Date Sun, Sep 26, 2021


We often find at the level of families and households: educational and pedagogical problems that arise from children of different ages from childhood, kindergarten , pre-school to the child development stage , which includes the different educational stages from elementary - middle - high school - families often need educational consultations for children - especially if the family has children with learning difficulties , or may also need school performance consultations for children and adolescents .

Not only at the family level, a person always needs consultations at different stages of his life. Therefore, offers various types of consultations that we will learn about through the article, but let us now learn about:

What is the consulting service provided by

Consulting is the process of taking opinions and practical experience in many aspects about a specific topic that may represent a problem or confusion in your life instability, and making the appropriate decision, and for this reason you may need to consult with specialists who have practical experience.

The consulting service provided by provides you with a number of benefits:

Benefits of consulting:

  1. Introducing families to the best new methods of educational dealing and school performance for children and adolescents.
  2. Making it easy and flexible to handle even the most complex matters for you.
  3. Increase your experience and information by a team of specialized consultants, which helps you expand your horizons – thinking – moving from one level to a higher level.
  4. Providing people at different levels, whether they are family members, students, or employees, with personal experiences that increase their experience, make them see what they did not see before, and change their thinking and behavior towards dealing with a problem or a topic.
  5. Counseling provides relief from the suffering of overthinking, wrong opinions and self-blame for failing to do so.
  6. Consultations help in avoiding thinking and wrong decisions that the individual makes, as they make him benefit from the experiences that he must go through, and the frustrating results that previous people may have gone through.
  7. Consultations help to improve the psychological aspect of a person, as they help him feel his importance and that his opinion is closer to being correct, as the specialized consultant, through his scientific and practical experience, is able to see what you do not see by presenting ideas and a variety of new suggestions. 

Types of consultations provided by

Educational consultations for children and adolescents:

Where educational consultations for children and adolescents support the correct educational methods and foundations for families from specialized consultants and educational experts, which helps them solve the problems of raising children, and the correct educational advice has an impact as it provides families.

  • How to support and assist children in learning, which helps children increase their experiences.
  • Acquiring basic skills for raising children, especially in early childhood and adolescence.
  • Providing educational solutions for children and adolescents, which raises family awareness during the upbringing journey.
  • Transfer of correct practices and experiences to the family by consultants.
  • Identifying wrong educational methods and how to avoid them.
  • How to correct the family's relationship with its children, and correct their path from childhood to adolescence to university age, step by step.
  • How to deal with the psychological state of children and adolescents in the stages of education.
  • Learn about child-rearing methods, their problems and behavior modification.

Learning Difficulties Consultations:

Learning difficulties in children often represent a problem for families and households, and may cause them fatigue and constant thinking. There is no doubt that every family wants their children to have a good educational and academic level so that they have a distinguished future.

Often the family does not know what to do, and how to deal with a son or daughter who suffers from learning difficulties. Therefore, the learning difficulties consultations provided by offer:

  • Providing awareness among families about the problem of learning difficulties in children.
  • Increasing family awareness of how to support children who suffer from learning difficulties until they reach the best level they can reach.
  • How to notice children with learning difficulties in terms of missing skills, and try to work on developing them.
  • How can families continuously follow up on children with learning difficulties?

School Performance Consulting:

School performance counseling helps families with the following points.

  • Learn about methods for developing and improving school performance by supporting children with online training courses.
  • Identifying methods of integration between family and school, which achieves integration.
  • Identify the problems of poor school performance in children and adolescents and how to solve them.
  • How to help children study, complete homework, and create a suitable learning environment for them.
  • Learn new ways to encourage children to study.

Educational consulting or academic consulting:

Students only need, during their transition from the different stages of education, especially the secondary education stage to the transition to university education, students may find themselves confused between choosing university admission tests, TOEFL Exam - IELTS Exam - SAT Exam - ACT Exam - GMAT Exam and other university admission exams. These students often need academic accreditation consultations for educational institutions for proper guidance and where academic consultations are available.

These consultations target high school students at the beginning of their academic careers, as they wish to choose their academic specializations and how to choose entities with academic accreditation for educational institutions.

Professional and career counseling:

Which people may need at the beginning of their practical experience to improve the level of work and develop themselves in many directions such as languages ​​or learning English for work - English conversation - English for beginners

The professional and career counselling provided by helps to:

  • Providing guidance and counseling to new graduates from the beginning of the recruitment phase until they embark on their career path.
  • Guidance and advice on how to get a suitable job according to academic qualifications and experience.
  • How to write, review, improve, and develop a more professional resume.
  • How to develop professionally, and get a better job according to personal inclinations, and available opportunities.

Consulting services light the way for you, as they help you make the right decision at the stage you are going through - the educational and teaching consulting service provided by provides you with...

  • Individual consultations aim to listen to you well and participate in decision-making.
  • Online consultations via Zoom to suit your appointments - flexibility in setting morning or evening appointments.
  • Maintaining confidentiality of information.
  • Understand the situation comprehensively and help find solutions.
  • Complete neutrality and complete professionalism in dealing with your consultation.
  • Case study and evaluation to help you make decisions.
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