Date Mon, Feb 19, 2024


The process of analyzing models and systematic evaluation helps identify students' strengths and weaknesses, as detailed explanations and explanations are provided about each question in the model, which helps students better understand the concepts and improve their performance in upcoming exams. Through this process, students' skills in analysis, critical thinking and making the right decisions are developed based on correct knowledge and understanding. In this article, we will talk about the Arabic language AMSAT model and we will know together what are the question patterns within this model and their analysis for the student and the teacher.

Arabic language AMSAT test model

The Emirates Standardized Test of Arabic Language (ESAT) is a standardized electronic test that aims to measure students’ reading comprehension and writing skills in Arabic upon completion of general education and before enrolling in higher education institutions . This test was built based on the national standards for teaching and evaluating the Arabic language in the country.  

After registering for the AMSAT, students search for the AMSAT dates , so that they can successfully take the test, as this test is conducted in one test session, the total time of which is 120 minutes, distributed over three main sections of the test, which are:

  • Section One: Reading texts, the test duration is 35 minutes, and includes: reading long texts, whether informative, narrative, or non-linear (infographic, biography, weather report, etc.), as well as a group of short texts that deal with cultural, scientific, social, economic topics, etc. After reading these texts, the student answers a group of multiple-choice questions.
  • Section Two: The second section in the Arabic Language Emsat model is the language structure and vocabulary. The test lasts 35 minutes and includes a set of multiple-choice questions. These questions measure students’ skills in grammar, morphology, and spelling, as well as their knowledge of commonly used vocabulary according to their age group.
  • Section Three: The last section that must be well known when solving the Arabic AMSAT model is writing. The duration of the test is 50 minutes. This section includes one writing task for a persuasive text on a topic that includes two different points of view, using the keyboard on the computer. This section constitutes 30% of the total score for the test.

Student Evaluation Guidelines for the EMSAT Test

  • Reading skills for students
  • Reading paragraphs are one of the most important sections of the Arabic language AMSAT model, as it requires a deep understanding of texts and the ability to analyze the meanings hidden in them. By interpreting unknown words and searching for connotations and structures in the text, students can understand the main idea, sub-ideas and essential meanings that the text carries.

    The strategy for solving reading questions depends on reading the text carefully and identifying the main ideas and supporting details. Students should also pay attention to key words and links between phrases and sentences. It is also preferable to use lists and charts to organize ideas and information. By applying these strategies, and practicing them after recording the AMSAT, students can analyze and understand texts better and answer questions accurately and confidently.

  • Writing Skills for Students
  • In the written text section of the Arabic language exams, understanding the topic and main ideas is essential to success in obtaining high marks. By analyzing paragraphs and extracting the general meaning of the text and the sub-ideas it contains, students can express the required information correctly and in an organized manner.

    It is essential to follow good strategies for writing and organizing content in a coherent and logical manner. Students should identify the main idea and sub-ideas and organize them based on their sequence and relationship to each other. It is also useful to use tables, lists, and graphs to organize and visualize information more clearly. By applying these strategies, students can achieve a well-organized and well-written expression that is appropriate for the written section of the Arabic language exams.

    The teacher must also have many skills and evidence so that he can help students solve the Arabic language exam model and Arabic exam training and achieve the desired success. The teacher must do the following:

    • By helping students analyze reading questions, they analyze the questions and understand what knowledge and skills each question requires. For example, they may be asked to identify the correct meaning of a particular word, identify the main theme of the text, or think analytically about the information provided. By understanding the requirements of the questions and developing the required skills, students can answer the questions correctly and accurately. In addition, students are trained to use appropriate reading strategies to analyze and understand texts well. By correctly distinguishing and analyzing these questions, students can answer them successfully and achieve high scores in the reading section of Arabic language exams.
    • Analyzing writing questions by understanding the requirements of the questions and the different types that may include writing questions to express a point of view, writing an analytical essay, or answering a question in the form of an essay. Each type of question requires special skills such as critical thinking, organization, expressing clearly, and finding creative ideas. Teaching students ways to organize ideas logically and arrange them in a way that makes it easier for the reader to understand the information. And training in using evidence and examples to illustrate and support the points made. In addition, teachers pay special attention to grammar, morphology, and spelling to ensure correct writing.

    Arabic AMSAT Model Solution

    As we mentioned, the test includes questions for three sections: reading, writing, vocabulary structure, and language. It consists of approximately 90 multiple-choice questions with only one essay question. Below are some examples of these questions so that you can solve the AMSAT Arabic training correctly after knowing the question pattern:

    • Complete the series of synonyms with a word. Suitable from the words in the following options: takes, cuts _____, retreats, ascends, throws, passes.
    • Complete the blank with the appropriate punctuation mark in the following sentence: My friend did not fulfill his promise.
    • Choose the correct sentence: (Be good to your parents, be good to your parents, be good to your parents).
    • Which of the following phrases refers to the name of a machine? (His car's speed reached eighty miles per hour - The aircraft carrier leaves the ocean, carrying fifty aircraft).
    • The group that agrees in its morphological balance: (Mona, Huda, Radya - Features, Malahim, Mallah - Qala, Sala, A’al).
    • The phrase that does not contain an exaggerated form is:
      • Be careful, and don't be in a hurry.
      • Don't be a traitor to honesty.
      • Learn; it is a shame to remain ignorant.
    • One of the following groups has all of its words in the form of an active participle: Dhamir - Muhtarram - Mustaddam - Shaghouf.
    • Choose the correct answer which is: Match the blank in the following sentence: The __________ of the book is decorated with attractive pictures. (two covers, two covers, two covers)
    • Choose the correct answer which is: Fill in the blank in the following sentence: It seemed __________ His mother looked at him in surprise and disapproval. (Voice, voice, voice).

    An example of a writing question in the Arabic language evening model is as follows: Writing a persuasive text

    Vocational education is no longer limited to one society or another. In light of the industrial revolution, most countries have moved towards adopting vocational education, which aims to develop individuals’ professional , technical and behavioral skills in order to increase their efficiency and effectiveness, and help them serve their societies through the skills they possess.

    In light of the above, write a text of no less than 400 words in which you convince the reader of the importance of educational institutions focusing on teaching students skills rather than just imparting knowledge. Developing skills will enhance their knowledge, using evidence, proofs, and personal experiences appropriate to the topic, and observing the rules of correct writing.

    Training on solving the Arabic language AMSAT model and knowing the strategies for dealing with this test, the leading platform conducts training courses . This training course aims to train Arabic AMSAT , provide students with new vocabulary and improve their Arabic language skills. Through a simplified explanation of the rules of Arabic grammar and morphology, it also enhances the understanding of reading texts and improves writing skills by understanding spelling rules. In addition, students are taught how to analyze topics into ideas and develop their reading skills. Students learn how to interact with exam questions and how to choose the correct answers based on a correct understanding of the topics presented, all at the hands of a group of highly qualified and experienced teachers. The platform also provides an update on the Arabic language AMSAT registration dates and AMSAT dates for different subjects.

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