التاريخ Wed, Dec 22, 2021

The best ways to emsat chemistry practice

Studying chemistry differs from one student to another. There are some students who see the subject as easy and know the keys to chemistry that will lead them to excel and pass the emsat Chemistry exam, and there are other students who see chemistry as one of the difficult subjects, and they are confused and do not know what are the best ways to study Chemistry? To excel in emsat chemistry test.

Emsat Chemistry is one of the EMSAT electronic tests in the UAE. It aims to measure the student's skills in chemistry with the aim of qualifying to enter colleges where study requires chemistry at the bachelor's level as well as at the master's level.

In this article, we will learn together about a wide range of points that interest you so that chemistry emsat practice is not difficult.

The best way to study chemistry:

  1. Do not accumulate information, do not delay studying:

    Where you should not ignore difficult materials, it is better to study its lessons first and write a summary or notes for the lesson so that if there are any notes that you did not understand, you can check with your teacher again about them.

    2. Linking different topics:

    Try to study in a sequential sequence. If there are basics that you must know in chemistry lessons before starting in the case of problems, you must first start with them, divide them and understand the purpose of using equations or laws well so that you have experience in determining when to use them and how in addition if there is Chapters that include more than one lesson, try to link them, such as the lessons of organic chemistry.


    Focus as much as possible during the teacher's explanation; In order to be able to understand and not memorize by understanding, many things will be easier for you, especially in practical subjects, which include practical parts such as chemistry.

    4- Solve a lot of exercises and questions:

    The best way to overcome any material that you feel is difficult is to solve a lot of exercises and questions so that you can understand better and you can devise your own solutions as follows:

    • Writing the laws and equations that will be used at the beginning, with the need to understand the symbols that make up the laws.
    • Preparing a scheme of equations so that it includes all the scheme of equations contained in each chapter or chapter of the chemistry book in order to avoid the problem of mixing things together.
    • Writing equations helps you to understand and install the information about them.
    • Using the Internet to understand the practical parts of the material, such as watching some practical experiences available on YouTube.
    • Use the mental maps method to study, as it is a very important method in the different study methods.

    5- You have to learn the basics of chemistry:

    There are some students who consider the introduction to chemistry as just an introduction, but you must know that chemistry is a related subject. Pay attention to the introductions; Because it will help you in preparing the other difficult parts, so you should pay attention to understanding the vehicles and dividing them into groups of vehicles according to the structure, according to the field of use; With the identification of each compound, you gain more recognition skills.

    How to prepare a study schedule for chemistry?

    What are the most important items you should keep in mind while reviewing your chemistry classroom?

    1- Determine the elements and equations for each lesson within each unit or chapter of chemistry.

    2- Make a table of plans with the name of the equations table. Try to put the following in it:

    • Equation - write the equation.
    • The purpose of its use - in conclusions
    • Put some notes to remember the components of the equation.

    3- Write the terms for the unit or chapter and write a simple explanation for it.

    4- Solve a lot of problems using equations in a sequential and systematic manner.

    5-Write the test questions and state their uses.

    6- Make sure to divide the time between studying and resting when completing each of the tasks required in your schedule.

    7- If there are drawings that need you to save; You should practice on it at the end of the day.

    8-Try to apply these 7 rules to each section of chemistry so that you will have a summary that enables you to quickly review.

    You can participate in the preparatory course for emsat chemistry through the following link:

    An individual online preparatory course via Zoom that enables you to determine your academic level, knows your strengths and weaknesses.

    Finally, if you want to excel in a subject:

    Stop repeating the phrase I hate this stuff,Until you enable your mind to assimilate the study material, the mind always remembers the important materials easily, but when it imprints in your mind that chemistry is a difficult subject and you will not understand it, your mind will deal with itin this way.

    Identify the problem and deal with it intelligently.

    Get a sheet of paper and think about the causes of the problem, write them down, and then think of a solution.

    And remember that everything has a benefit.

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