

The AMSAT Math test is designed to prepare students to take the AMSAT Math test, which measures the readiness of 12th grade students to study mathematics at the college or university level.

The AMSAT Mathematics model consists of 60 questions divided into three sections: Algebra - Geometry - Statistics. The types of questions are as follows:

  • Multiple Choice
  • Choose more than one answer
  • Fill in the blanks
  • Drag the words to the appropriate space.

The time required to complete the AMSAT Mathematics exam is 120 minutes. The time appears on the computer screen, allowing the applicant to know the remaining time.

Who is the target of mathematics evenings?

The AMSAT Mathematics exam is intended to assess the test taker's readiness to study mathematics at the college or university level.

- Assessing the skills of students to join public or private universities in the United Arab Emirates, which enables them to obtain a master’s or doctorate degree.

-       Qualification for new job opportunities in various fields, which guarantees you promotion in your work.

- AMSAT Maths Exam Training:

The AMSAT Math test is designed to prepare studentsto take the AMSAT Math test, which measures the readiness of 12th grade students to study mathematics at the college or university level.

The AMSAT Math exam training covers the components of the Math exam from the following sections:

Section 1: Algebra section covers 60 to 70%.

Section Two: Engineering Section covers 15 to 25%.

Section Three: Statistics Section covers 5 to 15%. Join now for the AMSAT Mathematics training course from the website from here.

Yesterday's Arabic language test models:

The Great Monitor

After the Atacama Desert in northern Chile in Latin America witnessed the construction of a number of huge observatories in the past years, the world will have a date in several years with the greatest observatory to be built in this century to monitor some astronomical phenomena and reveal the treasures of this vast universe.

And its mysterious secrets.

In 2020, the European Southern Observatory will launch the European Great Infrared Telescope, which began work in 2014 and is the largest optical telescope in the world. In fact, it will be - as its designers see it - the telescope of the 22nd century.

Observatories and ground-based telescopes raise new questions about the universe, its celestial bodies, planets, objects, and the various characteristics of its components. Therefore, specialists have thought about creating a new generation of these observational instruments. Among the issues facing astronomers is determining what happened after the so-called Big Bang. In fact, the instruments currently in place to observe distant objects face great difficulties in performing their roles, whether these instruments are fixed to the Earth’s surface or floating in space.

The observatory is located in the Atacama Desert, which has a climate that is suitable for meteorology: a cloudless sky 320 days a year, and extremely dry air, with areas without rain for thirty years. The winds also blow gently without causing disturbances that cause rain to fall.

The first phase of the construction of the observatory usually costs $1.5 billion, and this requires leveling a large volume of rocks, up to 5,000 cubic meters, on top of the hill called Mount (Armazons), which is located 3,060 meters above sea level in the (Fotons) Valley. When the leveling is completed, it will drop 18 meters, and this requires moving no less than 220,000 square meters of rocks. The goal of this process is to form an artificial plateau with an area equivalent to the top of the hill within a year and a half.

Two football pitches, this is the first stage of work before starting to build Al Mirqab.

The telescope consists of a large eye, which serves as the main mirror, with a diameter of 39 meters or slightly more. What distinguishes it is that the surface area of ​​this mirror that receives light will be 10 to 15 times larger than the area of ​​current telescopes.

The objectives of the Great Observatory include collecting information about the formation of the first structures of the universe, other information about the source of chemical elements and black holes, and finding out whether there is life outside planet Earth. Astronomers are not sure today about the existence of a planet like our planet, at a distance equal to the distance separating us from the sun. This means that it does not exist, but rather the reason is the lack of a detection method that allows us to decide on the matter. As for the Great Observatory, this will be possible with it; because of the mirrors that it is composed of, as they will be able to change their shape hundreds of times per second to confront atmospheric disturbances if they occur.

Thus, this telescope is expected to achieve great progress in the study of exoplanets, distant galaxies, black holes, and the analysis of the nature of matter. Scientists hope to discover exoplanets the size of the Earth, and to be able to distinguish more between celestial bodies. There is great hope in studying the environment of stars in formation. An exoplanet is a planet that is outside the solar system, and does not orbit the sun, but orbits another star. The first such planet was discovered in 1995, and in 2005 astronomers knew of 155 planets that had been discovered.

Outside the solar system, but this knowledge has expanded following some discoveries, and has come to include wandering planets, i.e. those that are not bound by the gravity of any star in the universe. Knowledge can also include planets orbiting black holes.

The discovery of exoplanets has been increasing since 2008, most of them orbiting stars about 400 light-years away from the solar system. As of spring 2014, 1,783 exoplanets had been confirmed. There are thousands more in parallel

Other exoplanets, discovered by ground-based and space observatories, such as M

The American Kepler telescope, which was launched in 2009, and NASA announced the end of its mission on October 30, 2018.

Due to fuel shortages, however, most of these discoveries still await confirmation.

The main goal of the giant telescopes remains to study the physics of the first moment, or to see the first galaxies and stars that formed after the Big Bang about a few hundred million years ago. It can be said that what is required of the new telescope is to complete what the Hubble Space Telescope failed to achieve. It is known that Hubble was launched in 1990, and

It has been repeated over the years, and has been repaired many times, and its mission is expected to end around 2020. It will remain in the atmosphere for a long time before being dropped to the ground between 2030 and 2040.

Adapted from:

Abu Bakr Khaled Saad Allah, Al-Arabi Magazine, pp. 145-149, Issue (675),

Rabi' al-Akhir/1436 February 2015

The Great Observatory, according to its designers, will be the 22nd century observatory.

This means that the observatory will be the greatest in its specifications until the end of the twenty-second century.

- It will be the greatest in the volume of its discoveries until the end of the second century.

And twenty.

- It will start operating in the 22nd century.

- His mission will end in the twenty-second century.

The pronoun (ha) in the underlined phrase in the text refers to: (Rather, its cause is

(Lack of detection method) to:

- Astronomers do not collect information about the early structure of the universe, the source of chemical elements, and black holes.

- There is no planet like Earth.

Astronomers are not sure if there is a planet that is as far from the sun as the Earth is.

- There is no life outside Earth.

The goal of the first phase of the project:

The mountain turned into a hill.

-Converting a hill into a plateau.

-Turn the hill into a mountain.

-Converting a plateau into a mountain. 

All of the following are reasons for establishing the Great Observatory except one:

Existing instruments face many difficulties in observing objects.

Far away

-Completing what Hubble couldn't do.

Most of Kepler's discoveries are unconfirmed.

-Existing observatories are unable to detect exoplanets.

Which of the following does not apply to the Grand Observatory:

- The surface area of ​​its mirror is 5 to 10 times larger than that of existing telescopes.

- Mirrors are able to change their shape hundreds of times per second.

- Works with infrared rays.

Its main mirror has a diameter of about 39 metres.

The relationship between the observatory and the observatory as understood from the text?

  • The observatory is terrestrial, and the telescope is space-based.
  • The observatory is space-based, and the telescope is ground-based.
  • Observatory is a ground site containing an observatory.
  • Al-Mirqab is a ground site containing the observatory.  

Language structure and vocabulary

Choose the correct answer that fits the blank in the following sentence:

-       The book is decorated with attractive pictures.

  1. My notebook
  2. notebook
  3. Two notebooks
  4. Two notebooks                                               

One of the following groups has all of its words in the form of an active participle:

  1. Merciful - Narcotic - Nasser - Complete
  2. Shallow - respectful - employed - passionate
  3. Sold - Link - Enjoyed - Consultant
  4. Judge - sitting - tied - decided

Choose the correct answer that fits the blank in the following sentence:

-       He looked at his mother with surprise and disapproval.

  • voice
  • voice
  • voice'
  • voice

Subject: Writing a persuasive text:

Recently, some people have become more inclined to own light helicopters equipped with cameras (drones). This spread has led to different opinions among people about the right to own them and the expansion of their availability. Some believe that this is against the law and violates the privacy of individuals, while others believe that owning them and expanding their availability is a type of personal freedom.

In light of the above, write a text of no less than 400 words, in which you convince the reader of your opinion about the right to own these aircraft, or the wrong to own them, and the negative or positive effects resulting from allowing people to own them, or preventing them from doing so, using evidence, proof, and personal experiences appropriate to the topic, and taking into account all the rules of writing.

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